Manos Pitsidianakis epilys
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Manos Pitsidianakis pushed to bump-version at meli/meli

2024-05-06 18:37:38 +03:00

Manos Pitsidianakis pushed to bump-version at meli/meli

2024-05-06 18:36:21 +03:00

Manos Pitsidianakis pushed tag vartifact to meli/meli

2024-05-06 18:36:13 +03:00

Manos Pitsidianakis pushed to bump-version at meli/meli

  • c072f5ba24 Use ShellExpandTrait::expand in more user-provided paths

2024-05-06 14:37:33 +03:00

Manos Pitsidianakis pushed to bump-version at meli/meli

  • 47e0e8d107 Use ShellExpandTrait::expand in more user-provided paths

2024-05-06 13:25:10 +03:00

Manos Pitsidianakis pushed to bump-version at meli/meli

2024-05-06 11:37:04 +03:00

Manos Pitsidianakis commented on issue meli/meli#388

Embedded mode in kitty terminal is quite laggy

My guess is that it's the kitty choice which doesn't play along well with the embedded terminal. kitty is not very `xterm` compatible or at least does a lot of things differently than other…

2024-05-06 10:08:24 +03:00

Manos Pitsidianakis commented on issue meli/meli#387

Feature Request: Support tilde (~) in vcard_folder option

Thank you for reporting this! Indeed the paths are not handled the same way. There's a helper tool to "expand" tildes etc in paths in `melib/src/utils/` which is used for mail…

2024-05-06 10:03:36 +03:00

Manos Pitsidianakis commented on issue meli/meli#350

Allow root_mailbox and default mailbox to be different

@iooioio so in the code it expects the mailbox path (not filesystem path) that you'd see in the menubar (or in the column "path" in the mailbox tab that you open with the `manage-mailboxes`…

2024-05-06 09:59:46 +03:00

Manos Pitsidianakis created pull request meli/meli#386

Bump version to 0.8.5

2024-05-05 19:04:33 +03:00

Manos Pitsidianakis pushed tag vartifact to meli/meli

2024-05-05 19:03:59 +03:00

Manos Pitsidianakis created branch bump-version in meli/meli

2024-05-05 19:03:10 +03:00

Manos Pitsidianakis pushed to bump-version at meli/meli

2024-05-05 19:03:10 +03:00

Manos Pitsidianakis deleted branch fix-uiconfirmationdialog from meli/meli

2024-05-05 17:19:43 +03:00

Manos Pitsidianakis pushed to master at meli/meli

  • 46e40856ba dialogs: fix UIConfirmationDialog highlight printing

2024-05-05 17:19:42 +03:00

Manos Pitsidianakis merged pull request meli/meli#385

dialogs: fix UIConfirmationDialog highlight printing

2024-05-05 17:19:40 +03:00

Manos Pitsidianakis created pull request meli/meli#385

dialogs: fix UIConfirmationDialog highlight printing

2024-05-05 17:01:35 +03:00

Manos Pitsidianakis created branch fix-uiconfirmationdialog in meli/meli

2024-05-05 17:01:03 +03:00

Manos Pitsidianakis pushed to fix-uiconfirmationdialog at meli/meli

  • 46e40856ba dialogs: fix UIConfirmationDialog highlight printing

2024-05-05 17:01:03 +03:00

Manos Pitsidianakis deleted branch view-manpages from meli/meli

2024-05-05 10:59:36 +03:00