
323 lines
12 KiB

use ui::components::*;
use ui::cells::*;
fn make_entry_string(e: &Envelope, idx: usize) -> String {
format!("{} {} {:.85}",idx,&e.get_datetime().format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").to_string(),e.get_subject())
const MAX_WIDTH: usize = 500;
/// A list of all mail (`Envelope`s) in a `Mailbox`. On `\n` it opens the `Envelope` content in a
/// `Pager`.
pub struct MailListing {
cursor_pos: usize,
new_cursor_pos: usize,
length: usize,
// sorting
content: CellBuffer,
dirty: bool,
/// If `self.pager` exists or not.
unfocused: bool,
// content (2-d vec of bytes) or Cells?
// current view on top of content
// active or not? for key events
pub mailbox: Mailbox,
pager: Option<Pager>,
impl MailListing {
pub fn new(mailbox: Mailbox) -> Self {
let length = mailbox.len();
MailListing {
cursor_pos: 0,
new_cursor_pos: 0,
length: length,
content: CellBuffer::new(MAX_WIDTH, length+1, Cell::with_char(' ')),
dirty: false,
unfocused: false,
mailbox: mailbox,
pager: None,
impl MailListing {
/// Draw only the list of `Envelope`s.
fn draw_list(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, upper_left: Pos, bottom_right: Pos) {
if self.length == 0 {
clear_area(grid, upper_left, bottom_right);
write_string_to_grid(&format!("Folder `{}` is empty.", self.mailbox.folder.get_name()), grid, Color::Default, Color::Default, upper_left, upper_left);
/* If cursor position has changed, remove the highlight from the previous position and
* apply it in the new one. */
if self.cursor_pos != self.new_cursor_pos {
for idx in [self.cursor_pos, self.new_cursor_pos].iter() {
let color = if self.cursor_pos == *idx { if *idx % 2 == 0 { Color::Byte(236) } else {Color::Default } } else { Color::Byte(246) };
let x = write_string_to_grid(&make_entry_string(&self.mailbox.collection[*idx], *idx), grid, Color::Default, color, set_y(upper_left, get_y(upper_left) + *idx), bottom_right);
for x in x..get_x(bottom_right)+1 {
grid[(x,get_y(upper_left)+idx)].set_ch(' ');
self.cursor_pos = self.new_cursor_pos;
let mut idx = 0;
for y in get_y(upper_left)..get_y(bottom_right) {
if idx == self.length {
clear_area(grid, set_y(upper_left, y), bottom_right);
/* Write an entire line for each envelope entry. */
let color = if self.cursor_pos == idx { Color::Byte(246) } else { if idx % 2 == 0 { Color::Byte(236) } else {Color::Default } };
let x = write_string_to_grid(&make_entry_string(&self.mailbox.collection[idx], idx), grid, Color::Default, color, set_y(upper_left, y), bottom_right);
for x in x..get_x(bottom_right)+1 {
grid[(x,y)].set_ch(' ');
/// Create a pager for the `Envelope` currently under the cursor.
fn draw_mail_view(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, upper_left: Pos, bottom_right: Pos) {
let ref mail = self.mailbox.collection[self.cursor_pos];
let height = get_y(bottom_right) - get_y(upper_left);
let width = get_x(bottom_right) - get_x(upper_left);
self.pager = Some(Pager::new(mail, height, width));
let pager = self.pager.as_mut().unwrap();
pager.draw(grid, upper_left,bottom_right);
impl Component for MailListing {
fn draw(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, upper_left: Pos, bottom_right: Pos) {
if !self.unfocused {
if !self.dirty {
self.dirty = false;
/* Draw the entire list */
self.draw_list(grid, upper_left,bottom_right);
} else {
if self.length == 0 && self.dirty {
clear_area(grid, upper_left, bottom_right);
/* Render the mail body in a pager, basically copy what HSplit does */
let total_rows = get_y(bottom_right) - get_y(upper_left);
/* TODO: define ratio in Configuration file */
let bottom_entity_height = (80*total_rows )/100;
let mid = get_y(upper_left) + total_rows - bottom_entity_height;
if !self.dirty {
if let Some(ref mut p) = self.pager {
p.draw(grid, (get_x(upper_left), get_y(upper_left) + mid+6), bottom_right);
self.dirty = false;
self.draw_list(grid, upper_left, (get_x(bottom_right), get_y(upper_left)+ mid -1));
if self.length == 0 {
/* TODO: Move the box drawing business in separate functions */
if get_x(upper_left) > 0 {
if grid[(get_x(upper_left) - 1, mid)].ch() == VERT_BOUNDARY {
grid[(get_x(upper_left) - 1, mid)].set_ch(LIGHT_VERTICAL_AND_RIGHT);
for i in get_x(upper_left)..get_x(bottom_right)+1 {
grid[(i, mid)].set_ch('─');
let headers_height: usize = 6;
/* Draw header */
let ref mail = self.mailbox.collection[self.cursor_pos];
let x = write_string_to_grid(&format!("Date: {}", mail.get_date_as_str()), grid, Color::Byte(33), Color::Default, set_y(upper_left, mid+1), set_y(upper_left, mid+1));
for x in x..get_x(bottom_right)+1 {
grid[(x, mid+1)].set_ch(' ');
grid[(x, mid+1)].set_bg(Color::Default);
grid[(x, mid+1)].set_fg(Color::Default);
let x = write_string_to_grid(&format!("From: {}", mail.get_from()), grid, Color::Byte(33), Color::Default, set_y(upper_left, mid+2), set_y(upper_left, mid+2));
for x in x..get_x(bottom_right)+1 {
grid[(x, mid+2)].set_ch(' ');
grid[(x, mid+2)].set_bg(Color::Default);
grid[(x, mid+2)].set_fg(Color::Default);
let x = write_string_to_grid(&format!("To: {}", mail.get_to()), grid, Color::Byte(33), Color::Default, set_y(upper_left, mid+3), set_y(upper_left, mid+3));
for x in x..get_x(bottom_right)+1 {
grid[(x, mid+3)].set_ch(' ');
grid[(x, mid+3)].set_bg(Color::Default);
grid[(x, mid+3)].set_fg(Color::Default);
let x = write_string_to_grid(&format!("Subject: {}", mail.get_subject()), grid, Color::Byte(33), Color::Default, set_y(upper_left, mid+4), set_y(upper_left, mid+4));
for x in x..get_x(bottom_right)+1 {
grid[(x, mid+4)].set_ch(' ');
grid[(x, mid+4)].set_bg(Color::Default);
grid[(x, mid+4)].set_fg(Color::Default);
let x = write_string_to_grid(&format!("Message-ID: {}", mail.get_message_id_raw()), grid, Color::Byte(33), Color::Default, set_y(upper_left, mid+5), set_y(upper_left, mid+5));
for x in x..get_x(bottom_right)+1 {
grid[(x, mid+5)].set_ch(' ');
grid[(x, mid+5)].set_bg(Color::Default);
grid[(x, mid+5)].set_fg(Color::Default);
/* Draw body */
self.draw_mail_view(grid, (get_x(upper_left), get_y(upper_left) + mid + headers_height), bottom_right);
fn process_event(&mut self, event: &UIEvent, queue: &mut VecDeque<UIEvent>) {
match event.event_type {
UIEventType::Input(Key::Up) => {
if self.cursor_pos > 0 {
self.new_cursor_pos -= 1;
self.dirty = true;
UIEventType::Input(Key::Down) => {
if self.length > 0 && self.cursor_pos < self.length - 1 {
self.new_cursor_pos += 1;
self.dirty = true;
UIEventType::Input(Key::Char('\n')) if self.unfocused == false => {
self.unfocused = true;
self.dirty = true;
UIEventType::Input(Key::Esc) if self.unfocused == true => {
self.unfocused = false;
self.dirty = true;
self.pager = None;
UIEventType::RefreshMailbox(ref m) => {
self.cursor_pos = 0;
self.new_cursor_pos = 0;
self.mailbox = m.clone();
self.length = m.collection.len();
self.dirty = true;
self.pager = None;
_ => {
if let Some(ref mut p) = self.pager {
p.process_event(event, queue);
pub struct AccountMenu {
entries: Vec<(usize, Folder)>,
dirty: bool,
name: String,
impl AccountMenu {
pub fn new(account: &Account) -> Self{
let mut entries = Vec::with_capacity(account.len());
for (idx, acc) in account.list_folders().iter().enumerate() {
entries.push((idx, acc.clone()));
AccountMenu {
entries: entries,
dirty: true,
name: account.get_name().to_string(),
impl Component for AccountMenu {
fn draw(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, upper_left: Pos, bottom_right: Pos) {
if !(self.dirty) {
self.dirty = false;
let mut parents: Vec<Option<usize>> = vec!(None; self.entries.len());
for (idx, e) in self.entries.iter().enumerate() {
for c in e.1.get_children() {
parents[*c] = Some(idx);
let mut roots = Vec::new();
for (idx, c) in parents.iter().enumerate() {
if c.is_none() {
let mut ind = 0;
let mut depth = String::from("");
let mut s = String::from(format!("{}\n",;
fn pop(depth: &mut String) {
fn push(depth: &mut String, c: char) {
depth.push(' ');
depth.push(' ');
depth.push(' ');
fn print(root: usize, parents: &Vec<Option<usize>>, depth: &mut String, entries: &Vec<(usize, Folder)>, mut s: String) -> String {
let len = s.len();
s.insert_str(len, &format!("{}: {}\n", &entries[root].1.get_name(), entries[root].0));
let children_no = entries[root].1.get_children().len();
for (idx, child) in entries[root].1.get_children().iter().enumerate() {
let len = s.len();
s.insert_str(len, &format!("{}├─", depth));
push(depth, if idx == children_no - 1 {'│'} else { ' ' });
s = print(*child, parents, depth, entries, s);
for r in roots {
s =print(r, &parents, &mut depth, &self.entries, s);
let lines: Vec<&str> = s.lines().collect();
let mut idx = 0;
for y in get_y(upper_left)..get_y(bottom_right) {
if idx == self.entries.len() {
let s = format!("{}", lines[idx]);
write_string_to_grid(&s, grid, Color::Red, Color::Default, set_y(upper_left, y), bottom_right);
idx += 1;
fn process_event(&mut self, _event: &UIEvent, _queue: &mut VecDeque<UIEvent>) {