# meli For a quick start, build and install locally: ```sh PREFIX=~/.local make install ``` Available subcommands: - meli (builds meli with optimizations in `$CARGO_TARGET_DIR`) - install (installs binary in `$BINDIR` and documentation to `$MANDIR`) - uninstall Secondary subcommands: - clean (cleans build artifacts) - check-deps (checks dependencies) - install-bin (installs binary to `$BINDIR`) - install-doc (installs manpages to `$MANDIR`) - help (prints this information) - dist (creates release tarball named `meli-VERSION.tar.gz` in this directory) - deb-dist (builds debian package in the parent directory) - distclean (cleans distribution build artifacts) The Makefile *should* be portable and not require a specific `make` version. # Documentation After installing meli, see `meli(1)` and `meli.conf(5)` for documentation. # Building meli requires rust 1.39 and rust's package manager, Cargo. Information on how to get it on your system can be found here: With Cargo available, the project can be built with ```sh make meli ``` The resulting binary will then be found under `target/release/meli` Run: ```sh make install ``` to install the binary and man pages. This requires root, so I suggest you override the default paths and install it in your `$HOME`: ```sh make PREFIX=$HOME/.local install ``` See `meli(1)` and `meli.conf(5)` for documentation. You can build and run meli with one command: ```sh cargo run --release ``` While the project is in early development, meli will only be developed for the linux kernel and respected linux distributions. Support for more UNIX-like OSes is on the roadmap. # Building in Debian Building with Debian's packaged cargo might require the installation of these two packages: `librust-openssl-sys-dev librust-libdbus-sys-dev` A `*.deb` package can be built with `make deb-dist` # Using notmuch To use the optional notmuch backend feature, you must have `libnotmuch5` installed in your system. In Debian-like systems, install the `libnotmuch5` packages. meli detects the library's presence on runtime. # Building with JMAP To build with JMAP support, prepend the environment variable `MELI_FEATURES='jmap'` to your make invocation: ```sh MELI_FEATURES="jmap" make ``` or if building directly with cargo, use the flag `--features="jmap"'. # Development Development builds can be built and/or run with ``` cargo build cargo run ``` There is a debug/tracing log feature that can be enabled by using the flag `--feature debug-tracing` after uncommenting the features in `Cargo.toml`. The logs are printed in stderr, thus you can run meli with a redirection (i.e `2> log`) Code style follows the default rustfmt profile. # Configuration meli by default looks for a configuration file in this location: `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/meli/config.toml` You can run meli with arbitrary configuration files by setting the `$MELI_CONFIG` environment variable to their locations, ie: ```sh MELI_CONFIG=./test_config cargo run ``` # Testing How to run specific tests: ```sh cargo test -p {melib, meli} (-- --nocapture) (--test test_name) ``` # Profiling ```sh perf record -g target/debug/bin perf script | stackcollapse-perf | rust-unmangle | flamegraph > perf.svg ```