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From: Norbert.Klamann at pobox.com (Norbert.Klamann at pobox.com)
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 05:29:45 GMT
Subject: HELP - FTP seesions using python????????
References: <7g328l$hga$1@nnrp1.dejanews.com>
Message-ID: <7g3i05$uo9$1@nnrp1.dejanews.com>
X-UID: 630
In article <7g328l$hga$1 at nnrp1.dejanews.com>,
gony at my-dejanews.com wrote:
> any links or tips etc on how to tackle automation of FTP sessions using python
> would be most appreciated.
Here is a batch example, it is an extract so it comes with no warranty :)
It implements a 'put'-Operation on a file from Windows NT to an IBM-Host
import ftplib
def doit():
ftp = ftplib.FTP(FTPNameHost)
fileA= open(AuftragSammelDateiName,'r')
ftp.storlines("STOR '" + AuftragHostDateiname + "'" ,fileA)
The 'STOR' and the "'" - Delimiters are specific for
the FTP-Implementation on an IBM Host.
Hope that helps !
Norbert Klamann
Klamann Software & Beratung
Erftstadt Germany
Klamann.Software at pobox.com
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