execute.rs: fix missing space parsers

Manos Pitsidianakis 2020-06-12 01:43:56 +03:00
parent fe655e679c
commit 58ddfae9a7
Signed by: Manos Pitsidianakis
GPG Key ID: 73627C2F690DF710
1 changed files with 111 additions and 91 deletions

View File

@ -235,15 +235,11 @@ define_commands!([
{ tags: ["set"],
desc: "set [seen/unseen], toggles message's Seen flag.",
tokens: &[One(Literal("set")), One(Alternatives(&[to_stream!(One(Literal("seen"))), to_stream!(One(Literal("unseen")))]))],
(fn seen_flag<'a>(input: &'a [u8]) -> IResult<&'a [u8], Action> {
map(tag("seen"), |_| Listing(SetSeen)),
map(tag("unseen"), |_| Listing(SetUnseen))
parser: (
fn seen_flag<'a>(input: &'a [u8]) -> IResult<&'a [u8], Action> {
let (input, _) = tag("set")(input.trim())?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
alt((map(tag("seen"), |_| Listing(SetSeen)), map(tag("unseen"), |_| Listing(SetUnseen))))(input)
@ -265,32 +261,32 @@ define_commands!([
|input: &'a [u8]| -> IResult<&'a [u8], Action> {
let (input, _) = tag("copyto")(input.trim())?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, path) = quoted_argument(input)?;
let (input, path) = quoted_argument(input)?;
let (input, _) = eof(input)?;
Ok( (input, { Listing(CopyTo(path.to_string())) }))
|input: &'a [u8]| -> IResult<&'a [u8], Action> {
let (input, _) = tag("copyto")(input.trim())?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, account) = quoted_argument(input)?;
let (input, account) = quoted_argument(input)?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, path) = quoted_argument(input)?;
let (input, path) = quoted_argument(input)?;
let (input, _) = eof(input)?;
Ok( (input, { Listing(CopyToOtherAccount(account.to_string(), path.to_string())) }))
|input: &'a [u8]| -> IResult<&'a [u8], Action> {
let (input, _) = tag("moveto")(input.trim())?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, path) = quoted_argument(input)?;
let (input, path) = quoted_argument(input)?;
let (input, _) = eof(input)?;
Ok( (input, { Listing(MoveTo(path.to_string())) }))
|input: &'a [u8]| -> IResult<&'a [u8], Action> {
let (input, _) = tag("moveto")(input.trim())?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, account) = quoted_argument(input)?;
let (input, account) = quoted_argument(input)?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, path) = quoted_argument(input)?;
let (input, path) = quoted_argument(input)?;
let (input, _) = eof(input)?;
Ok( (input, { Listing(MoveToOtherAccount(account.to_string(), path.to_string())) }))
@ -312,7 +308,9 @@ define_commands!([
tokens: &[One(Literal("goto")), One(IndexValue)],
parser: (
fn goto(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Action> {
preceded(tag("go "), map(usize_c, Action::ViewMailbox))(input)
let (input, _) = tag("go")(input)?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
map(usize_c, Action::ViewMailbox)(input)
@ -321,8 +319,9 @@ define_commands!([
tokens: &[One(Literal("subsort")), One(Alternatives(&[to_stream!(One(Literal("date"))), to_stream!(One(Literal("subject")))])), One(Alternatives(&[to_stream!(One(Literal("asc"))), to_stream!(One(Literal("desc")))])) ],
parser: (
fn subsort(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Action> {
let (input, _) = tag("subsort ")(input)?;
let (input, p)=pair(sortfield, sortorder)(input)?;
let (input, _) = tag("subsort")(input)?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, p) = pair(sortfield, sortorder)(input)?;
Ok((input, SubSort(p.0, p.1)))
@ -332,9 +331,10 @@ define_commands!([
tokens: &[One(Literal("sort")), One(Alternatives(&[to_stream!(One(Literal("date"))), to_stream!(One(Literal("subject")))])), One(Alternatives(&[to_stream!(One(Literal("asc"))), to_stream!(One(Literal("desc")))])) ],
parser: (
fn sort(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Action> {
let (input,_) = tag("sort ")(input)?;
let (input, p)= separated_pair(sortfield, tag(" "), sortorder)(input)?;
Ok((input, (Sort(p.0, p.1))))
let (input, _) = tag("sort")(input)?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, p) = separated_pair(sortfield, tag(" "), sortorder)(input)?;
Ok((input, (Sort(p.0, p.1))))
{ tags: ["set", "set plain", "set threaded", "set compact"],
@ -342,7 +342,9 @@ define_commands!([
tokens: &[One(Literal("set")), One(Alternatives(&[to_stream!(One(Literal("plain"))), to_stream!(One(Literal("threaded"))), to_stream!(One(Literal("compact"))), to_stream!(One(Literal("conversations")))]))],
parser: (
fn toggle(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Action> {
preceded(tag("set "), alt((threaded , plain , compact , conversations)))(input)
let (input, _) = tag("set")(input.trim())?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
alt((threaded, plain, compact, conversations))(input)
@ -361,6 +363,7 @@ define_commands!([
fn search(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Action> {
let (input, _) = tag("search")(input.trim())?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, string) = map_res(not_line_ending, std::str::from_utf8)(input)?;
Ok((input, Listing(Search(String::from(string)))))
@ -388,10 +391,11 @@ define_commands!([
tokens: &[One(Literal("setenv")), OneOrMore(Seq(&[One(AlphanumericStringValue), One(Literal("=")), One(QuotedStringValue)]))],
parser: (
fn setenv(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Action> {
let (input,_ ) = tag("setenv")(input.trim())?;
let (input, _) = tag("setenv")(input.trim())?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, key) = map_res(take_until("="), std::str::from_utf8)(input)?;
let (input, _) = tag("=")(input.trim())?;
let (input, val)= map_res(not_line_ending, std::str::from_utf8)(input)?;
let (input, val) = map_res(not_line_ending, std::str::from_utf8)(input)?;
Ok((input, SetEnv(key.to_string(), val.to_string())))
@ -401,7 +405,8 @@ define_commands!([
tokens: &[],
fn printenv(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Action> {
let (input, _) = tag("env")(input.ltrim())?;
let (input, _) = tag("printenv")(input.ltrim())?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, key) = map_res(not_line_ending, std::str::from_utf8)(input.trim())?;
Ok((input, PrintEnv(key.to_string())))
@ -415,18 +420,20 @@ define_commands!([
fn pipe<'a>(input: &'a [u8]) -> IResult<&'a [u8], Action> {
|input: &'a [u8]| -> IResult<&'a [u8], Action> {
let (input, _ ) = tag("pipe")(input.trim())?;
let (input, _) = tag("pipe")(input.trim())?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, bin) = quoted_argument(input)?;
let (input, _)= is_a(" ")(input)?;
let(input, args)= separated_list(is_a(" "), quoted_argument)(input)?;
Ok( (input, {
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, args) = separated_list(is_a(" "), quoted_argument)(input)?;
Ok((input, {
View(Pipe(bin.to_string(), args.into_iter().map(String::from).collect::<Vec<String>>()))
|input: &'a [u8]| -> IResult<&'a [u8], Action> {
let (input, _) = tag("pipe")(input.trim())?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, bin) = quoted_argument(input.trim())?;
Ok( (input, {
Ok((input, {
View(Pipe(bin.to_string(), Vec::new()))
@ -439,16 +446,20 @@ define_commands!([
tokens: &[One(Literal("add-attachment")), One(Filepath)],
fn add_attachment<'a>(input: &'a [u8]) -> IResult<&'a [u8], Action> {
|input: &'a [u8]| -> IResult<&'a [u8], Action>{
let (input,_) = tag("add-attachment")(input.trim())?;
let (input, _) = tag("<")(input.trim())?;
let (input, cmd) = quoted_argument(input)?;
Ok( (input, Compose(AddAttachmentPipe(cmd.to_string()))))}
, |input: &'a [u8]| -> IResult<&'a [u8], Action>{
let (input,_) = tag("add-attachment")(input.trim())?;
let (input, path) = quoted_argument(input)?;
Ok( (input, Compose(AddAttachment(path.to_string()))))}
|input: &'a [u8]| -> IResult<&'a [u8], Action> {
let (input, _) = tag("add-attachment")(input.trim())?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, _) = tag("<")(input.trim())?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, cmd) = quoted_argument(input)?;
Ok((input, Compose(AddAttachmentPipe(cmd.to_string()))))
}, |input: &'a [u8]| -> IResult<&'a [u8], Action> {
let (input, _) = tag("add-attachment")(input.trim())?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, path) = quoted_argument(input)?;
Ok((input, Compose(AddAttachment(path.to_string()))))
@ -458,9 +469,10 @@ define_commands!([
tokens: &[One(Literal("remove-attachment")), One(IndexValue)],
fn remove_attachment(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Action> {
let(input, _) = tag("remove-attachment")(input.trim())?;
let (input, idx) = map_res(quoted_argument, usize::from_str)(input)?;
Ok( (input, Compose(RemoveAttachment(idx))))
let (input, _) = tag("remove-attachment")(input.trim())?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, idx) = map_res(quoted_argument, usize::from_str)(input)?;
Ok((input, Compose(RemoveAttachment(idx))))
@ -469,7 +481,9 @@ define_commands!([
tokens: &[One(Literal("toggle")), One(Literal("sign"))],
fn toggle_sign(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Action> {
let(input, _) = tag("toggle sign")(input.trim())?;
let (input, _) = tag("toggle")(input)?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, _) = tag("sign")(input)?;
Ok((input, Compose(ToggleSign)))
@ -479,11 +493,11 @@ define_commands!([
tokens: &[One(Literal("create-mailbox")), One(AccountName), One(MailboxPath)],
fn create_mailbox(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Action> {
let(input, _) = tag("create-mailbox")(input.trim())?;
let (input, account) = quoted_argument(input)?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, path) = quoted_argument(input)?;
Ok( (input,Mailbox(account.to_string(), MailboxOperation::Create(path.to_string()))))
let (input, _) = tag("create-mailbox")(input.trim())?;
let (input, account) = quoted_argument(input)?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, path) = quoted_argument(input)?;
Ok((input,Mailbox(account.to_string(), MailboxOperation::Create(path.to_string()))))
@ -492,11 +506,12 @@ define_commands!([
tokens: &[One(Literal("subscribe-mailbox")), One(AccountName), One(MailboxPath)],
fn sub_mailbox(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Action> {
let(input, _) = tag("subscribe-mailbox")(input.trim())?;
let (input, account) = quoted_argument(input)?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, path) = quoted_argument(input)?;
Ok((input,Mailbox(account.to_string(), MailboxOperation::Subscribe(path.to_string()))))
let (input, _) = tag("subscribe-mailbox")(input.trim())?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, account) = quoted_argument(input)?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, path) = quoted_argument(input)?;
Ok((input,Mailbox(account.to_string(), MailboxOperation::Subscribe(path.to_string()))))
@ -505,10 +520,11 @@ define_commands!([
tokens: &[One(Literal("unsubscribe-mailbox")), One(AccountName), One(MailboxPath)],
fn unsub_mailbox(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Action> {
let(input, _) = tag("unsubscribe-mailbox")(input.trim())?;
let (input, account) = quoted_argument(input)?;
let (input, _) = tag("unsubscribe-mailbox")(input.trim())?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, path) = quoted_argument(input)?;
let (input, account) = quoted_argument(input)?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, path) = quoted_argument(input)?;
Ok((input, Mailbox(account.to_string(), MailboxOperation::Unsubscribe(path.to_string()))))
@ -518,13 +534,14 @@ define_commands!([
tokens: &[One(Literal("rename-mailbox")), One(AccountName), One(MailboxPath), One(MailboxPath)],
fn rename_mailbox(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Action> {
let(input, _) = tag("rename-mailbox")(input.trim())?;
let (input, account) = quoted_argument(input)?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, src) = quoted_argument(input)?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, dest) = quoted_argument(input)?;
Ok((input, Mailbox(account.to_string(), MailboxOperation::Rename(src.to_string(), dest.to_string()))))
let (input, _) = tag("rename-mailbox")(input.trim())?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, account) = quoted_argument(input)?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, src) = quoted_argument(input)?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, dest) = quoted_argument(input)?;
Ok((input, Mailbox(account.to_string(), MailboxOperation::Rename(src.to_string(), dest.to_string()))))
@ -533,10 +550,11 @@ define_commands!([
tokens: &[One(Literal("delete-mailbox")), One(AccountName), One(MailboxPath)],
fn delete_mailbox(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Action> {
let(input, _) = tag("delete-mailbox")(input.trim())?;
let (input, account) = quoted_argument(input)?;
let (input, _) = tag("delete-mailbox")(input.trim())?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, path) = quoted_argument(input)?;
let (input, account) = quoted_argument(input)?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, path) = quoted_argument(input)?;
Ok ((input, Mailbox(account.to_string(), MailboxOperation::Delete(path.to_string()))))
@ -547,7 +565,8 @@ define_commands!([
fn reindex(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Action> {
let (input, _) = tag("reindex")(input.trim())?;
let (input, account) = quoted_argument(input)?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, account) = quoted_argument(input)?;
Ok( (input, AccountAction(account.to_string(), ReIndex)))
@ -568,8 +587,10 @@ define_commands!([
fn save_attachment(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Action> {
let (input, _) = tag("save-attachment")(input.trim())?;
let (input, idx) = map_res(quoted_argument, usize::from_str)(input)?;
let (input, path) = quoted_argument(input.trim())?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, idx) = map_res(quoted_argument, usize::from_str)(input)?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, path) = quoted_argument(input.trim())?;
Ok((input, View(SaveAttachment(idx, path.to_string()))))
@ -577,26 +598,25 @@ define_commands!([
{ tags: ["tag", "tag add", "tag remove"],
desc: "tag [add/remove], edits message's tags.",
tokens: &[One(Literal("tag")), One(Alternatives(&[to_stream!(One(Literal("add"))), to_stream!(One(Literal("remove")))]))],
( fn _tag<'a>(input: &'a [u8]) -> IResult<&'a [u8], Action> {
|input: &'a [u8]| -> IResult<&'a [u8], Action> {
let (input, _) = tag("add")(input.trim())?;
let (input, tag) = quoted_argument(input.trim())?;
Ok( (input, Listing(Tag(Add(tag.to_string())))))
|input: &'a [u8]| -> IResult<&'a [u8], Action> {
let (input, _) = tag("remove")(input.trim())?;
let (input, tag) = quoted_argument(input.trim())?;
Ok( (input, Listing(Tag(Remove(tag.to_string())))))
parser: (
fn _tag<'a>(input: &'a [u8]) -> IResult<&'a [u8], Action> {
alt((|input: &'a [u8]| -> IResult<&'a [u8], Action> {
let (input, _) = tag("add")(input.trim())?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, tag) = quoted_argument(input.trim())?;
Ok((input, Listing(Tag(Add(tag.to_string())))))
}, |input: &'a [u8]| -> IResult<&'a [u8], Action> {
let (input, _) = tag("remove")(input.trim())?;
let (input, _) = is_a(" ")(input)?;
let (input, tag) = quoted_argument(input.trim())?;
Ok((input, Listing(Tag(Remove(tag.to_string())))))