Manos Pitsidianakis 2017-09-01 15:24:32 +03:00
parent 8e07843c4a
commit 9946fbcbe0
Signed by: Manos Pitsidianakis
GPG Key ID: 73627C2F690DF710
11 changed files with 1499 additions and 413 deletions

View File

@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Manos Pitsidianakis <el13635@mail.ntua.gr>"]
mailparse = "0.5.1"
maildir = "0.1.1"
chrono = "0.4"
xdg = "2.1.0"
config = "0.6"
serde_derive = "^1.0.8"
serde = "^1.0.8"
nom = "3.2.0"
memmap = "*"
base64 = "*"
features = ["wide"]
optional = false
version = "5.86.0"
lto = true

src/conf/mod.rs 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
* meli - configuration module.
* Copyright 2017 Manos Pitsidianakis
* This file is part of meli.
* meli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* meli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with meli. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
extern crate xdg;
extern crate config;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::io;
use std::fs;
use std::path::{PathBuf, Path};
enum MailFormat {
impl MailFormat {
pub fn from_str(x: &str) -> MailFormat {
match x {
"maildir" | "Maildir" |
"MailDir" => { MailFormat::Maildir },
_ => { panic!("Unrecognizable mail format");}
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct FileAccount {
folders: String,
format: String,
sent_folder: String,
threaded : bool,
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Default)]
struct FileSettings {
accounts: HashMap<String, FileAccount>,
pub struct Account {
pub folders: Vec<String>,
format: MailFormat,
pub sent_folder: String,
threaded : bool,
pub struct Settings {
pub accounts: HashMap<String, Account>,
use self::config::{Config, File, FileFormat};
impl FileSettings {
pub fn new() -> FileSettings {
let xdg_dirs = xdg::BaseDirectories::with_prefix("meli").unwrap();
let config_path = xdg_dirs.place_config_file("config")
.expect("cannot create configuration directory");
//let setts = Config::default().merge(File::new(config_path.to_str().unwrap_or_default(), config::FileFormat::Toml)).unwrap();
let mut s = Config::new();
let s = s.merge(File::new(config_path.to_str().unwrap(), FileFormat::Toml));
match s.is_ok() { //.unwrap_or(Settings { });
true => { s.unwrap().deserialize().unwrap() },
false => {
let mut buf = String::new();
io::stdin().read_line(&mut buf).expect("Failed to read line");
FileSettings { ..Default::default() } },
impl Settings {
pub fn new() -> Settings {
let fs = FileSettings::new();
let mut s: HashMap<String, Account> = HashMap::new();
for (id, x) in fs.accounts {
let mut folders = Vec::new();
fn recurse_folders<P: AsRef<Path>>(folders: &mut Vec<String>, p: P) {
for mut f in fs::read_dir(p).unwrap() {
for f in f.iter_mut().next() {
let path = f.path();
if path.ends_with("cur") || path.ends_with("new") ||
path.ends_with("tmp") {
if path.is_dir() {
recurse_folders(folders, path);
let path = PathBuf::from(&x.folders);
if path.is_dir() {
recurse_folders(&mut folders, &x.folders);
s.insert(id.clone(), Account {
folders: folders,
format: MailFormat::from_str(&x.format),
sent_folder: x.sent_folder.clone(),
threaded: x.threaded,
Settings { accounts: s }

src/error.rs 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt;
use std::result;
use std::io;
pub type Result<T> = result::Result<T, MeliError>;
pub struct MeliError {
details: String
impl MeliError {
pub fn new<M>(msg: M) -> MeliError where M: Into<String> {
MeliError{details: msg.into()}
impl fmt::Display for MeliError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
impl Error for MeliError {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
impl From<io::Error> for MeliError {
fn from(kind: io::Error) -> MeliError {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
use std::string::String;
use memmap::{Mmap, Protection};
use std;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::fmt;
use std::option::Option;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use mailbox::parser::*;
use chrono;
use chrono::TimeZone;
/* Helper struct to return slices from a struct on demand */
struct StrBuilder {
offset: usize,
length: usize,
pub trait StrBuild {
fn new(&str, &str) -> Self;
fn get_raw(&self) -> &str;
fn get_val(&self) -> &str;
pub struct MessageID (String, StrBuilder);
impl StrBuild for MessageID {
fn new(string: &str, slice: &str) -> Self {
let offset = string.find(slice).unwrap();
MessageID (string.to_string(), StrBuilder {
offset: offset,
length: slice.len() + 1,
fn get_raw(&self) -> &str {
let offset = self.1.offset;
let length = self.1.length;
fn get_val(&self) -> &str {
fn test_strbuilder() {
let m_id = "<20170825132332.6734-1-el13635@mail.ntua.gr>";
let (_, slice) = message_id(m_id.as_bytes()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(MessageID::new(m_id, slice), MessageID (m_id.to_string(), StrBuilder{offset: 1, length: 43}));
impl PartialEq for MessageID {
fn eq(&self, other: &MessageID) -> bool {
self.get_raw() == other.get_raw()
impl fmt::Debug for MessageID {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.get_raw())
struct References {
raw: String,
refs: Vec<MessageID>,
/* A very primitive mail object */
pub struct Mail {
date: String,
from: Option<String>,
to: Option<String>,
body: String,
subject: Option<String>,
message_id: Option<MessageID>,
in_reply_to: Option<MessageID>,
references: Option<References>,
datetime: Option<chrono::DateTime<chrono::FixedOffset>>,
thread: usize,
impl Mail {
pub fn get_date(&self) -> i64 {
match self.datetime {
Some(v) => v.timestamp(),
None => 0,
pub fn get_datetime(&self) -> chrono::DateTime<chrono::FixedOffset> {
self.datetime.unwrap_or(chrono::FixedOffset::west(0).ymd(1970, 1, 1).and_hms(0, 0, 0))
pub fn get_date_as_str(&self) -> &str {
pub fn get_from(&self) -> &str {
match self.from {
Some(ref s) => s,
None => "",
pub fn get_to(&self) -> &str {
match self.to {
Some(ref s) => s,
None => "",
pub fn get_body(&self) -> &str {
pub fn get_subject(&self) -> &str {
match self.subject {
Some(ref s) => s,
_ => ""
pub fn get_in_reply_to(&self) -> &str {
match self.in_reply_to {
Some(ref s) => s.get_val(),
_ => ""
pub fn get_in_reply_to_raw(&self) -> &str {
match self.in_reply_to {
Some(ref s) => s.get_raw(),
_ => ""
pub fn get_message_id(&self) -> &str {
match self.message_id {
Some(ref s) => s.get_val(),
_ => "",
pub fn get_message_id_raw(&self) -> &str {
match self.message_id {
Some(ref s) => s.get_raw(),
_ => "",
fn set_date(&mut self, new_val: String) -> () {
self.date = new_val;
fn set_from(&mut self, new_val: String) -> () {
self.from = Some(new_val);
fn set_to(&mut self, new_val: String) -> () {
self.to = Some(new_val);
fn set_in_reply_to(&mut self, new_val: &str) -> () {
let slice = match message_id(new_val.as_bytes()).to_full_result() {
Ok(v) => { v },
Err(v) => { eprintln!("{} {:?}",new_val, v);
self.in_reply_to = None;
return; }
self.in_reply_to = Some(MessageID::new(new_val, slice));
fn set_subject(&mut self, new_val: String) -> () {
self.subject = Some(new_val);
fn set_message_id(&mut self, new_val: &str) -> () {
let slice = match message_id(new_val.as_bytes()).to_full_result() {
Ok(v) => { v },
Err(v) => { eprintln!("{} {:?}",new_val, v);
self.message_id = None;
return; }
self.message_id = Some(MessageID::new(new_val, slice));
fn push_references(&mut self, new_val: &str) -> () {
let slice = match message_id(new_val.as_bytes()).to_full_result() {
Ok(v) => { v },
Err(v) => { eprintln!("{} {:?}",new_val, v);
return; }
let new_ref = MessageID::new(new_val, slice);
match self.references {
Some(ref mut s) => {
if s.refs.contains(&new_ref) {
None => {
let mut v = Vec::new();
self.references = Some(References { raw: "".to_string(), refs: v, });
fn set_references(&mut self, new_val: String) -> () {
match self.references {
Some(ref mut s) => {
s.raw = new_val;
None => {
let v = Vec::new();
self.references = Some(References { raw: new_val, refs: v, });
pub fn get_references<'a>(&'a self) -> Vec<&'a MessageID> {
match self.references {
Some(ref s) => s.refs.iter().fold(Vec::with_capacity(s.refs.len()), |mut acc, x| { acc.push(&x); acc }),
None => Vec::new(),
pub fn set_body(&mut self, new_val: String) -> () {
self.body = new_val;
pub fn get_thread(&self) -> usize {
pub fn set_thread(&mut self, new_val: usize) -> () {
self.thread = new_val;
pub fn set_datetime(&mut self, new_val: Option<chrono::DateTime<chrono::FixedOffset>>) -> () {
self.datetime = new_val;
pub fn new() -> Self {
Mail {
date: "".to_string(),
from: None,
to: None,
body: "".to_string(),
subject: None,
message_id: None,
in_reply_to: None,
references: None,
datetime: None,
thread: 0,
pub fn from(path: std::string::String) -> Option<Self> {
let f = Mmap::open_path(path.clone(), Protection::Read).unwrap();
let file = unsafe { f.as_slice() };
let (headers, body) = match mail(file).to_full_result() {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(_) => {
eprintln!("error in parsing");
let path = std::path::PathBuf::from(&path);
let mut czc = std::fs::File::open(path).unwrap();
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
let _ = czc.read_to_end(&mut buffer);
eprintln!("{}\n", std::string::String::from_utf8_lossy(&buffer));
return None; }
let mut mail = Mail::new();
let mut in_reply_to = None;
let mut datetime = None;
for (name, value) in headers {
if value.len() == 1 && value[0].is_empty() {
match name {
"To" => {
let value = value.iter().fold(String::new(), |mut acc, x| { acc.push_str(x); acc });
let parse_result = subject(value.as_bytes());
let value = match parse_result.is_done() {
true => {
false => {
"From" => {
let value = value.iter().fold(String::new(), |mut acc, x| { acc.push_str(x); acc });
let parse_result = subject(value.as_bytes());
let value = match parse_result.is_done() {
true => {
false => {
"Subject" => {
let value = value.iter().fold(String::new(), |mut acc, x| { acc.push_str(" "); acc.push_str(x); acc });
let parse_result = subject(value.trim().as_bytes());
let value = match parse_result.is_done() {
true => {
false => {
"Message-ID" | "Message-Id" | "Message-id" | "message-id" => {
mail.set_message_id(&value.iter().fold(String::new(), |mut acc, x| { acc.push_str(x); acc }));
"References" => {
let folded_value = value.iter().fold(String::new(), |mut acc, x| { acc.push_str(x); acc });
let parse_result = references(&folded_value.as_bytes());
match parse_result.is_done() {
true => {
for v in parse_result.to_full_result().unwrap() {
_ => {}
"In-Reply-To" | "In-reply-to" | "In-Reply-to" | "in-reply-to" => {
let value = value.iter().fold(String::new(), |mut acc, x| { acc.push_str(x); acc });
in_reply_to = Some(value); },
"Date" => {
let value = value.iter().fold(String::new(), |mut acc, x| { acc.push_str(x); acc });
datetime = Some(value);
_ => {},
match in_reply_to {
Some(ref mut x) => {
None => {},
if datetime.is_some() {
impl Eq for Mail {}
impl Ord for Mail {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Mail) -> Ordering {
impl PartialOrd for Mail {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Mail) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl PartialEq for Mail {
fn eq(&self, other: &Mail) -> bool {
self.get_message_id_raw() == other.get_message_id_raw()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
* meli - mailbox module.
* Copyright 2017 Manos Pitsidianakis
* This file is part of meli.
* meli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* meli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with meli. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//use std::io::prelude::*;
//use std::fs::File;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use super::email::Mail;
use error::{MeliError, Result};
pub trait MailBackend {
fn get(&self) -> Result<Vec<Mail>>;
pub struct MaildirType {
path: String,
impl MailBackend for MaildirType {
fn get(&self) -> Result<Vec<Mail>> {
let mut path = PathBuf::from(&self.path);
let iter = path.read_dir()?;
let count = path.read_dir()?.count();
let mut r = Vec::with_capacity(count);
for e in iter {
//eprintln!("{:?}", e);
let e = e.and_then(|x| {
let path = x.path();
match Mail::from(e) {
Some(e) => {r.push(e);},
None => {}
f.read_to_end(&mut buffer)?;
eprintln!("{:?}", String::from_utf8(buffer.clone()).unwrap());
let m = match Email::parse(&buffer) {
Ok((v, rest)) => match rest.len() {
0 => v,
_ =>
{ eprintln!("{:?}", String::from_utf8(rest.to_vec()).unwrap());
panic!("didn't parse"); },
Err(v) => panic!(v),
impl MaildirType {
pub fn new(path: &str) -> Self {
MaildirType {
path: path.to_string()
fn is_valid(path: &str) -> Result<()> {
let mut p = PathBuf::from(path);
for d in ["cur", "new", "tmp"].iter() {
if !p.is_dir() {
return Err(MeliError::new(format!("{} is not a valid maildir folder", path)));

View File

@ -19,27 +19,27 @@
* along with meli. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
extern crate maildir;
extern crate mailparse;
use self::mailparse::*;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
//use std::cmp::Ordering;
//use std::fmt;
use std::option::Option;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std;
mod maildir;
pub mod email;
mod parser;
pub use self::email::*;
use mailbox::maildir::MailBackend;
use error::Result;
type UnixTimestamp = i64;
pub struct Mail {
entry: maildir::MailEntry,
subject: std::string::String,
pub message_id: std::string::String,
pub references: Vec<std::string::String>,
date: UnixTimestamp,
thread: usize,
/*a Mailbox represents a folder of mail. Currently only Maildir is supported.*/
pub struct Mailbox{
pub path: String,
pub collection: Box<Vec<Mail>>,
pub threaded_collection: Vec<usize>,
threads: Vec<Thread>,
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ pub struct Mailbox{
* nonexistent in our Mailbox but we know it exists (for example we have a copy
* of a reply to a mail but we don't have its copy.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct Thread {
id: usize,
message: Option<usize>,
@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ pub struct Thread {
next_sibling: Option<usize>,
date: UnixTimestamp,
indentation: usize,
show_subject: bool,
impl Thread {
@ -73,6 +74,9 @@ impl Thread {
pub fn get_parent(&self) -> Option<usize> {
pub fn has_parent(&self) -> bool {
pub fn get_first_child(&self) -> Option<usize> {
@ -88,237 +92,301 @@ impl Thread {
pub fn has_message(&self) -> bool {
pub fn set_indentation(&mut self, i: usize) {
fn set_indentation(&mut self, i: usize) {
self.indentation = i;
pub fn get_indentation(&self) -> usize {
pub fn is_descendant(&self, threads: &Vec<Thread>, other: Thread) -> bool {
fn is_descendant(&self, threads: &Vec<Thread>, other: &Thread) -> bool {
if self == other {
return true;
match self.first_child {
Some(v) => {
if threads[v] == other {
return true;
if threads[v].clone().is_descendant(&threads, other) {
if threads[v].is_descendant(threads, other) {
return true;
None => {}
match self.next_sibling {
Some(v) => {
if threads[v] == other {
return true;
if threads[v].clone().is_descendant(threads, other) {
if threads[v].is_descendant(threads, other) {
return true;
None => {}
return false;
fn set_show_subject(&mut self, set: bool) -> () {
self.show_subject = set;
pub fn get_show_subject(&self) -> bool {
impl PartialEq for Thread {
fn eq(&self, other: &Thread) -> bool {
self.id == other.id
match (self.message, other.message) {
(Some(s), Some(o)) => {
s == o
_ => {
self.id == other.id
impl Mailbox {
pub fn new(path: &str) -> Mailbox {
let maildir = maildir::Maildir::from(path);
let iter = maildir.list_cur();
let mut collection: Box<Vec<Mail>> = Box::new(Vec::new());
let mut threads: Vec<Thread> = Vec::new();
let mut id_table: HashMap<std::string::String, usize> = HashMap::new();
let mut idx = 0;
for x in iter {
let mut e = x.unwrap();
let d = e.headers().unwrap().get_first_value("Date").unwrap();
let m_id = match e.headers().unwrap().get_first_value("Message-Id") {
Ok(v) => {
match v {
Some(v) => {
None => idx.to_string()
Err(_) => {
let mut references: Vec<std::string::String> = Vec::new();
match e.headers().unwrap().get_first_value("References") {
Ok(v) => {
match v {
Some(v) => {
references.append(&mut v.split_whitespace().map(|x| x.to_string()).collect());
None => {}
Err(_) => {
match e.headers().unwrap().get_first_value("In-Reply-To:") {
Ok(v) => {
match v {
Some(v) => {
None => {}
Err(_) => {
let subject = match e.headers().unwrap().get_first_value("Subject") {
Ok(v) => {
match v
Some(v) => v.clone(),
None => std::string::String::from("")
Err(x) => panic!(x)
Mail {
entry: e,
subject: subject,
references: references,
message_id: m_id,
date: dateparse(&d.unwrap()).unwrap(),
thread: 0,
idx += 1;
idx = 0;
collection.sort_by(|a, b| b.date.cmp(&a.date));
for (i, x) in collection.iter_mut().enumerate() {
let x_index;
let m_id = x.message_id.clone();
if id_table.contains_key(&m_id) {
let c = id_table.get(&m_id).unwrap();
/* the already existing Thread should be empty, since we're
* seeing this message for the first time
* Store this message in the Thread's message slot. */
threads[*c].message = Some(i);
threads[*c].date = x.date;
x.thread = *c;
x_index = *c;
} else {
/* Create a new Thread object holding this message */
Thread {
message: Some(i),
id: idx,
parent: None,
first_child: None,
next_sibling: None,
date: x.date,
indentation: 0,
x_index = idx;
x.thread = idx;
id_table.insert(m_id, x_index);
idx += 1;
/* For each element in the message's References field:
* Find a Thread object for the given Message-ID:
* If there's one in id_table use that;
* Otherwise, make (and index) one with a null Message.
* Link the References field's Threads together in the order implied by the References header.
* If they are already linked, don't change the existing links.
* Do not add a link if adding that link would introduce a loop: that is, before asserting A->B, search down the children of B to see if A is reachable, and also search down the children of A to see if B is reachable. If either is already reachable as a child of the other, don't add the link.
if x.references.len() == 0 {
fn build_collection(threads: &mut Vec<Thread>, id_table: &mut HashMap<std::string::String, usize>, collection: &mut Box<Vec<Mail>>) -> () {
for (i, x) in collection.iter_mut().enumerate() {
let x_index; /* x's index in threads */
let m_id = x.get_message_id_raw().to_string();
if id_table.contains_key(&m_id) {
let t = *(id_table.get(&m_id).unwrap());
/* the already existing Thread should be empty, since we're
* seeing this message for the first time */
if threads[t].message.is_some() {
/* skip duplicate message-id, but this should be handled instead */
let r_to = x.references[x.references.len() - 1].clone();
x_index = t;
/* Store this message in the Thread's message slot. */
threads[t].date = x.get_date();
threads[t].message = Some(i);
} else {
/* Create a new Thread object holding this message */
x_index = threads.len();
Thread {
message: Some(i),
id: x_index,
parent: None,
first_child: None,
next_sibling: None,
date: x.get_date(),
indentation: 0,
show_subject: true,
id_table.insert(m_id, x_index);
/* For each element in the message's References field:
* Find a Thread object for the given Message-ID:
* If there's one in id_table use that;
* Otherwise, make (and index) one with a null Message
* Link the References field's Threads together in the order implied by the References header.
* If they are already linked, don't change the existing links.
* Do not add a link if adding that link would introduce a loop: that is, before asserting A->B, search down the children of B to see if A is reachable, and also search down the children of A to see if B is reachable. If either is already reachable as a child of the other, don't add the link.
let mut curr_ref = x_index;
'ref_loop: for &r in x.get_references().iter().rev() {
let parent_id =
if id_table.contains_key(&r_to) {
let p = id_table.get(&r_to).unwrap();
if threads[*p].is_descendant(&threads, threads[x_index]) ||
threads[x_index].is_descendant(&threads, threads[*p]) {
if threads[*p].first_child.is_none() {
threads[*p].first_child = Some(x_index);
} else {
let mut fc = threads[*p].first_child.unwrap();
while threads[fc].next_sibling.is_some() {
fc = threads[fc].next_sibling.unwrap();
if id_table.contains_key(r.get_raw()) {
let p = *(id_table.get(r.get_raw()).unwrap());
if !(threads[p].is_descendant(&threads, &threads[curr_ref]) ||
threads[curr_ref].is_descendant(&threads, &threads[p])) {
threads[curr_ref].parent = Some(p);
if threads[p].first_child.is_none() {
threads[p].first_child = Some(curr_ref);
} else {
let mut child_iter = threads[p].first_child.unwrap();
while threads[child_iter].next_sibling.is_some() {
threads[child_iter].parent = Some(p);
child_iter = threads[child_iter].next_sibling.unwrap();
threads[child_iter].next_sibling = Some(curr_ref);
threads[child_iter].parent = Some(p);
threads[fc].next_sibling = Some(x_index);
threads[fc].parent = Some(*p);
} else {
let idx = threads.len();
Thread {
message: None,
id: idx,
parent: None,
first_child: Some(x_index),
first_child: Some(curr_ref),
next_sibling: None,
date: x.date,
date: x.get_date(),
indentation: 0,
show_subject: true,
id_table.insert(r_to.clone(), idx);
idx += 1;
id_table.insert(r.get_raw().to_string(), idx);
/* update thread date */
let mut parent_iter = parent_id;
loop {
'date: loop {
let mut p = &mut threads[parent_iter];
p.date = x.date;
if p.parent.is_none() {
} else {
parent_iter = p.get_parent().unwrap();
if p.date < x.get_date() {
p.date = x.get_date();
match p.parent {
Some(p) => { parent_iter = p; },
None => { break 'date; },
if threads[curr_ref].parent.is_none() {
threads[curr_ref].parent = Some(parent_id);
curr_ref = parent_id;
impl Mailbox {
pub fn new(path: &str, sent_folder: Option<&str>) -> Result<Mailbox> {
let mut collection: Box<Vec<Mail>> = Box::new(maildir::MaildirType::new(path).get()?);
/* To reconstruct thread information from the mails we need: */
/* a vector to hold thread members */
let mut threads: Vec<Thread> = Vec::with_capacity((collection.len() as f64 * 1.2) as usize);
/* A hash table of Message IDs */
let mut id_table: HashMap<std::string::String, usize> = HashMap::with_capacity(collection.len());
collection.sort_by(|a, b| a.get_date().cmp(&b.get_date()));
/* Add each message to id_table and threads, and link them together according to the
* References / In-Reply-To headers */
build_collection(&mut threads, &mut id_table, &mut collection);
let mut idx = collection.len();
let mut tidx = threads.len();
/* Link messages from Sent folder if they are relevant to this folder.
* This means that
* - if a message from Sent is a reply to a message in this folder, we will
* add it to the threading (but not the collection; non-threading users shouldn't care
* about this)
* - if a message in this folder is a reply to a message we sent, we will add it to the
* threading
if sent_folder.is_some() {
for mut x in maildir::MaildirType::new(sent_folder.unwrap()).get().unwrap() {
if id_table.contains_key(x.get_message_id_raw()) ||
(!x.get_in_reply_to_raw().is_empty() && id_table.contains_key(x.get_in_reply_to_raw())) {
idx += 1;
if id_table.contains_key(x.get_message_id_raw()) {
let c = *(id_table.get(x.get_message_id_raw()).unwrap());
if threads[c].message.is_some() {
/* skip duplicate message-id, but this should be handled instead */
threads[c].message = Some(idx-1);
threads[c].date = x.get_date();
if !x.get_in_reply_to_raw().is_empty() && id_table.contains_key(x.get_in_reply_to_raw()) {
let p = *(id_table.get(x.get_in_reply_to_raw()).unwrap());
let c = if !id_table.contains_key(x.get_message_id_raw()) {
Thread {
message: Some(idx-1),
id: tidx,
parent: Some(p),
first_child: None,
next_sibling: None,
date: x.get_date(),
indentation: 0,
show_subject: true,
id_table.insert(x.get_message_id_raw().to_string(), tidx);
tidx += 1;
tidx - 1
} else {
threads[c].parent = Some(p);
if threads[p].is_descendant(&threads, &threads[c]) ||
threads[c].is_descendant(&threads, &threads[p]) {
if threads[p].first_child.is_none() {
threads[p].first_child = Some(c);
} else {
let mut fc = threads[p].first_child.unwrap();
while threads[fc].next_sibling.is_some() {
threads[fc].parent = Some(p);
fc = threads[fc].next_sibling.unwrap();
threads[fc].next_sibling = Some(c);
threads[fc].parent = Some(p);
/* update thread date */
let mut parent_iter = p;
'date: loop {
let mut p = &mut threads[parent_iter];
if p.date < x.get_date() {
p.date = x.get_date();
match p.parent {
Some(p) => { parent_iter = p; },
None => { break 'date; },
threads[x_index].parent = Some(parent_id);
/* Walk over the elements of id_table, and gather a list of the Thread objects that have
* no parents. */
let mut root_set = Vec::new();
for (_,v) in id_table.iter() {
* no parents. These are the root messages of each thread */
let mut root_set = Vec::with_capacity(collection.len());
'root_set: for (_,v) in id_table.iter() {
if threads[*v].parent.is_none() {
if !threads[*v].has_message() && threads[*v].has_children() && !threads[threads[*v].first_child.unwrap()].has_sibling() {
/* Do not promote the children if doing so would promote them to the root set
* -- unless there is only one child, in which case, do. */
continue 'root_set;
root_set.sort_by(|a, b| threads[*b].date.cmp(&threads[*a].date));
let mut threaded_collection: Vec<usize> = Vec::new();
fn build_threaded(threads: &mut Vec<Thread>, indentation: usize, threaded: &mut Vec<usize>, index: usize) {
let thread = threads[index];
if thread.has_message() {
if !threaded.contains(&index) {
/* Group messages together by thread in a collection so we can print them together */
let mut threaded_collection: Vec<usize> = Vec::with_capacity(collection.len());
fn build_threaded(threads: &mut Vec<Thread>, indentation: usize, threaded: &mut Vec<usize>, i: usize, root_subject_idx: usize, collection: &Vec<Mail>) {
let thread = threads[i];
if threads[root_subject_idx].has_message() {
let root_subject = collection[threads[root_subject_idx].get_message().unwrap()].get_subject();
/* If the Container has no Message, but does have children, remove this container but
* promote its children to this level (that is, splice them in to the current child
* list.) */
if indentation > 0 && thread.has_message() {
let subject = collection[thread.get_message().unwrap()].get_subject();
if subject == root_subject || subject.starts_with("Re: ") && subject.ends_with(root_subject) {
if thread.has_parent() && !threads[thread.get_parent().unwrap()].has_message() {
threads[i].parent = None;
let indentation =
if thread.has_message() {
if !threaded.contains(&i) {
indentation + 1
} else if indentation > 0 {
} else {
indentation + 1
if thread.has_children() {
let mut fc = thread.get_first_child().unwrap();
loop {
build_threaded(threads, indentation + 1, threaded, fc);
build_threaded(threads, indentation, threaded, fc, i, collection);
let thread_ = threads[fc];
if !thread_.has_sibling() {
@ -328,16 +396,18 @@ impl Mailbox {
for i in &root_set {
build_threaded(&mut threads, 0, &mut threaded_collection, *i);
build_threaded(&mut threads, 0, &mut threaded_collection, *i, *i, &collection);
let length = collection.len();
Mailbox {
Ok(Mailbox {
path: path.to_string(),
collection: collection,
threads: threads,
length: length,
threaded_collection: threaded_collection,
pub fn get_length(&self) -> usize {
@ -349,43 +419,11 @@ impl Mailbox {
pub fn get_mail_and_thread(&mut self, i: usize) -> (&mut Mail, Thread) {
let ref mut x = self.collection.as_mut_slice()[i];
let thread = self.threads[x.get_thread()].clone();
let thread = self.threads[x.get_thread()];
(x, thread)
pub fn get_thread(&self, i: usize) -> Thread {
pub fn get_thread(&self, i: usize) -> &Thread {
impl Mail {
pub fn get_entry(&mut self) -> &mut maildir::MailEntry {
&mut self.entry
pub fn get_date(&self) -> i64 {
pub fn get_subject(&self) -> &str {
pub fn get_thread(&self) -> usize {
impl Eq for Mail {}
impl Ord for Mail {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Mail) -> Ordering {
impl PartialOrd for Mail {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Mail) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl PartialEq for Mail {
fn eq(&self, other: &Mail) -> bool {
self.date == other.date

View File

@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
//use memmap::{Mmap, Protection};
use std;
use base64;
use chrono;
use nom::le_u8;
/* Wow this sucks! */
named!(quoted_printable_byte<u8>, do_parse!(
p: map_res!(preceded!(tag!("="), verify!(complete!(take!(2)), |s: &[u8]| { ::nom::is_hex_digit(s[0]) && ::nom::is_hex_digit(s[1]) })), std::str::from_utf8) >>
( {
u8::from_str_radix(p, 16).unwrap()
} )));
// Parser definition
/* A header can span multiple lines, eg:
* Received: from -------------------- (-------------------------)
* by --------------------- (--------------------- [------------------]) (-----------------------)
* with ESMTP id ------------ for <------------------->;
* Tue, 5 Jan 2016 21:30:44 +0100 (CET)
* if a header value is a Vec<&str>, this is the tail of that Vector
map_res!(delimited!(alt_complete!(tag!("\t") | tag!(" ")), take_until!("\n"), tag!("\n")), std::str::from_utf8)
/* Parse the value part of the header -> Vec<&str> */
head: map_res!(terminated!(take_until!("\n"), tag!("\n")), std::str::from_utf8) >>
tail: many0!(valuelist) >>
( {
let tail_len = tail.len();
let tail: Vec<&str> = tail.iter().map(|v| { v.trim()}).collect();
let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(1 + tail.len());
if tail_len == 1 && tail[0] == "" {
} else {
tail.iter().fold(result, |mut acc, x| { acc.push(x); acc})
} )
/* Parse the name part of the header -> &str */
terminated!(verify!(map_res!(take_until1!(":"), std::str::from_utf8), | v: &str | { !v.contains("\n")} ), tag!(":")));
/* Parse a single header as a tuple -> (&str, Vec<&str>) */
named!(header<(&str, std::vec::Vec<&str>)>,
pair!(complete!(name), complete!(value)));
/* Parse all headers -> Vec<(&str, Vec<&str>)> */
named!(headers<std::vec::Vec<(&str, std::vec::Vec<&str>)>>,
named!(pub mail<(std::vec::Vec<(&str, std::vec::Vec<&str>)>, &[u8])>,
separated_pair!(headers, tag!("\n"), take_while!(call!(|_| { true }))));
//pair!(headers, take_while!(call!(|_| { true }))));
/* try chrono parse_from_str with several formats
* https://docs.rs/chrono/0.4.0/chrono/struct.DateTime.html#method.parse_from_str
/* Header parsers */
/* Encoded words
*"=?charset?encoding?encoded text?=".
named!(utf8_token_base64<String>, do_parse!(
encoded: complete!(delimited!(tag_no_case!("=?UTF-8?B?"), take_until1!("?="), tag!("?="))) >>
( {
match base64::decode(encoded) {
Ok(ref v) => { String::from_utf8_lossy(v).into_owned()
Err(_) => { String::from_utf8_lossy(encoded).into_owned() }
} )
named!(utf8_token_quoted_p_raw<&[u8], &[u8]>,
complete!(delimited!(tag_no_case!("=?UTF-8?q?"), take_until1!("?="), tag!("?="))));
//named!(utf8_token_quoted_p<String>, escaped_transform!(call!(alpha), '=', quoted_printable_byte));
named!(utf8_token_quoted_p<String>, do_parse!(
raw: call!(utf8_token_quoted_p_raw) >>
( {
named!(get_bytes<Vec<u8>>, dbg!(many0!(alt!(quoted_printable_byte | le_u8))));
let bytes = get_bytes(raw).to_full_result().unwrap();
} )));
named!(utf8_token<String>, alt_complete!(
utf8_token_base64 |
named!(utf8_token_list<String>, ws!(do_parse!(
list: separated_nonempty_list!(complete!(tag!(" ")), utf8_token) >>
( {
let list_len = list.iter().fold(0, |mut acc, x| { acc+=x.len(); acc });
list.iter().fold(String::with_capacity(list_len), |mut acc, x| { acc.push_str(x); acc})
} )
named!(ascii_token<String>, do_parse!(
word: alt!(terminated!(take_until1!("=?"), peek!(tag_no_case!("=?UTF-8?"))) | take_while!(call!(|_| { true }))) >>
( {
} )));
/* Lots of copying here. TODO: fix it */
named!(pub subject<String>, ws!(do_parse!(
list: many0!(alt_complete!( utf8_token_list | ascii_token)) >>
( {
let list_len = list.iter().fold(0, |mut acc, x| { acc+=x.len(); acc });
let s = list.iter().fold(String::with_capacity(list_len), |mut acc, x| { acc.push_str(x); acc.push_str(" "); acc});
} )
fn test_subject() {
let subject_s = "list.free.de mailing list memberships reminder".as_bytes();
assert_eq!((&b""[..], "list.free.de mailing list memberships reminder".to_string()), subject(subject_s).unwrap());
let subject_s = "=?UTF-8?B?zp3Orc6/IM+Az4HOv8+Dz4nPgM65zrrPjCDOvM6uzr3Phc68zrEgzrHPhs6v?= =?UTF-8?B?z4fOuM63?=".as_bytes();
assert_eq!((&b""[..], "Νέο προσωπικό μήνυμα αφίχθη".to_string()), subject(subject_s).unwrap());
fn eat_comments(input: &str) -> String {
let mut in_comment = false;
input.chars().fold(String::with_capacity(input.len()), |mut acc, x| {
if x == '(' && !in_comment {
in_comment = true;
} else if x == ')' && in_comment {
in_comment = false;
} else if in_comment {
} else {
acc.push(x); acc
fn test_eat_comments() {
let s = "Mon (Lundi), 4(quatre)May (Mai) 1998(1998-05-04)03 : 04 : 12 +0000";
assert_eq!(eat_comments(s), "Mon , 4May 199803 : 04 : 12 +0000");
let s = "Thu, 31 Aug 2017 13:43:37 +0000 (UTC)";
assert_eq!(eat_comments(s), "Thu, 31 Aug 2017 13:43:37 +0000 ");
/* Date should tokenize input and convert the tokens, right now we expect input will have no extra
* spaces in between tokens */
pub fn date(input: &str) -> Option<chrono::DateTime<chrono::FixedOffset>> {
fn test_date() {
let s = "Thu, 31 Aug 2017 13:43:37 +0000 (UTC)";
let _s = "Thu, 31 Aug 2017 13:43:37 +0000";
assert_eq!(date(s).unwrap(), date(_s).unwrap());
named!(pub message_id<&str>,
map_res!(complete!(delimited!(tag!("<"), take_until1!(">"), tag!(">"))), std::str::from_utf8)
named!(pub references<Vec<&str>>, many0!(preceded!(is_not!("<"), message_id)));

View File

@ -1,39 +1,101 @@
* meli - main.rs
* Copyright 2017 Manos Pitsidianakis
* This file is part of meli.
* meli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* meli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with meli. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
extern crate ncurses;
extern crate maildir;
extern crate mailparse;
pub mod mailbox;
mod ui;
mod conf;
mod error;
use ui::index::*;
use mailbox::*;
use conf::*;
extern crate serde_derive;
/* parser */
extern crate nom;
extern crate chrono;
extern crate base64;
extern crate memmap;
fn main() {
let locale_conf = ncurses::LcCategory::all;
ncurses::setlocale(locale_conf, "en_US.UTF-8");
let mailbox = Mailbox::new("PATH");
let mut index = Index::new(mailbox);
let set = Settings::new();
let ui = ui::TUI::initialize();
//let mailbox = Mailbox::new("/home/epilys/Downloads/rust/nutt/Inbox4");
let mut j = 0;
let folder_length = set.accounts.get("norn").unwrap().folders.len();
'main : loop {
let mailbox = Mailbox::new(&set.accounts.get("norn").unwrap().folders[j],
let mut index: Box<Window> = match mailbox {
Ok(v) => {
Err(v) => {
//eprintln!("{:?}", set);
let mut ch;
loop {
ch = ncurses::get_wch();
match ch {
Some(ncurses::WchResult::KeyCode(k @ ncurses::KEY_UP)) |
Some(ncurses::WchResult::KeyCode(k @ ncurses::KEY_DOWN)) => {
let mut ch;
'inner : loop {
ch = ncurses::get_wch();
match ch {
Some(ncurses::WchResult::KeyCode(k @ ncurses::KEY_UP)) |
Some(ncurses::WchResult::KeyCode(k @ ncurses::KEY_DOWN)) => {
Some(ncurses::WchResult::Char(k @ 10)) => {
index.handle_input(k as i32);
Some(ncurses::WchResult::KeyCode(ncurses::KEY_F1)) |
Some(ncurses::WchResult::Char(113)) => {
break 'main;
Some(ncurses::WchResult::Char(74)) => {
if j < folder_length - 1 {
j += 1;
break 'inner;
Some(ncurses::WchResult::Char(75)) => {
if j > 0 {
j -= 1;
break 'inner;
_ => {}
Some(ncurses::WchResult::Char(10)) => {
Some(ncurses::WchResult::KeyCode(ncurses::KEY_F1)) => {
_ => {}

View File

@ -19,12 +19,51 @@
* along with meli. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
extern crate ncurses;
extern crate maildir;
extern crate mailparse;
extern crate chrono;
use mailbox::email::Mail;
use mailbox::*;
use error::MeliError;
use std::error::Error;
use self::chrono::NaiveDateTime;
//use self::chrono::NaiveDateTime;
pub trait Window {
fn draw(&mut self) -> ();
fn handle_input(&mut self, input: i32) -> ();
pub struct ErrorWindow {
description: String,
win: ncurses::WINDOW,
impl Window for ErrorWindow {
fn draw(&mut self) -> () {
ncurses::waddstr(self.win, &self.description);
fn handle_input(&mut self, _: i32) -> () {
impl ErrorWindow {
pub fn new(err: MeliError) -> Self {
let mut screen_height = 0;
let mut screen_width = 0;
/* Get the screen bounds. */
ncurses::getmaxyx(ncurses::stdscr(), &mut screen_height, &mut screen_width);
// let win = ncurses::newwin( ncurses::LINES(), ncurses::COLS()-30, 0, 30);
let win = ncurses::newwin(0, 0, 0, 0);
ErrorWindow {
description: err.description().to_string(),
win: win,
/* Index represents a UI list of mails */
pub struct Index {
@ -35,68 +74,90 @@ pub struct Index {
screen_width: i32,
screen_height: i32,
/* threading */
threaded: bool,
cursor_idx: usize,
impl Index {
pub fn new(mailbox: Mailbox) -> Index {
let mut screen_height = 0;
let mut screen_width = 0;
/* Get the screen bounds. */
ncurses::getmaxyx(ncurses::stdscr(), &mut screen_height, &mut screen_width);
// let win = ncurses::newwin( ncurses::LINES(), ncurses::COLS()-30, 0, 30);
let win = ncurses::newwin(0, 0, 0, 0);
ncurses::getmaxyx(win, &mut screen_height, &mut screen_width);
//eprintln!("length is {}\n", length);
let pad = ncurses::newpad(mailbox.get_length() as i32, screen_width);
' ' as ncurses::chtype |
ncurses::COLOR_PAIR(super::COLOR_PAIR_DEFAULT) as ncurses::chtype,
Index {
mailbox: mailbox,
win: win,
pad: pad,
screen_width: 0,
screen_height: 0,
threaded: true,
cursor_idx: 0,
pub fn draw(&mut self) {
impl Window for Index {
fn draw(&mut self) {
if self.mailbox.get_length() == 0 {
let mut x = 0;
let mut y = 0;
ncurses::getbegyx(self.win, &mut y, &mut x);
let mut idx = 0;
if self.threaded {
let mut indentations : Vec<bool> = Vec::with_capacity(6);
/* Draw threaded view. */
for i in self.mailbox.threaded_collection.iter() {
let mut iter = self.mailbox.threaded_collection.iter().enumerate().peekable();
/* This is just a desugared for loop so that we can use .peek() */
loop {
match iter.next() {
Some((idx, i)) => {
let container = self.mailbox.get_thread(*i);
let indentation = container.get_indentation();
assert_eq!(container.has_message(), true);
match iter.peek() {
Some(&(_, x)) if self.mailbox.get_thread(*x).get_indentation() == indentation => {
_ => {
if container.has_sibling() {
let x = &self.mailbox.collection[container.get_message().unwrap()];
Index::draw_entry(self.pad, x, idx, indentation, container.has_sibling(), container.has_parent(), idx == self.cursor_idx, container.get_show_subject(), Some(&indentations));
match iter.peek() {
Some(&(_, x)) if self.mailbox.get_thread(*x).get_indentation() > indentation => {
Some(&(_, x)) if self.mailbox.get_thread(*x).get_indentation() < indentation => {
for _ in 0..(indentation - self.mailbox.get_thread(*x).get_indentation()) {
_ => {
None => break,
for (idx, i) in self.mailbox.threaded_collection.iter().enumerate() {
let container = self.mailbox.get_thread(*i);
assert!(container.has_message(), true);
assert_eq!(container.has_message(), true);
if container.has_sibling() {
let x = &self.mailbox.collection[container.get_message().unwrap()];
if idx == self.cursor_idx {
Index::draw_entry(self.pad, x, idx, container.get_indentation(), false, true);
Index::draw_entry(self.pad, x, idx, container.get_indentation(), container.has_sibling(), idx == self.cursor_idx, container.get_show_subject(), Some(&indentations));
if container.has_children() {
} else {
Index::draw_entry(self.pad, x, idx, container.get_indentation(), false, false);
idx += 1;
} else {
for x in self.mailbox.collection.as_mut_slice() {
if idx == self.cursor_idx {
Index::draw_entry(self.pad, x, idx, 0, false, true);
} else {
Index::draw_entry(self.pad, x, idx, 0, false, false);
idx += 1;
for (idx, x) in self.mailbox.collection.as_mut_slice().iter().enumerate() {
Index::draw_entry(self.pad, x, idx, 0, false, false, idx == self.cursor_idx, true, None);
ncurses::getmaxyx(self.win, &mut self.screen_height, &mut self.screen_width);
@ -113,7 +174,10 @@ impl Index {
pub fn scroll(&mut self, motion: i32) {
fn handle_input(&mut self, motion: i32) {
if self.mailbox.get_length() == 0 {
ncurses::getmaxyx(self.win, &mut self.screen_height, &mut self.screen_width);
if self.screen_height == 0 {
@ -129,14 +193,18 @@ impl Index {
} else {
ncurses::KEY_DOWN => {
if self.cursor_idx < self.mailbox.get_length() - 1 {
self.cursor_idx += 1;
} else {
10 => {
_ => {
@ -146,26 +214,41 @@ impl Index {
ncurses::wmove(self.pad, self.cursor_idx as i32, 0);
/* Borrow x from self.mailbox in separate scopes or else borrow checker complains */
let i: usize =
if self.threaded {
} else {
let (ref mut x, thread) = self.mailbox.get_mail_and_thread(i);
Index::draw_entry(self.pad, x, self.cursor_idx, thread.get_indentation(), false, true);
let pair = super::COLOR_PAIR_CURSOR;
ncurses::wchgat(self.pad, -1, 0, pair);
/* Draw previous highlighted entry normally */
ncurses::wmove(self.pad, prev_idx as i32, 0);
let i: usize =
if self.threaded {
} else {
let pair = match self.threaded {
true if prev_idx % 2 == 0 => super::COLOR_PAIR_THREAD_EVEN,
true => super::COLOR_PAIR_THREAD_ODD,
false => super::COLOR_PAIR_DEFAULT,
let (ref mut x, thread) = self.mailbox.get_mail_and_thread(i);
Index::draw_entry(self.pad, x, prev_idx, thread.get_indentation(), false, false);
ncurses::wchgat(self.pad, 32, 0, pair);
ncurses::wmove(self.pad, prev_idx as i32, 32);
/* If first character in subject column is space, we need to check for indentation
* characters and highlight them appropriately */
if (ncurses::winch(self.pad) & ncurses::A_CHARTEXT()) == ' ' as u64 {
let mut x = 32;
loop {
match ncurses::mvwinch(self.pad, prev_idx as i32, x) & ncurses::A_CHARTEXT() {
32 => { /* ASCII code for space */
ncurses::wchgat(self.pad, x, 0, pair);
62 => { /* ASCII code for '>' */
ncurses::wchgat(self.pad, x, 0, super::COLOR_PAIR_THREAD_INDENT);
ncurses::wmove(self.pad, prev_idx as i32, x + 1);
_ => {
ncurses::wchgat(self.pad, x, 0, super::COLOR_PAIR_THREAD_INDENT);
x += 1;
ncurses::wchgat(self.pad, -1, 0, pair);
/* Calculate the pad row of the first entry to be displayed in the window */
@ -189,9 +272,9 @@ impl Index {
if pminrow != pminrow_prev &&
pminrow + self.screen_height > self.mailbox.get_length() as i32 {
/* touch Index window (tell ncurses to redraw the entire window in
* next refresh) */
/* touch dead entries in index (tell ncurses to redraw the empty lines next refresh) */
let live_entries = self.mailbox.get_length() as i32 - pminrow;
ncurses::wredrawln(self.win, live_entries, self.screen_height);
@ -204,43 +287,120 @@ impl Index {
self.screen_width - 1,
fn draw_entry(win: ncurses::WINDOW, mail: &Mail, i: usize, indent: usize,
has_sibling: bool, highlight: bool) {
if highlight {
impl Index {
pub fn new(mailbox: Mailbox) -> Index {
let mut screen_height = 0;
let mut screen_width = 0;
/* Get the screen bounds. */
ncurses::getmaxyx(ncurses::stdscr(), &mut screen_height, &mut screen_width);
// let win = ncurses::newwin( ncurses::LINES(), ncurses::COLS()-30, 0, 30);
let win = ncurses::newwin(0, 0, 0, 0);
ncurses::getmaxyx(win, &mut screen_height, &mut screen_width);
//eprintln!("length is {}\n", length);
let mailbox_length = mailbox.get_length();
let pad = ncurses::newpad(mailbox_length as i32, screen_width);
' ' as ncurses::chtype |
ncurses::COLOR_PAIR(super::COLOR_PAIR_DEFAULT) as ncurses::chtype,
if mailbox_length == 0 {
ncurses::printw(&format!("Mailbox {} is empty.\n", mailbox.path));
let mut color = true;
let mut thread_color = Vec::with_capacity(mailbox_length);
for i in &mailbox.threaded_collection {
let container = mailbox.get_thread(*i);
if !container.has_parent() {
color = !color;
Index {
mailbox: mailbox,
win: win,
pad: pad,
screen_width: 0,
screen_height: 0,
threaded: true,
cursor_idx: 0,
/* draw_entry() doesn't take &mut self because borrow checker complains if it's called from
* another method. */
fn draw_entry(win: ncurses::WINDOW, mail: &Mail, i: usize, indent: usize,
has_sibling: bool, has_parent: bool, highlight: bool,
show_subject: bool, indentations: Option<&Vec<bool>>) {
/* TODO: use addchstr */
let pair =
if highlight {
} else if i % 2 == 0 {
} else {
let attr = ncurses::COLOR_PAIR(pair);
ncurses::wattron(win, attr);
ncurses::waddstr(win, &format!("{}\t", i));
let dt = NaiveDateTime::from_timestamp(mail.get_date(), 0);
ncurses::waddstr(win, &dt.format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").to_string());
ncurses::waddstr(win, &mail.get_datetime().format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").to_string());
ncurses::waddch(win, '\t' as u64);
for _ in 0..indent {
ncurses::waddch(win, ' ' as u64);
for i in 0..indent {
if indentations.is_some() && indentations.unwrap().len() > i && indentations.unwrap()[i] {
ncurses::wattron(win, ncurses::COLOR_PAIR(super::COLOR_PAIR_THREAD_INDENT));
ncurses::waddstr(win, "");
ncurses::wattroff(win, ncurses::COLOR_PAIR(super::COLOR_PAIR_THREAD_INDENT));
ncurses::wattron(win, attr);
} else {
ncurses::waddch(win, ' ' as u64);
if i > 0 {
ncurses::waddch(win, ' ' as u64);
if indent > 0 {
if has_sibling {
ncurses::waddstr(win, "");
ncurses::wattron(win, ncurses::COLOR_PAIR(super::COLOR_PAIR_THREAD_INDENT));
if has_sibling && has_parent {
ncurses::waddstr(win, "");
} else if has_sibling {
ncurses::waddstr(win, "");
} else {
ncurses::waddstr(win, "");
ncurses::waddstr(win, "->");
ncurses::waddstr(win, "─>");
ncurses::wattroff(win, ncurses::COLOR_PAIR(super::COLOR_PAIR_THREAD_INDENT));
if highlight {
ncurses::wattron(win, attr);
if show_subject {
ncurses::waddstr(win, &format!("{:.85}",mail.get_subject()));
if indent == 0 {
if mail.get_subject().chars().count() < 85 {
for _ in 0..(85 - mail.get_subject().chars().count()) {
ncurses::waddstr(win, "");
ncurses::waddstr(win, &format!("{:.85}",mail.get_subject()));
if highlight {
ncurses::waddstr(win, "\n");
let mut screen_height = 0;
let mut screen_width = 0;
/* Get the screen bounds. */
let mut x = 0;
let mut y = 0;
ncurses::getmaxyx(win, &mut screen_height, &mut screen_width);
ncurses::getyx(win, &mut y, &mut x);
ncurses::waddstr(win, &" ".repeat((screen_width - x) as usize));
ncurses::wattroff(win, attr);
pub fn show_pager(&mut self) {
fn show_pager(&mut self) {
if self.mailbox.get_length() == 0 {
&mut self.screen_height, &mut self.screen_width);
let x: &mut Mail;
@ -251,7 +411,7 @@ impl Index {
} else {
x = &mut self.mailbox.collection[self.cursor_idx];
let mut pager = super::pager::Pager::new(self.win, &mut x.get_entry());
let mut pager = super::pager::Pager::new(self.win, x);
let mut ch = ncurses::getch();
@ -267,14 +427,12 @@ impl Index {
ch = ncurses::getch();
drop(pager); // drop pager before next refresh
impl Drop for Index {
fn drop(&mut self) {

View File

@ -26,7 +26,13 @@ pub static COLOR_PAIR_DEFAULT: i16 = 1;
pub static COLOR_PAIR_CURSOR: i16 = 2;
pub static COLOR_PAIR_HEADERS: i16 = 3;
pub static COLOR_PAIR_THREAD_INDENT: i16 = 4;
pub fn initialize() {
pub static COLOR_PAIR_THREAD_ODD: i16 = 5;
pub static COLOR_PAIR_THREAD_EVEN: i16 = 6;
pub struct TUI;
impl TUI {
pub fn initialize() -> Self {
/* start ncurses */
ncurses::keypad(ncurses::stdscr(), true);
@ -40,9 +46,18 @@ pub fn initialize() {
ncurses::init_pair(COLOR_PAIR_CURSOR, 251, 235);
ncurses::init_pair(COLOR_PAIR_HEADERS, 33, 0);
ncurses::init_pair(COLOR_PAIR_THREAD_INDENT, 5, 0);
ncurses::init_pair(COLOR_PAIR_THREAD_ODD, 15, 0);
ncurses::init_pair(COLOR_PAIR_THREAD_EVEN, 15, 233);
/* Set the window's background color. */
' ' as ncurses::chtype | ncurses::COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_PAIR_DEFAULT) as ncurses::chtype,
TUI {}
impl Drop for TUI {
fn drop(&mut self) {

View File

@ -19,9 +19,8 @@
* along with meli. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
extern crate ncurses;
extern crate maildir;
extern crate mailparse;
use self::mailparse::*;
use super::super::mailbox;
/* Pager represents the part of the UI that shows the mail headers and body for
* viewing */
@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ pub struct Pager {
impl Pager {
pub fn new(parent: ncurses::WINDOW,
entry: &mut maildir::MailEntry) -> Pager {
entry: &mut mailbox::Mail) -> Pager {
let mut screen_height = 0;
let mut screen_width = 0;
ncurses::getmaxyx(parent, &mut screen_height, &mut screen_width);
@ -136,50 +135,56 @@ impl Pager {
w - 1,
fn print_entry_headers(win: ncurses::WINDOW, mail: &mut maildir::MailEntry) -> i32 {
fn print_entry_headers(win: ncurses::WINDOW, mail: &mut mailbox::Mail) -> i32 {
let mut i = 0;
ncurses::wattron(win, ncurses::COLOR_PAIR(super::COLOR_PAIR_HEADERS));
ncurses::waddstr(win, "Date: ");
ncurses::waddstr(win, "\n");
i += 1;
ncurses::waddstr(win, "From: ");
ncurses::waddstr(win, "\n");
i += 1;
ncurses::waddstr(win, "To: ");
ncurses::waddstr(win, "\n");
i += 1;
ncurses::waddstr(win, "Subject: ");
ncurses::waddstr(win, "\n");
i += 1;
ncurses::waddstr(win, "Message-ID: ");
ncurses::waddstr(win, "\n");
i += 1;
ncurses::waddstr(win, "References: ");
&format!("{:?}", mail.get_references()),
ncurses::waddstr(win, "\n");
i += 1;
ncurses::waddstr(win, "In-Reply-To: ");
ncurses::waddstr(win, "\n");
i += 1;
@ -189,7 +194,7 @@ impl Pager {
fn print_entry_content(
win: ncurses::WINDOW,
mail: &mut maildir::MailEntry,
mail: &mut mailbox::Mail,
height: i32) -> (ncurses::WINDOW, i32, i32) {
let mut h = 0;
let mut w = 0;
@ -199,44 +204,31 @@ impl Pager {
let mut y = 0;
/* y,x coordinates of upper left corner of win */
ncurses::getparyx(win, &mut y, &mut x);
match &mail.parsed() {
&Ok(ref v) => {
match &v.get_body() {
&Ok(ref b) => {
let lines: Vec<&str> = b.split('\n').collect();
let lines_length = lines.len();
let pad = ncurses::newpad(lines_length as i32, 1024);
for l in lines {
ncurses::waddstr(pad, &l.replace("%", "%%"));
ncurses::waddstr(pad, "\n");
* y
* x index
* h pager
* w
ncurses::pnoutrefresh(pad, 0, 0, y + height, x, y + height - 1, w - 1);
return (pad, lines_length as i32, height);
_ => {
return (ncurses::newpad(0, 0), 0, height);
_ => {
return (ncurses::newpad(0, 0), 0, height);
let body = mail.get_body();
let lines: Vec<&str> = body.trim().split('\n').collect();
let lines_length = lines.len();
let pad = ncurses::newpad(lines_length as i32, 1024);
for l in lines {
ncurses::waddstr(pad, &l.replace("%", "%%"));
ncurses::waddstr(pad, "\n");
* y
* x index
* h pager
* w
ncurses::pnoutrefresh(pad, 0, 0, y + height, x, y + height - 1, w - 1);
return (pad, lines_length as i32, height);
fn print_entry(
win: ncurses::WINDOW,
mail: &mut maildir::MailEntry) -> (ncurses::WINDOW, i32, i32) {
mail: &mut mailbox::Mail) -> (ncurses::WINDOW, i32, i32) {
let header_height = Pager::print_entry_headers(win, mail);
Pager::print_entry_content(win, mail, header_height + 2)
@ -244,8 +236,9 @@ impl Pager {
impl Drop for Pager {
fn drop(&mut self) {