
103 lines
2.8 KiB

extern crate termion;
use termion::{clear, cursor};
//use std::env;
use std::io::{Read, Write};
//use std::collections::VecDeque;
//use std::process;
mod components;
mod position;
mod cells;
use cells::{Cell, CellBuffer};
use position::Pos;
pub use self::components::*;
pub use self::position::*;
pub struct UIEvent {
pub struct State<R, W: Write> {
width: usize,
height: usize,
grid: CellBuffer,
stdin: R,
pub stdout: W,
entities: Vec<Entity>,
impl<R: Read, W: Write> State<R,W> {
pub fn new(stdout: W, stdin: R) -> Self {
let termsize = termion::terminal_size().ok();
let termwidth =|(w,_)| w);
let termheight =|(_,h)| h);
let width = termwidth.unwrap_or(0) as usize;
let height = termheight.unwrap_or(0) as usize;
let mut s = State {
width: width,
height: height,
//queue: VecDeque::new();
grid: CellBuffer::new(width+1, height+1, Cell::with_char(' ')),
stdin: stdin,
stdout: stdout,
entities: Vec::with_capacity(2),
write!(s.stdout, "{}{}", clear::All, cursor::Goto(1,1)).unwrap();
pub fn hello_w(&mut self) {
write!(self.stdout, "Hey there.").unwrap();
fn update_size(&mut self) {
/* update dimensions. TODO: Only do that in size change events. ie SIGWINCH */
let termsize = termion::terminal_size().ok();
let termwidth =|(w,_)| w);
let termheight =|(_,h)| h);
self.width = termwidth.unwrap_or(72) as usize;
self.height = termheight.unwrap_or(120) as usize;
pub fn render(&mut self) {
/* draw each entity */ for i in 0..self.entities.len() {
for y in 1..self.height {
write!(self.stdout, "{}", cursor::Goto(1,y as u16)).unwrap();
for x in 1..self.width {
let c = self.grid[(x,y)];
if c.get_bg() == cells::Color::Default {
write!(self.stdout, "{}",;
} else {
write!(self.stdout, "{}{}{}", termion::color::Bg(termion::color::LightBlack),,termion::color::Bg(termion::color::Reset)).unwrap();
pub fn draw_entity(&mut self, idx: usize) {
let ref mut entity = self.entities[idx];
eprintln!("Entity is {:?}", entity);
let upper_left = (1,1);
let bottom_right = (self.width, self.height);
eprintln!("Upper left is {:?} and bottom_right is {:?}", upper_left, bottom_right);
entity.component.draw(upper_left, bottom_right, &mut self.grid);
pub fn register_entity(&mut self, entity: Entity) {