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title: meli mail client - alpha release 0.4.1
ogTitle: meli mail client - alpha release 0.4.1
author: epilys
date: 2019-12-09 00:00:00
date_iso_8601: 2019-12-09T00:00:00+02:00
bees: What if bees could see the abyss of deep knees in a sea
>> **update**: _0.4.1 is supported for rust >= 1.39_ Checkout current master or latest release tag for bug fixes since 0.4.1.
## Summary
- New mail stores available: **IMAP**, **notmuch** join **Maildir** and **mbox**. _JMAP_ is partially supported but not shipped with the master branch release.
- **Tagging** (on IMAP & notmuch) with
- custom colours
- hiding unwanted tags
- use as search keyword
- **Embed your editor** in the composing tab without ever leaving <code class="Nm">meli</code>. The editor runs in an embedded terminal emulator.
- **vCard support**, read-only from local storage.
- **Search**
- Full text search if _sqlite3_ cache selected
- _SEARCH_ in _IMAP_ without a cache
- _notmuch queries_ in _notmuch_ without a cache
- **GPG signatures**, signing and verifying
- **mailcap** support
- **format=flowed** support
and other smaller additions. Consult the [manpages](/documentation.html) for up-to-date information.
<figure><img src="/images/posts/2019-12-09-alpha-release/tags.png" style="height: min-content;width: min-content;margin: auto;" /></figure>
## stability
I use <code class="Nm">meli</code> as my main client and though at times buggy, it is mostly stable enough to be usable. Data is treated immutably everywhere _except_ for when you explicitly ask for mutation, meaning I don't think data corruption is generally possible. I'd appreciate bug reports at this stage in order to start polishing it for a proper release.
## IMAP, notmuch and... JMAP?
>> _See example configuration files in [meli.conf.5](/documentation.html#meli.conf.5)_
_IMAP_ accounts are retrieved on startup without any local caching. It is easy to implement though and I expect to do it soonish.
_notmuch_ accounts don't support new mail notifications yet. I have to check if I should use _inotify_ just like in _Maildir_ or poll the database's _mtime_. notmuch search queries are passed to _libnotmuch_ unchanged, though the app's search syntax is quite similar.
_JMAP_ is at an early stage still and unless you are a dev in pertinent projects or just really want to try it you shouldn't care about it yet. I've written code using [jmap-proxy]( for _IMAP_ written in _Perl_. Authentication is still an unclear subject in _JMAP_ and I haven't a way to implement how fastmail, the company behind _JMAP_, does it without an account.
_JMAP_ translates really well to Rust thanks to _serde\_json_. By modeling _JMAP Objects_ and methods as traits we can have some type safety in our queries:
trait Object {
const NAME: &'static str;
trait Response<OBJ: Object> {
const NAME: &'static str;
trait Method<OBJ: Object>: Serialize {
const NAME: &'static str;
struct Request {
using: &'static [&'static str],
/* Why is this Value instead of Box<dyn Method<_>>? The Method trait cannot
be made into a Trait object because its serialize() will be generic.
Bummer! */
method_calls: Vec<serde_json::Value>,
request_no: Arc<Mutex<usize>>,
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct Get<OBJ: Object>
OBJ: std::fmt::Debug + Serialize,
account_id: String,
ids: Option<JmapArgument<Vec<String>>>,
properties: Option<Vec<String>>,
_ph: PhantomData<*const OBJ>,
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct EmailGet {
get_call: Get<EmailObject>,
body_properties: Vec<String>,
fetch_text_body_values: bool,
fetch_html_body_values: bool,
fetch_all_body_values: bool,
max_body_value_bytes: u64,
impl Method<EmailObject> for EmailGet {
const NAME: &'static str = "Email/get";
One of _JMAP_'s features is the ability to reference the results of previous calls in the same request, thus preventing the need for round-trips:
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
enum JmapArgument<T> {
ResultReference {
result_of: String,
name: String,
path: String,
## vCard
vCard is [haphazardly]( parsed and available along with <code class="Nm">meli</code> contacts. They are read-only for now, until a more standard-compliant parser and serializer is written.
<figure><img src="/images/posts/2019-12-09-alpha-release/contacts.png" style="height: min-content;width: min-content;margin: auto;" /></figure>
## sqlite3
sqlite3 searching uses a simple query language based on the Gmail webclient one:
> ((from:unrealistic and (to:complex or not "query")) or flags:seen,draft)
You can also explore your data with SQL by loading the database (_$XDG_DATA\_HOME/meli/_) with the sqlite3 cli tool.
_IMAP_ searches are converted from this language to _SEARCH_ queries. _notmuch_ queries are not tampered with at all.
## quick unsubscribe
<figure><img src="/images/posts/2019-12-09-alpha-release/list_actions.png" style="height: min-content;width: min-content;margin: auto;"/></figure>
If a newsletter has a _List-Unsubscribe_ header, <code class="Nm">meli</code> can send an unsubscribe request with the command _list-unsubscribe_. Other _List-*_ headers are also usable.
## mailcap
You can now open attachments using mailcap files. You can still open them with _xdg-open_ as well.
## account info
View supported mailstore features in the _status_ tab:
<figure><img src="/images/posts/2019-12-09-alpha-release/imap_status.png" style="height: min-content;width: min-content;margin: auto;" /></figure>
<figure><img src="/images/posts/2019-12-09-alpha-release/maildir_status.png" style="height: min-content;width: min-content;margin: auto;"/></figure>
## vim-like motions
Prepend any move motion with a number _n_ to repeat it _n_ times.