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From: david_ascher at yahoo.com (David Ascher)
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 17:00:11 GMT
Subject: Rat sighting online
Message-ID: <19990403170011.21264.rocketmail@web602.mail.yahoo.com>
X-UID: 1275
--- Darrell <news at dorb.com> wrote:
> I don't knowing much about Java so I tried the
> Jpython example and got
> stuck. It imports pickle which imports struct.
> Jpython doesn't seem to have
> struct ?
The example was tested with JPython 1.1a3, which I
believe has the struct module. I don't have access to
JPython right now, but I believe you can get the
example to work by creating a struct.py file which
just defines empty functions for the functions which
pickle imports (I believe, just pack and unpack).
Something like:
def pack(*args, **kw): pass
unpack = pack
--david ascher
PS: It's surprising that the book came out before the
software -- I believe it's mostly because the JPython
folks are working out a new license agreement for
easier distribution.
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