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* Primitive Async/Wait implementation.
* To create an Async promise, create an AsyncBuilder. Ask for its channel receiver/sender with
* `tx` and `rx` methods to pass them in your worker's closure. Build an `Async<T>` with your
* `JoinHandle<T>`. The thread must communicate with the `Async<T>` object via `AsyncStatus`
* messages.
* When `Async<T>` receives `AsyncStatus::Finished` it joins the thread and takes its value which
* can be extracted with `extract`.
use chan;
use std::thread;
/// Messages to pass between `Async<T>` owner and its worker thread.
pub enum AsyncStatus {
///The number may hold whatever meaning the user chooses.
/// A builder object for `Async<T>`
pub struct AsyncBuilder {
tx: chan::Sender<AsyncStatus>,
rx: chan::Receiver<AsyncStatus>,
pub struct Async<T> {
value: Option<T>,
worker: Option<thread::JoinHandle<T>>,
tx: chan::Sender<AsyncStatus>,
rx: chan::Receiver<AsyncStatus>,
impl AsyncBuilder {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let (sender, receiver) = chan::sync(::std::mem::size_of::<AsyncStatus>());
AsyncBuilder {
tx: sender,
rx: receiver,
/// Returns the sender object of the promise's channel.
pub fn tx(&mut self) -> chan::Sender<AsyncStatus> {
/// Returns the receiver object of the promise's channel.
pub fn rx(&mut self) -> chan::Receiver<AsyncStatus> {
/// Returns an `Async<T>` object that contains a `Thread` join handle that returns a `T`
pub fn build<T: Clone>(self, worker: thread::JoinHandle<T>) -> Async<T> {
Async {
worker: Some(worker),
value: None,
tx: self.tx,
rx: self.rx,
impl<T> Async<T> {
/// Consumes `self` and returns the computed value. Will panic if computation hasn't finished.
pub fn extract(self) -> T {
/// Polls worker thread and returns result.
pub fn poll(&mut self) -> Result<AsyncStatus, ()> {
if self.value.is_some() {
return Ok(AsyncStatus::Finished);
let rx = &self.rx;
chan_select! {
default => {
return Ok(AsyncStatus::NoUpdate);
rx.recv() -> r => {
match r {
Some(AsyncStatus::Finished) => {
Some(a) => {
return Ok(a);
_ => {
return Err(());
let v = self.worker.take().unwrap().join().unwrap();
self.value = Some(v);
return Ok(AsyncStatus::Finished);