
307 lines
11 KiB

// Silences warnings from the compiler about Work.func and child_entry_point
// being unused when the target is not wasm.
#![cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), allow(dead_code))]
//! A small module that's intended to provide an example of creating a pool of
//! web workers which can be used to execute `rayon`-style work.
macro_rules! console_log {
($($t:tt)*) => (log(&format_args!($($t)*).to_string()))
extern "C" {
#[wasm_bindgen(js_namespace = console)]
fn log(s: &str);
#[wasm_bindgen(js_namespace = console, js_name = log)]
fn logv(x: &JsValue);
use crate::ThreadEvent;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
use wasm_bindgen::JsCast;
use web_sys::{CustomEvent, CustomEventInit, ErrorEvent, Event, Worker};
use web_sys::{DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope, MessageEvent};
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Sender {
pub event_queue: Arc<Mutex<VecDeque<ThreadEvent>>>,
impl Sender {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
event_queue: Arc::new(Mutex::new(VecDeque::with_capacity(5))),
pub fn send(&self, e: crate::ThreadEvent) -> melib::Result<()> {
let mut event_queue_lck = self.event_queue.lock().unwrap();
let b = Box::new(e);
crate::js_console(&format!("dispatch thread event {:?}", b));
let ptr = Box::into_raw(b);
let event = CustomEvent::new_with_event_init_dict(
CustomEventInit::new().detail(&JsValue::from(ptr as u32)),
let window = web_sys::window().expect("no global `window` exists");
let document = window.document().expect("should have a document on window");
// Manufacture the element we're gonna append
let el = if let Some(val) = document.get_element_by_id("terminal") {
} else {
crate::js_console("COULD NOT GET ELEMENT BY ID #terminal !!!");
"dispatch thread event result {:?}",
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct WorkController {
pool_state: Rc<PoolState>,
struct PoolState {
workers: RefCell<Vec<Worker>>,
callback: Closure<dyn FnMut(Event)>,
struct Work {
func: Box<dyn FnOnce() + Send>,
impl WorkController {
/// Creates a new `WorkController` which immediately creates `initial` workers.
/// The pool created here can be used over a long period of time, and it
/// will be initially primed with `initial` workers. Currently workers are
/// never released or gc'd until the whole pool is destroyed.
/// # Errors
/// Returns any error that may happen while a JS web worker is created and a
/// message is sent to it.
pub fn new(initial: usize) -> Result<WorkController, JsValue> {
let pool = WorkController {
pool_state: Rc::new(PoolState {
workers: RefCell::new(Vec::with_capacity(initial)),
callback: Closure::wrap(Box::new(|event: Event| {
console_log!("unhandled event: {}", event.type_());
}) as Box<dyn FnMut(Event)>),
for _ in 0..initial {
//let worker = pool.spawn()?;
/// Unconditionally spawns a new worker
/// The worker isn't registered with this `WorkController` but is capable of
/// executing work for this wasm module.
/// # Errors
/// Returns any error that may happen while a JS web worker is created and a
/// message is sent to it.
fn spawn(&self) -> Result<Worker, JsValue> {
console_log!("spawning new worker");
// TODO: what do do about `./worker.js`:
// * the path is only known by the bundler. How can we, as a
// library, know what's going on?
// * How do we not fetch a script N times? It internally then
// causes another script to get fetched N times...
let worker = Worker::new("./worker.js")?;
// With a worker spun up send it the module/memory so it can start
// instantiating the wasm module. Later it might receive further
// messages about code to run on the wasm module.
let array = js_sys::Array::new();
/// Fetches a worker from this pool, spawning one if necessary.
/// This will attempt to pull an already-spawned web worker from our cache
/// if one is available, otherwise it will spawn a new worker and return the
/// newly spawned worker.
/// # Errors
/// Returns any error that may happen while a JS web worker is created and a
/// message is sent to it.
fn worker(&self) -> Result<Worker, JsValue> {
match self.pool_state.workers.borrow_mut().pop() {
Some(worker) => Ok(worker),
None => self.spawn(),
/// Executes the work `f` in a web worker, spawning a web worker if
/// necessary.
/// This will acquire a web worker and then send the closure `f` to the
/// worker to execute. The worker won't be usable for anything else while
/// `f` is executing, and no callbacks are registered for when the worker
/// finishes.
/// # Errors
/// Returns any error that may happen while a JS web worker is created and a
/// message is sent to it.
fn execute(&self, f: impl FnOnce() + Send + 'static) -> Result<Worker, JsValue> {
let worker = self.worker()?;
let work = Box::new(Work { func: Box::new(f) });
let ptr = Box::into_raw(work);
match worker.post_message(&JsValue::from(ptr as u32)) {
Ok(()) => Ok(worker),
Err(e) => {
unsafe {
/// Configures an `onmessage` callback for the `worker` specified for the
/// web worker to be reclaimed and re-inserted into this pool when a message
/// is received.
/// Currently this `WorkController` abstraction is intended to execute one-off
/// style work where the work itself doesn't send any notifications and
/// whatn it's done the worker is ready to execute more work. This method is
/// used for all spawned workers to ensure that when the work is finished
/// the worker is reclaimed back into this pool.
fn reclaim_on_message(&self, worker: Worker) {
let state = Rc::downgrade(&self.pool_state);
let worker2 = worker.clone();
let reclaim_slot = Rc::new(RefCell::new(None));
let slot2 = reclaim_slot.clone();
let reclaim = Closure::wrap(Box::new(move |event: Event| {
if let Some(error) = event.dyn_ref::<ErrorEvent>() {
console_log!("error in worker: {}", error.message());
// TODO: this probably leaks memory somehow? It's sort of
// unclear what to do about errors in workers right now.
// If this is a completion event then can deallocate our own
// callback by clearing out `slot2` which contains our own closure.
if let Some(_msg) = event.dyn_ref::<MessageEvent>() {
if let Some(state) = state.upgrade() {
*slot2.borrow_mut() = None;
console_log!("unhandled event: {}", event.type_());
// TODO: like above, maybe a memory leak here?
}) as Box<dyn FnMut(Event)>);
*reclaim_slot.borrow_mut() = Some(reclaim);
impl WorkController {
/// Executes `f` in a web worker.
/// This pool manages a set of web workers to draw from, and `f` will be
/// spawned quickly into one if the worker is idle. If no idle workers are
/// available then a new web worker will be spawned.
/// Once `f` returns the worker assigned to `f` is automatically reclaimed
/// by this `WorkController`. This method provides no method of learning when
/// `f` completes, and for that you'll need to use `run_notify`.
/// # Errors
/// If an error happens while spawning a web worker or sending a message to
/// a web worker, that error is returned.
pub fn run(&self, f: impl FnOnce() + Send + 'static) -> Result<(), JsValue> {
let worker = self.execute(f)?;
pub fn send(&self, e: crate::UIEvent) {
let b = Box::new(ThreadEvent::UIEvent(e));
crate::js_console(&format!("dispatch thread event {:?}", b));
let ptr = Box::into_raw(b);
let event = CustomEvent::new_with_event_init_dict(
CustomEventInit::new().detail(&JsValue::from(ptr as u32)),
let window = web_sys::window().expect("no global `window` exists");
let document = window.document().expect("should have a document on window");
// Manufacture the element we're gonna append
let el = if let Some(val) = document.get_element_by_id("terminal") {
} else {
crate::js_console("COULD NOT GET ELEMENT BY ID #terminal !!!");
"dispatch thread event result {:?}",
impl PoolState {
fn push(&self, worker: Worker) {
let mut workers = self.workers.borrow_mut();
for prev in workers.iter() {
let prev: &JsValue = prev;
let worker: &JsValue = &worker;
assert!(prev != worker);
/// Entry point invoked by `worker.js`, a bit of a hack but see the "TODO" above
/// about `worker.js` in general.
pub fn child_entry_point(ptr: u32) -> Result<(), JsValue> {
let ptr = unsafe { Box::from_raw(ptr as *mut Work) };
let global = js_sys::global().unchecked_into::<DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope>();