
177 lines
6.4 KiB

//use memmap::{Mmap, Protection};
use std;
use base64;
use chrono;
use nom::le_u8;
/* Wow this sucks! */
named!(quoted_printable_byte<u8>, do_parse!(
p: map_res!(preceded!(tag!("="), verify!(complete!(take!(2)), |s: &[u8]| { ::nom::is_hex_digit(s[0]) && ::nom::is_hex_digit(s[1]) })), std::str::from_utf8) >>
( {
u8::from_str_radix(p, 16).unwrap()
} )));
// Parser definition
/* A header can span multiple lines, eg:
* Received: from -------------------- (-------------------------)
* by --------------------- (--------------------- [------------------]) (-----------------------)
* with ESMTP id ------------ for <------------------->;
* Tue, 5 Jan 2016 21:30:44 +0100 (CET)
* if a header value is a Vec<&str>, this is the tail of that Vector
map_res!(delimited!(alt_complete!(tag!("\t") | tag!(" ")), take_until!("\n"), tag!("\n")), std::str::from_utf8)
/* Parse the value part of the header -> Vec<&str> */
head: map_res!(terminated!(take_until!("\n"), tag!("\n")), std::str::from_utf8) >>
tail: many0!(valuelist) >>
( {
let tail_len = tail.len();
let tail: Vec<&str> = tail.iter().map(|v| { v.trim()}).collect();
let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(1 + tail.len());
if tail_len == 1 && tail[0] == "" {
} else {
tail.iter().fold(result, |mut acc, x| { acc.push(x); acc})
} )
/* Parse the name part of the header -> &str */
terminated!(verify!(map_res!(take_until1!(":"), std::str::from_utf8), | v: &str | { !v.contains("\n")} ), tag!(":")));
/* Parse a single header as a tuple -> (&str, Vec<&str>) */
named!(header<(&str, std::vec::Vec<&str>)>,
pair!(complete!(name), complete!(value)));
/* Parse all headers -> Vec<(&str, Vec<&str>)> */
named!(headers<std::vec::Vec<(&str, std::vec::Vec<&str>)>>,
named!(pub mail<(std::vec::Vec<(&str, std::vec::Vec<&str>)>, &[u8])>,
separated_pair!(headers, tag!("\n"), take_while!(call!(|_| { true }))));
//pair!(headers, take_while!(call!(|_| { true }))));
/* try chrono parse_from_str with several formats
* https://docs.rs/chrono/0.4.0/chrono/struct.DateTime.html#method.parse_from_str
/* Header parsers */
/* Encoded words
*"=?charset?encoding?encoded text?=".
named!(utf8_token_base64<String>, do_parse!(
encoded: complete!(delimited!(tag_no_case!("=?UTF-8?B?"), take_until1!("?="), tag!("?="))) >>
( {
match base64::decode(encoded) {
Ok(ref v) => { String::from_utf8_lossy(v).into_owned()
Err(_) => { String::from_utf8_lossy(encoded).into_owned() }
} )
named!(utf8_token_quoted_p_raw<&[u8], &[u8]>,
complete!(delimited!(tag_no_case!("=?UTF-8?q?"), take_until1!("?="), tag!("?="))));
//named!(utf8_token_quoted_p<String>, escaped_transform!(call!(alpha), '=', quoted_printable_byte));
named!(utf8_token_quoted_p<String>, do_parse!(
raw: call!(utf8_token_quoted_p_raw) >>
( {
named!(get_bytes<Vec<u8>>, dbg!(many0!(alt!(quoted_printable_byte | le_u8))));
let bytes = get_bytes(raw).to_full_result().unwrap();
} )));
named!(utf8_token<String>, alt_complete!(
utf8_token_base64 |
named!(utf8_token_list<String>, ws!(do_parse!(
list: separated_nonempty_list!(complete!(tag!(" ")), utf8_token) >>
( {
let list_len = list.iter().fold(0, |mut acc, x| { acc+=x.len(); acc });
list.iter().fold(String::with_capacity(list_len), |mut acc, x| { acc.push_str(x); acc})
} )
named!(ascii_token<String>, do_parse!(
word: alt!(terminated!(take_until1!("=?"), peek!(tag_no_case!("=?UTF-8?"))) | take_while!(call!(|_| { true }))) >>
( {
} )));
/* Lots of copying here. TODO: fix it */
named!(pub subject<String>, ws!(do_parse!(
list: many0!(alt_complete!( utf8_token_list | ascii_token)) >>
( {
let list_len = list.iter().fold(0, |mut acc, x| { acc+=x.len(); acc });
let s = list.iter().fold(String::with_capacity(list_len), |mut acc, x| { acc.push_str(x); acc.push_str(" "); acc});
} )
fn test_subject() {
let subject_s = "list.free.de mailing list memberships reminder".as_bytes();
assert_eq!((&b""[..], "list.free.de mailing list memberships reminder".to_string()), subject(subject_s).unwrap());
let subject_s = "=?UTF-8?B?zp3Orc6/IM+Az4HOv8+Dz4nPgM65zrrPjCDOvM6uzr3Phc68zrEgzrHPhs6v?= =?UTF-8?B?z4fOuM63?=".as_bytes();
assert_eq!((&b""[..], "Νέο προσωπικό μήνυμα αφίχθη".to_string()), subject(subject_s).unwrap());
fn eat_comments(input: &str) -> String {
let mut in_comment = false;
input.chars().fold(String::with_capacity(input.len()), |mut acc, x| {
if x == '(' && !in_comment {
in_comment = true;
} else if x == ')' && in_comment {
in_comment = false;
} else if in_comment {
} else {
acc.push(x); acc
fn test_eat_comments() {
let s = "Mon (Lundi), 4(quatre)May (Mai) 1998(1998-05-04)03 : 04 : 12 +0000";
assert_eq!(eat_comments(s), "Mon , 4May 199803 : 04 : 12 +0000");
let s = "Thu, 31 Aug 2017 13:43:37 +0000 (UTC)";
assert_eq!(eat_comments(s), "Thu, 31 Aug 2017 13:43:37 +0000 ");
/* Date should tokenize input and convert the tokens, right now we expect input will have no extra
* spaces in between tokens */
pub fn date(input: &str) -> Option<chrono::DateTime<chrono::FixedOffset>> {
fn test_date() {
let s = "Thu, 31 Aug 2017 13:43:37 +0000 (UTC)";
let _s = "Thu, 31 Aug 2017 13:43:37 +0000";
assert_eq!(date(s).unwrap(), date(_s).unwrap());
named!(pub message_id<&str>,
map_res!(complete!(delimited!(tag!("<"), take_until1!(">"), tag!(">"))), std::str::from_utf8)
named!(pub references<Vec<&str>>, many0!(preceded!(is_not!("<"), message_id)));