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From: hyoon at bigfoot.com (Hoon Yoon)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 08:58:18 -0400
Subject: Q about OCXtest.py example
Message-ID: <3715E26A.F17BA8BD@bigfoot.com>
Content-Length: 1778
X-UID: 696
Thanks to Mark. I think I am getting hang of COM.
I finally got this example, but one more Q.
Let's say I have two controls either 2 calendar or 1 calendar & 1 timer
for instance.
I guess doing it the second one will be easy, I will just have to
inherit one more control in class
MyCal(activex.Control, calendarParentModule.Calendar,
and just specify the Ondefs; however, what do I do when I have 2
controls same controls on the dialog or inherited Ondefs have same name?
Do someone have some example they don't mind sharing?
def GetTestCalendarClass():
global calendarParentModule
calendarParentModule =
gencache.EnsureModule("{8E27C92E-1264-101C-8A2F-040224009C02}", 0, 7, 0)
if calendarParentModule is None: return None
class TestCalDialog(dialog.Dialog):
def OnInitDialog(self):
class MyCal(activex.Control, calendarParentModule.Calendar): #
def OnAfterUpdate(self):
print "OnAfterUpdate"
S. Hoon Yoon (Quant) Merrill Lynch Equity Trading,
yelled at yahoo.com hoon at bigfoot.com(w)
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