/* * meli - melib crate. * * Copyright 2019 Manos Pitsidianakis * * This file is part of meli. * * meli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * meli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with meli. If not, see . */ pub type Result<'a, Output> = std::result::Result<(&'a str, Output), &'a str>; pub trait Parser<'a, Output> { fn parse(&self, input: &'a str) -> Result<'a, Output>; fn parse_complete(&self, input: &'a str) -> Result<'a, Output> { match self.parse(input) { r @ Ok(("", _)) => r, r @ Err(_) => r, Ok(_) => Err(input), } } fn map(self, map_fn: F) -> BoxedParser<'a, NewOutput> where Self: Sized + 'a, Output: 'a, NewOutput: 'a, F: Fn(Output) -> NewOutput + 'a, { BoxedParser::new(map(self, map_fn)) } fn and_then(self, f: F) -> BoxedParser<'a, NewOutput> where Self: Sized + 'a, Output: 'a, NewOutput: 'a, NextParser: Parser<'a, NewOutput> + 'a, F: Fn(Output) -> NextParser + 'a, { BoxedParser::new(and_then(self, f)) } } pub fn left<'a, P1, P2, R1, R2>(parser1: P1, parser2: P2) -> impl Parser<'a, R1> where P1: Parser<'a, R1>, P2: Parser<'a, R2>, { map(pair(parser1, parser2), |(left, _right)| left) } pub fn right<'a, P1, P2, R1, R2>(parser1: P1, parser2: P2) -> impl Parser<'a, R2> where P1: Parser<'a, R1>, P2: Parser<'a, R2>, { map(pair(parser1, parser2), |(_left, right)| right) } impl<'a, F, Output> Parser<'a, Output> for F where F: Fn(&'a str) -> Result, { fn parse(&self, input: &'a str) -> Result<'a, Output> { self(input) } } pub fn map<'a, P, F, A, B>(parser: P, map_fn: F) -> impl Parser<'a, B> where P: Parser<'a, A>, F: Fn(A) -> B, { move |input| { parser .parse(input) .map(|(next_input, result)| (next_input, map_fn(result))) } } pub fn match_literal<'a>(expected: &'static str) -> impl Parser<'a, ()> { move |input: &'a str| match input.get(0..expected.len()) { Some(next) if next == expected => Ok((&input[expected.len()..], ())), _ => Err(input), } } pub fn match_literal_anycase<'a>(expected: &'static str) -> impl Parser<'a, ()> { move |input: &'a str| match input.get(0..expected.len()) { Some(next) if next.eq_ignore_ascii_case(expected) => Ok((&input[expected.len()..], ())), _ => Err(input), } } pub fn one_or_more<'a, P, A>(parser: P) -> impl Parser<'a, Vec> where P: Parser<'a, A>, { move |mut input| { let mut result = Vec::new(); if let Ok((next_input, first_item)) = parser.parse(input) { input = next_input; result.push(first_item); } else { return Err(input); } while let Ok((next_input, next_item)) = parser.parse(input) { input = next_input; result.push(next_item); } Ok((input, result)) } } pub fn zero_or_more<'a, P, A>(parser: P) -> impl Parser<'a, Vec> where P: Parser<'a, A>, { move |mut input| { let mut result = Vec::new(); while let Ok((next_input, next_item)) = parser.parse(input) { input = next_input; result.push(next_item); } Ok((input, result)) } } pub fn pred<'a, P, A, F>(parser: P, predicate: F) -> impl Parser<'a, A> where P: Parser<'a, A>, F: Fn(&A) -> bool, { move |input| { if let Ok((next_input, value)) = parser.parse(input) { if predicate(&value) { return Ok((next_input, value)); } } Err(input) } } pub fn whitespace_char<'a>() -> impl Parser<'a, char> { pred(any_char, |c| c.is_whitespace()) } pub fn quoted_string<'a>() -> impl Parser<'a, String> { map( right( match_literal("\""), left( zero_or_more(pred(any_char, |c| *c != '"')), match_literal("\""), ), ), |chars| chars.into_iter().collect(), ) } pub struct BoxedParser<'a, Output> { parser: Box + 'a>, } impl<'a, Output> BoxedParser<'a, Output> { fn new

(parser: P) -> Self where P: Parser<'a, Output> + 'a, { BoxedParser { parser: Box::new(parser), } } } impl<'a, Output> Parser<'a, Output> for BoxedParser<'a, Output> { fn parse(&self, input: &'a str) -> Result<'a, Output> { self.parser.parse(input) } } pub fn either<'a, P1, P2, A>(parser1: P1, parser2: P2) -> impl Parser<'a, A> where P1: Parser<'a, A>, P2: Parser<'a, A>, { move |input| match parser1.parse(input) { ok @ Ok(_) => ok, Err(_) => parser2.parse(input), } } pub fn whitespace_wrap<'a, P, A>(parser: P) -> impl Parser<'a, A> where P: Parser<'a, A>, { right(space0(), left(parser, space0())) } pub fn pair<'a, P1, P2, R1, R2>(parser1: P1, parser2: P2) -> impl Parser<'a, (R1, R2)> where P1: Parser<'a, R1>, P2: Parser<'a, R2>, { move |input| { parser1.parse(input).and_then(|(next_input, result1)| { parser2 .parse(next_input) .map(|(last_input, result2)| (last_input, (result1, result2))) }) } } pub fn prefix<'a, PN, P, R, RN>(pre: PN, parser: P) -> impl Parser<'a, R> where PN: Parser<'a, RN>, P: Parser<'a, R>, { move |input| { pre.parse(input).and_then(|(last_input, _)| { parser .parse(last_input) .map(|(rest, result)| (rest, result)) }) } } pub fn suffix<'a, PN, P, R, RN>(parser: P, suf: PN) -> impl Parser<'a, R> where PN: Parser<'a, RN>, P: Parser<'a, R>, { move |input| { parser .parse(input) .and_then(|(last_input, result)| suf.parse(last_input).map(|(rest, _)| (rest, result))) } } pub fn delimited<'a, PN, RN, P, R>(lparser: PN, mid: P, rparser: PN) -> impl Parser<'a, R> where PN: Parser<'a, RN>, P: Parser<'a, R>, { move |input| { lparser.parse(input).and_then(|(next_input, _)| { mid.parse(next_input).and_then(|(last_input, result)| { rparser.parse(last_input).map(|(rest, _)| (rest, result)) }) }) } } pub fn any_char(input: &str) -> Result { match input.chars().next() { Some(next) => Ok((&input[next.len_utf8()..], next)), _ => Err(input), } } pub fn string<'a>() -> impl Parser<'a, String> { one_or_more(pred(any_char, |c| c.is_alphanumeric())).map(|r| r.into_iter().collect()) } pub fn space1<'a>() -> impl Parser<'a, Vec> { one_or_more(whitespace_char()) } pub fn space0<'a>() -> impl Parser<'a, Vec> { zero_or_more(whitespace_char()) } pub fn and_then<'a, P, F, A, B, NextP>(parser: P, f: F) -> impl Parser<'a, B> where P: Parser<'a, A>, NextP: Parser<'a, B>, F: Fn(A) -> NextP, { move |input| match parser.parse(input) { Ok((next_input, result)) => f(result).parse(next_input), Err(err) => Err(err), } } pub fn opt<'a, P, A>(opt_parser: P) -> impl Parser<'a, Option> where P: Parser<'a, A>, { move |input| match opt_parser.parse(input) { Ok((next_input, result)) => Ok((next_input, Some(result))), Err(_) => Ok((input, None)), } } pub fn peek<'a, P, A>(parser: P) -> impl Parser<'a, A> where P: Parser<'a, A>, { move |input| match parser.parse(input) { Ok((_, result)) => Ok((input, result)), e @ Err(_) => e, } } pub fn take_until<'a, A, P>(end: P) -> impl Parser<'a, &'a str> where P: Parser<'a, A>, { move |input: &'a str| { let mut offset = 0; while !input[offset..].is_empty() { if let Ok((rest, _)) = end.parse(&input[offset..]) { return Ok(( rest, &input[..(offset + input[offset..].len() - rest.len())], )); } while offset != input.len() { offset += 1; if input.is_char_boundary(offset) { break; } } } Ok((&input[offset..], input)) } }