Fix typos found with `typos` tool

Signed-off-by: Manos Pitsidianakis <>
Manos Pitsidianakis 2024-01-03 11:08:55 +02:00
parent 148f0433d9
commit 7861fb0402
Signed by: Manos Pitsidianakis
GPG Key ID: 7729C7707F7E09D0
21 changed files with 43 additions and 43 deletions

View File

@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
- melib/nntp: implement refresh
- melib/nntp: update total/new counters on new articles
- melib/nntp: implement NNTP posting
- configs: throw error on extra unusued conf flags in some imap/nntp
- configs: throw error on extra unused conf flags in some imap/nntp
- configs: throw error on missing `composing` section with explanation
### Fixed

debian/changelog vendored
View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ meli (0.7.1-1) bullseye; urgency=low
- melib/nntp: implement refresh
- melib/nntp: update total/new counters on new articles
- melib/nntp: implement NNTP posting
- configs: throw error on extra unusued conf flags in some imap/nntp
- configs: throw error on extra unused conf flags in some imap/nntp
- configs: throw error on missing `composing` section with explanation

View File

@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ to
will relay your queries to the IMAP server.
Expect a delay between query and response.
Sqlite3 on the contrary at reasonable mailbox sizes should have a non noticable delay.
Sqlite3 on the contrary at reasonable mailbox sizes should have a non noticeable delay.
.Bl -bullet

View File

@ -63,12 +63,12 @@ pub struct ComposingSettings {
/// Default: empty
#[serde(default, alias = "default-header-values")]
pub default_header_values: HashMap<HeaderName, String>,
/// Wrap header preample when editing a draft in an editor. This allows you
/// Wrap header preamble when editing a draft in an editor. This allows you
/// to write non-plain text email without the preamble creating syntax
/// errors. They are stripped when you return from the editor. The
/// values should be a two element array of strings, a prefix and suffix.
/// Default: None
#[serde(default, alias = "wrap-header-preample")]
#[serde(default, alias = "wrap-header-preamble")]
pub wrap_header_preamble: Option<(String, String)>,
/// Store sent mail after successful submission. This setting is meant to be
/// disabled for non-standard behaviour in gmail, which auto-saves sent

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ use melib::HeaderName;
# [derive (Debug , Serialize , Deserialize , Clone)] # [serde (deny_unknown_fields)] pub struct ShortcutsOverride { # [serde (default)] pub general : Option < GeneralShortcuts > , # [serde (default)] pub listing : Option < ListingShortcuts > , # [serde (default)] pub composing : Option < ComposingShortcuts > , # [serde (alias = "contact-list")] # [serde (default)] pub contact_list : Option < ContactListShortcuts > , # [serde (alias = "envelope-view")] # [serde (default)] pub envelope_view : Option < EnvelopeViewShortcuts > , # [serde (alias = "thread-view")] # [serde (default)] pub thread_view : Option < ThreadViewShortcuts > , # [serde (default)] pub pager : Option < PagerShortcuts > } impl Default for ShortcutsOverride { fn default () -> Self { Self { general : None , listing : None , composing : None , contact_list : None , envelope_view : None , thread_view : None , pager : None } } }
# [derive (Debug , Serialize , Deserialize , Clone)] # [serde (deny_unknown_fields)] pub struct ComposingSettingsOverride { # [doc = " A command to pipe new emails to"] # [doc = " Required"] # [serde (default)] pub send_mail : Option < SendMail > , # [doc = " Command to launch editor. Can have arguments. Draft filename is given as"] # [doc = " the last argument. If it's missing, the environment variable $EDITOR is"] # [doc = " looked up."] # [serde (alias = "editor-command" , alias = "editor-cmd" , alias = "editor_cmd")] # [serde (default)] pub editor_command : Option < Option < String > > , # [doc = " Embedded editor (for terminal interfaces) instead of forking and"] # [doc = " waiting."] # [serde (alias = "embed")] # [serde (default)] pub embedded_pty : Option < bool > , # [doc = " Set \"format=flowed\" in plain text attachments."] # [doc = " Default: true"] # [serde (alias = "format-flowed")] # [serde (default)] pub format_flowed : Option < bool > , # [doc = " Set User-Agent"] # [doc = " Default: empty"] # [serde (alias = "insert_user_agent")] # [serde (default)] pub insert_user_agent : Option < bool > , # [doc = " Set default header values for new drafts"] # [doc = " Default: empty"] # [serde (alias = "default-header-values")] # [serde (default)] pub default_header_values : Option < HashMap < HeaderName , String > > , # [doc = " Wrap header preample when editing a draft in an editor. This allows you"] # [doc = " to write non-plain text email without the preamble creating syntax"] # [doc = " errors. They are stripped when you return from the editor. The"] # [doc = " values should be a two element array of strings, a prefix and suffix."] # [doc = " Default: None"] # [serde (alias = "wrap-header-preample")] # [serde (default)] pub wrap_header_preamble : Option < Option < (String , String) > > , # [doc = " Store sent mail after successful submission. This setting is meant to be"] # [doc = " disabled for non-standard behaviour in gmail, which auto-saves sent"] # [doc = " mail on its own. Default: true"] # [serde (default)] pub store_sent_mail : Option < bool > , # [doc = " The attribution line appears above the quoted reply text."] # [doc = " The format specifiers for the replied address are:"] # [doc = " - `%+f` — the sender's name and email address."] # [doc = " - `%+n` — the sender's name (or email address, if no name is included)."] # [doc = " - `%+a` — the sender's email address."] # [doc = " The format string is passed to strftime(3) with the replied envelope's"] # [doc = " date. Default: \"On %a, %0e %b %Y %H:%M, %+f wrote:%n\""] # [serde (default)] pub attribution_format_string : Option < Option < String > > , # [doc = " Whether the strftime call for the attribution string uses the POSIX"] # [doc = " locale instead of the user's active locale"] # [doc = " Default: true"] # [serde (default)] pub attribution_use_posix_locale : Option < bool > , # [doc = " Forward emails as attachment? (Alternative is inline)"] # [doc = " Default: ask"] # [serde (alias = "forward-as-attachment")] # [serde (default)] pub forward_as_attachment : Option < ToggleFlag > , # [doc = " Alternative lists of reply prefixes (etc. [\"Re:\", \"RE:\", ...]) to strip"] # [doc = " Default: `[\"Re:\", \"RE:\", \"Fwd:\", \"Fw:\", \"回复:\", \"回覆:\", \"SV:\", \"Sv:\","] # [doc = " \"VS:\", \"Antw:\", \"Doorst:\", \"VS:\", \"VL:\", \"REF:\", \"TR:\", \"TR:\", \"AW:\","] # [doc = " \"WG:\", \"ΑΠ:\", \"Απ:\", \"απ:\", \"ΠΡΘ:\", \"Πρθ:\", \"πρθ:\", \"ΣΧΕΤ:\", \"Σχετ:\","] # [doc = " \"σχετ:\", \"ΠΡΘ:\", \"Πρθ:\", \"πρθ:\", \"Vá:\", \"Továbbítás:\", \"R:\", \"I:\","] # [doc = " \"RIF:\", \"FS:\", \"BLS:\", \"TRS:\", \"VS:\", \"VB:\", \"RV:\", \"RES:\", \"Res\","] # [doc = " \"ENC:\", \"Odp:\", \"PD:\", \"YNT:\", \"İLT:\", \"ATB:\", \"YML:\"]`"] # [serde (alias = "reply-prefix-list-to-strip")] # [serde (default)] pub reply_prefix_list_to_strip : Option < Option < Vec < String > > > , # [doc = " The prefix to use in reply subjects. The de facto prefix is \"Re:\"."] # [serde (alias = "reply-prefix")] # [serde (default)] pub reply_prefix : Option < String > , # [doc = " Custom `compose-hooks`."] # [serde (alias = "custom-compose-hooks")] # [serde (default)] pub custom_compose_hooks : Option < Vec < ComposeHook > > , # [doc = " Disabled `compose-hooks`."] # [serde (alias = "disabled-compose-hooks")] # [serde (default)] pub disabled_compose_hooks : Option < Vec < String > > } impl Default for ComposingSettingsOverride { fn default () -> Self { Self { send_mail : None , editor_command : None , embedded_pty : None , format_flowed : None , insert_user_agent : None , default_header_values : None , wrap_header_preamble : None , store_sent_mail : None , attribution_format_string : None , attribution_use_posix_locale : None , forward_as_attachment : None , reply_prefix_list_to_strip : None , reply_prefix : None , custom_compose_hooks : None , disabled_compose_hooks : None } } }
# [derive (Debug , Serialize , Deserialize , Clone)] # [serde (deny_unknown_fields)] pub struct ComposingSettingsOverride { # [doc = " A command to pipe new emails to"] # [doc = " Required"] # [serde (default)] pub send_mail : Option < SendMail > , # [doc = " Command to launch editor. Can have arguments. Draft filename is given as"] # [doc = " the last argument. If it's missing, the environment variable $EDITOR is"] # [doc = " looked up."] # [serde (alias = "editor-command" , alias = "editor-cmd" , alias = "editor_cmd")] # [serde (default)] pub editor_command : Option < Option < String > > , # [doc = " Embedded editor (for terminal interfaces) instead of forking and"] # [doc = " waiting."] # [serde (alias = "embed")] # [serde (default)] pub embedded_pty : Option < bool > , # [doc = " Set \"format=flowed\" in plain text attachments."] # [doc = " Default: true"] # [serde (alias = "format-flowed")] # [serde (default)] pub format_flowed : Option < bool > , # [doc = " Set User-Agent"] # [doc = " Default: empty"] # [serde (alias = "insert_user_agent")] # [serde (default)] pub insert_user_agent : Option < bool > , # [doc = " Set default header values for new drafts"] # [doc = " Default: empty"] # [serde (alias = "default-header-values")] # [serde (default)] pub default_header_values : Option < HashMap < HeaderName , String > > , # [doc = " Wrap header preamble when editing a draft in an editor. This allows you"] # [doc = " to write non-plain text email without the preamble creating syntax"] # [doc = " errors. They are stripped when you return from the editor. The"] # [doc = " values should be a two element array of strings, a prefix and suffix."] # [doc = " Default: None"] # [serde (alias = "wrap-header-preamble")] # [serde (default)] pub wrap_header_preamble : Option < Option < (String , String) > > , # [doc = " Store sent mail after successful submission. This setting is meant to be"] # [doc = " disabled for non-standard behaviour in gmail, which auto-saves sent"] # [doc = " mail on its own. Default: true"] # [serde (default)] pub store_sent_mail : Option < bool > , # [doc = " The attribution line appears above the quoted reply text."] # [doc = " The format specifiers for the replied address are:"] # [doc = " - `%+f` — the sender's name and email address."] # [doc = " - `%+n` — the sender's name (or email address, if no name is included)."] # [doc = " - `%+a` — the sender's email address."] # [doc = " The format string is passed to strftime(3) with the replied envelope's"] # [doc = " date. Default: \"On %a, %0e %b %Y %H:%M, %+f wrote:%n\""] # [serde (default)] pub attribution_format_string : Option < Option < String > > , # [doc = " Whether the strftime call for the attribution string uses the POSIX"] # [doc = " locale instead of the user's active locale"] # [doc = " Default: true"] # [serde (default)] pub attribution_use_posix_locale : Option < bool > , # [doc = " Forward emails as attachment? (Alternative is inline)"] # [doc = " Default: ask"] # [serde (alias = "forward-as-attachment")] # [serde (default)] pub forward_as_attachment : Option < ToggleFlag > , # [doc = " Alternative lists of reply prefixes (etc. [\"Re:\", \"RE:\", ...]) to strip"] # [doc = " Default: `[\"Re:\", \"RE:\", \"Fwd:\", \"Fw:\", \"回复:\", \"回覆:\", \"SV:\", \"Sv:\","] # [doc = " \"VS:\", \"Antw:\", \"Doorst:\", \"VS:\", \"VL:\", \"REF:\", \"TR:\", \"TR:\", \"AW:\","] # [doc = " \"WG:\", \"ΑΠ:\", \"Απ:\", \"απ:\", \"ΠΡΘ:\", \"Πρθ:\", \"πρθ:\", \"ΣΧΕΤ:\", \"Σχετ:\","] # [doc = " \"σχετ:\", \"ΠΡΘ:\", \"Πρθ:\", \"πρθ:\", \"Vá:\", \"Továbbítás:\", \"R:\", \"I:\","] # [doc = " \"RIF:\", \"FS:\", \"BLS:\", \"TRS:\", \"VS:\", \"VB:\", \"RV:\", \"RES:\", \"Res\","] # [doc = " \"ENC:\", \"Odp:\", \"PD:\", \"YNT:\", \"İLT:\", \"ATB:\", \"YML:\"]`"] # [serde (alias = "reply-prefix-list-to-strip")] # [serde (default)] pub reply_prefix_list_to_strip : Option < Option < Vec < String > > > , # [doc = " The prefix to use in reply subjects. The de facto prefix is \"Re:\"."] # [serde (alias = "reply-prefix")] # [serde (default)] pub reply_prefix : Option < String > , # [doc = " Custom `compose-hooks`."] # [serde (alias = "custom-compose-hooks")] # [serde (default)] pub custom_compose_hooks : Option < Vec < ComposeHook > > , # [doc = " Disabled `compose-hooks`."] # [serde (alias = "disabled-compose-hooks")] # [serde (default)] pub disabled_compose_hooks : Option < Vec < String > > } impl Default for ComposingSettingsOverride { fn default () -> Self { Self { send_mail : None , editor_command : None , embedded_pty : None , format_flowed : None , insert_user_agent : None , default_header_values : None , wrap_header_preamble : None , store_sent_mail : None , attribution_format_string : None , attribution_use_posix_locale : None , forward_as_attachment : None , reply_prefix_list_to_strip : None , reply_prefix : None , custom_compose_hooks : None , disabled_compose_hooks : None } } }
# [derive (Debug , Serialize , Deserialize , Clone)] # [serde (deny_unknown_fields)] pub struct TagsSettingsOverride { # [serde (deserialize_with = "tag_color_de")] # [serde (default)] pub colors : Option < HashMap < TagHash , Color > > , # [serde (deserialize_with = "tag_set_de" , alias = "ignore-tags")] # [serde (default)] pub ignore_tags : Option < HashSet < TagHash > > } impl Default for TagsSettingsOverride { fn default () -> Self { Self { colors : None , ignore_tags : None } } }

View File

@ -1033,7 +1033,7 @@ impl Themes {
ThemeValue::Alias(ref ident) => {
if !theme.color_aliases.contains_key(ident.as_ref()) {
Some((Some(key), "alias", "nonexistant color alias", ident))
Some((Some(key), "alias", "nonexistent color alias", ident))
} else {
@ -1050,7 +1050,7 @@ impl Themes {
ThemeValue::Alias(ref ident) => {
if !theme.attr_aliases.contains_key(ident.as_ref()) {
Some((Some(key), "alias", "nonexistant color alias", ident))
Some((Some(key), "alias", "nonexistent color alias", ident))
} else {
@ -1066,7 +1066,7 @@ impl Themes {
} else if let ThemeValue::Alias(ref ident) = a.fg {
if !theme.color_aliases.contains_key(ident.as_ref()) {
Some((Some(key), "fg alias", "nonexistant color alias", ident))
Some((Some(key), "fg alias", "nonexistent color alias", ident))
} else {
@ -1083,7 +1083,7 @@ impl Themes {
} else if let ThemeValue::Alias(ref ident) = {
if !theme.color_aliases.contains_key(ident.as_ref()) {
Some((Some(key), "bg alias", "nonexistant color alias", ident))
Some((Some(key), "bg alias", "nonexistent color alias", ident))
} else {
@ -1103,7 +1103,7 @@ impl Themes {
"attrs alias",
"nonexistant text attribute alias",
"nonexistent text attribute alias",
} else {
@ -1141,7 +1141,7 @@ impl Themes {
"fg alias",
"nonexistant color alias in `text_format_regexps`",
"nonexistent color alias in `text_format_regexps`",
@ -1162,7 +1162,7 @@ impl Themes {
"bg alias",
"nonexistant color alias in `text_format_regexps`",
"nonexistent color alias in `text_format_regexps`",
@ -1183,7 +1183,7 @@ impl Themes {
"attrs alias",
"nonexistant text attribute alias in `text_format_regexps`",
"nonexistent text attribute alias in `text_format_regexps`",
@ -2146,7 +2146,7 @@ color_aliases= { "Jebediah" = "#b4da55" }
Color::Rgb(180, 218, 85)
/* MUST FAIL: Mispell color alias $Jebediah as $Jebedia */
/* MUST FAIL: Misspell color alias $Jebediah as $Jebedia */
const TEST_INVALID_ALIAS_STR: &str = r##"[dark]
color_aliases= { "Jebediah" = "#b4da55" }
"mail.listing.tag_default" = { fg = "$Jebedia" }

View File

@ -797,7 +797,7 @@ pub trait MailListingTrait: ListingTrait {
kind: Some(NotificationType::Error(err.kind)),
Ok(Some(Ok(path))) => UIEvent::Notification {
title: Some("Succesfully exported mbox".into()),
title: Some("Successfully exported mbox".into()),
source: None,
body: format!("Wrote to file {}", path.display()).into(),
kind: Some(NotificationType::Info),

View File

@ -1640,7 +1640,7 @@ impl Component for PlainListing {
// threads.vec_inner_sort_by(&mut self.filtered_selection, self.sort,
// &account.collection);
//} else {
// self.refresh_mailbox(contex, falset);
// self.refresh_mailbox(context, false);
return true;

View File

@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ impl Component for MailView {
/* autosend or open unsubscribe option */
let unsubscribe = actions.unsubscribe.as_ref().unwrap();
for option in unsubscribe.iter() {
/* [ref:TODO]: Ask for confirmation before proceding with an action */
/* [ref:TODO]: Ask for confirmation before proceeding with an action */
match option {
list_management::ListAction::Email(email) => {
if let Ok(mailto) = Mailto::try_from(*email) {

View File

@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ impl EnvelopeView {
} => {
if show_comments {
if description.is_empty() {
acc.push_str("Succesfully decrypted.\n\n");
acc.push_str("Successfully decrypted.\n\n");
} else {

View File

@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ impl PluginBackend {
channel: Arc::new(Mutex::new(channel)),
collection: Default::default(),
is_online: Arc::new(Mutex::new((now, Err(Error::new("Unitialized"))))),
is_online: Arc::new(Mutex::new((now, Err(Error::new("Uninitialized"))))),

View File

@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ impl Component for SVGScreenshotFilter {
* rectangle element
* inserted along with the `use` elements
* Each row is arbritarily set at 17px high, and each character cell is 8
* Each row is arbitrarily set at 17px high, and each character cell is 8
* pixels wide. Rectangle cells each have one extra pixel (so 18px *
* 9px) in their dimensions in order to cover the spacing between
* cells.
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ impl Component for SVGScreenshotFilter {
* - Whenever the foreground color changes, emit a text element with the
* accumulated
* text in the specific foreground color.
* - Whenever the backgrund color changes, emit a rectangle element filled
* - Whenever the background color changes, emit a rectangle element filled
* with the
* specific background color.

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ ioctl_write_ptr_bad!(
/// Set controling terminal fd for current session.
/// Set controlling terminal fd for current session.

View File

@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ pub enum ContactEvent {
pub enum ComposeEvent {

View File

@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ impl MailBackend for ImapType {
Ok(()) => {
"{} Watch reconnect attempt succesful",
"{} Watch reconnect attempt successful",
@ -916,11 +916,11 @@ impl MailBackend for ImapType {
Ok(Box::pin(async move {
/* Must transform path to something the IMAP server will accept
* Each root mailbox has a hierarchy delimeter reported by the LIST entry.
* All paths must use this delimeter to indicate children of this
* Each root mailbox has a hierarchy delimiter reported by the LIST entry.
* All paths must use this delimiter to indicate children of this
* mailbox.
* A new root mailbox should have the default delimeter, which can be found
* A new root mailbox should have the default delimiter, which can be found
* out by issuing an empty LIST command as described in RFC3501:
* C: A101 LIST "" ""
* S: * LIST (\Noselect) "/" ""
@ -984,7 +984,7 @@ impl MailBackend for ImapType {
new_mailbox_fut?.await.map_err(|err| {
"Mailbox create was succesful (returned `{}`) but listing mailboxes \
"Mailbox create was successful (returned `{}`) but listing mailboxes \
afterwards returned `{}`",
@ -1045,7 +1045,7 @@ impl MailBackend for ImapType {
new_mailbox_fut?.await.map_err(|err| {
"Mailbox delete was succesful (returned `{}`) but listing mailboxes \
"Mailbox delete was successful (returned `{}`) but listing mailboxes \
afterwards returned `{}`",
@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@ impl MailBackend for ImapType {
new_mailbox_fut?.await.map_err(|err| {
"Mailbox rename was succesful (returned `{}`) but listing mailboxes \
"Mailbox rename was successful (returned `{}`) but listing mailboxes \
afterwards returned `{}`",

View File

@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ pub struct SelectResponse {
pub uidvalidity: UIDVALIDITY,
pub uidnext: UID,
pub permanentflags: (Flag, Vec<String>),
/// if SELECT returns \* we can set arbritary flags permanently.
/// if SELECT returns \* we can set arbitrary flags permanently.
pub can_create_flags: bool,
pub read_only: bool,
pub highestmodseq: Option<std::result::Result<ModSequence, ()>>,

View File

@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ impl JmapConnection {
"Could not connect to JMAP server endpoint for {}. Is your server url setting \
correct? (i.e. \"\") (Note: only session resource \
discovery via /.well-known/jmap is supported. DNS SRV records are not \
suppported.)\n\nError connecting to server: {}",
supported)\n\nError connecting to server: {}",
&self.server_conf.server_url, &err
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ impl JmapConnection {
"Could not connect to JMAP server endpoint for {}. Is your server url setting \
correct? (i.e. \"\") (Note: only session resource \
discovery via /.well-known/jmap is supported. DNS SRV records are not \
suppported.)\n\nReply from server: {}",
supported)\n\nReply from server: {}",
&self.server_conf.server_url, &err
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ impl JmapConnection {
"Could not connect to JMAP server endpoint for {}. Is your server url setting \
correct? (i.e. \"\") (Note: only session resource \
discovery via /.well-known/jmap is supported. DNS SRV records are not \
suppported.)\n\nReply from server: {}",
supported)\n\nReply from server: {}",
&self.server_conf.server_url, &res_text

View File

@ -1583,7 +1583,7 @@ pub type notmuch_message_add_property = unsafe extern "C" fn(
/// Remove a (key,value) pair from a message.
/// It is not an error to remove a non-existant (key,value) pair
/// It is not an error to remove a non-existent (key,value) pair
/// ```text
/// @returns
@ -1673,7 +1673,7 @@ extern "C" {
/// Note that there's no explicit destructor needed for the
/// notmuch_message_properties_t object. (For consistency, we do
/// provide a notmuch_message_properities_destroy function, but there's
/// provide a notmuch_message_properties_destroy function, but there's
/// no good reason to call it if the message is about to be destroyed).
/// ```text

View File

@ -1811,7 +1811,7 @@ notmuch_message_add_property (notmuch_message_t *message, const char *key, const
* Remove a (key,value) pair from a message.
* It is not an error to remove a non-existant (key,value) pair
* It is not an error to remove a non-existent (key,value) pair
* @returns
* - NOTMUCH_STATUS_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT: *key* may not contain an '=' character.
@ -1886,7 +1886,7 @@ typedef struct _notmuch_string_map_iterator notmuch_message_properties_t;
* Note that there's no explicit destructor needed for the
* notmuch_message_properties_t object. (For consistency, we do
* provide a notmuch_message_properities_destroy function, but there's
* provide a notmuch_message_properties_destroy function, but there's
* no good reason to call it if the message is about to be destroyed).
* @since libnotmuch 4.4 (notmuch 0.23)

View File

@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ pub fn word_break_string(s: &str, width: usize) -> Vec<&str> {
// let mut previous = start;
// let mut next = end
// // Lookahead termintor for:
// // Lookahead terminator for:
// // GB10. (E_Base | EBG) Extend* ? E_Modifier
// let mut e_modifier_index = all.last_index_of(E_Modifier)
// if(e_modifier_index > 1 &&
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ pub fn word_break_string(s: &str, width: usize) -> Vec<&str> {
// return Break
// }
// // Lookahead termintor for:
// // Lookahead terminator for:
// // GB12. ^ (RI RI)* RI ? RI
// // GB13. [^RI] (RI RI)* RI ? RI
// let mut r_iIndex = all.last_index_of(Regional_Indicator)

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ use socket2::{Domain, SockAddr, Socket};
/// Opens a TCP connection to a remote host.
/// If `addr` yelds multiple addresses, `connect` uses the algorithm
/// If `addr` yields multiple addresses, `connect` uses the algorithm
/// described in [RFC 8305 Happy Eyeballs Version 2: Better
/// Connectivity Using
/// Concurrency]( to
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ impl HappyEyeballs {
// remembered in `self` if it is the first to occur; it will be
// the one returned if no connection can be established at all.
// If the connection succeeds immediatly, returns
// If the connection succeeds immediately, returns
// `AddOutcome::Connected(stream)`. Because of non-blocking and
// the way TCP works, this should *not* happen.
fn add(&mut self, saddr: SockAddr, domain: Domain) -> AddOutcome {