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Message-ID: <15448688.1075855489249.JavaMail.evans@thyme>
Date: Fri, 4 May 2001 10:01:00 -0700 (PDT)
From: enron.announcements@enron.com
To: all.houston@enron.com
Subject: Enron In Action 05.07.01
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X-From: Enron Announcements
X-To: All Enron Houston
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Enron Family Day at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Enron Family Day at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston is this Saturday, May=
12th from 10 AM - 7 PM. Enjoy the many exciting exhibits at the museum=20
Star Wars: Magic of Myth. Enron employees and their families can enter the=
museum free by presenting their Enron ID Badge. =20
To visit the Star Wars: Magic of Myth exhibit, you can purchase vouchers fo=
$10 each by calling (713) 639-7771 or you may use the vouchers previously
distributed to employees by Enron.
Do you hate to garden in the summer because everything you plant dies? Lin=
Gay, Director of the Mercer Arboretum and Botanic Gardens in Humble, will=
teach us about plants that not only survive, but thrive during the dog days=
of Houston summers. Topics will include tropical-looking plants for sun and=
shade, gingers, fragrant plants, and drought-tolerant plants.
WHEN: Tuesday, May 8th, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
WHERE: The Forum, 12th floor of 2 Allen Center
Get ready to help the Body Shop celebrate it's 15th anniversary and kick-of=
National Health and Fitness Week.=20
Beginning Monday, May 14 and ending Friday, May 18, 2001 all Enron Employee=
are invited to work-out at the Body Shop as a complimentary guest. Just=20
visit http://hrweb.enron.com/wellness, print and fill-out the body shop 15t=
anniversary guest form, and return it to the Body Shop prior to your first=
The week long celebration includes a speech and autograph session with Clyd=
Drexler, Monday, May 14, 2001, 11:30 AM-12:00 noon (spaces will be limited=
and you must RSVP to Body.Shop@enron.com by Friday, May 11, 2001, 3:00 PM)=
an early morning workout with the Houston Rockets Power Dancers on, Thursda=
May 17, 2001 starting at 6:30 AM followed by breakfast and autograph sessio=
in the Body Shop Fuel Station at 7:30am - 8:30am; a boot camp style class l=
by the German/American Foreign Legion and much, much more. Visit the Body=
Shop website for a detailed calendar of events, or for additional=20
information, please e-mail the Body Shop at Body.Shop@enron.com.
The Enron Travel Club will hold it's monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 8th in=
room EB5C2 from 12:00pm - 1:00pm.
Help people affected by arthritis. Join A Joint Walk on May 20. =20
Thousands of greater Houstonians will join the walk to cure arthritis. The=
5-mile walk begins at the Kelsey-Seybold Clinic and travels along Braes=20
Bayou. Call 713-529-0800 and "get in step".
Project Mom @ Friendly Haven on Saturday, May 11th.... in Honor of Mother's=
Join Enron employees at Friendly Haven, a housing assistance program=20
supported by AFH (AIDS Foundation Houston), for a volunteer project designe=
to celebrate Mother's Day. Approximately 40 single mothers comprise Friend=
Haven's residents and we would like to make the day special for both them a=
their children. =20
Enron volunteers are needed to facilitate a children's craft activity for=
Mother's Day presents and also serve a special brunch to all of the mothers=
in the program. This project can be utilized as a team building opportunit=
for a department with 15 - 25 employees or individual volunteers may sign u=
by contacting Janice Riedel at x37507 - for more information on AFH, visit=
The Contemporary Arts Museum needs volunteers to help with CAM*boree, a=20
special event for kids Sunday May 20, 5:00pm to 8:00pm. There will be a=20
picnic dinner, music and artist-led activities. Volunteers will help play=
with the kids, ages 2-12. It is so much fun and a short time commitment. =
Volunteers get a FREE Museum membership as a thank you. Please respond by=
May 16 to Jennifer Milligan X35272.
Support KidSave and Help Miracles Happen. Every Summer.
Kidsave=01,s Summer Miracles Program enables orphanage children ages 5 to =
11 to=20
travel to the US and Canada, live with families and attend day camp. The=
program gives families who may be concerned about the problems of adopting=
an older child a chance to meet, get to know and in the best-case scenario=
fall in love with a child. The program gives prospective parents an=20
opportunity to see and evaluate first-hand the challenges and rewards of=
adopting an older child.
In 1999 and 2000 Kidsave and adoption agency partners placed 432 children =
96 percent of children who participated in the program. Generally, 85 to 9=
percent of children who participate in the program find homes easily throu=
the program. The remaining 10 to 15 percent require more work.
Kidsave believes every child deserves a family. We are committed to placin=
all children who participate in the Summer Miracles Program in permanent=
families or family-like environments.
We are looking for families to host children, and for others who want to=
help us make the camp program happen for these 250 children. As a=20
non-profit organization, Kidsave depends on donations to raise the money t=
bring these children here and find them families. Please call Tonya Hoppe =
281.286.8948 or tonya@tonya.cc to get involved in Houston=01,s Kidsave=20
program. =20
Enron and Kidventure Camps are proud to bring you Camp Enron Summer 2001. =
Celebrating our third year, Camp Enron will once again be providing summer=
camp for children, ages 5-13, of Enron employees and contractors.=20
This year, camp will be May 29-August 10. Ten, one-week sessions will be =
available and families may choose to attend any or all sessions. Each camp=
week is Monday through Friday.=20
The cost is $150 per week and includes all transportation, field trips and=
activities. A deposit of $50 per week is all that is needed to reserve you=
sessions. =20
To register, log on to: http://www.kidventurecamp.com/camp_enron.htm. =20
Spaces are limited.
Enron parents simply ride to work with their children and check them in to=
the Energizer room in the morning with the Camp Enron Team. Enron Campers=
are loaded on Coach USA Buses and transported to our nearby camp. At the en=
of the day campers are brought back to the Energizer for parents to check=
out. =20
It's that easy!
For more information please contact:
web site: www.kidventurecamp.com
call Kidventure: 713.960.8989
e-mail: camps@kidventurecamp.com
Have News to Share?
To post news or events in Enron In Action, please e-mail your information t=
no later than 12:00 noon the Thursday prior to the next Monday=01,s mailing=