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From: SSTirlin at holnam.com (Scott Stirling)
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 09:26:18 -0400
Subject: HTML "sanitizer" in Python
Message-ID: <s72825ca.087@holnam.com>
Content-Length: 1665
X-UID: 867
Thanks, Mark! That is a very cool tool. It will make a nice HTML editor for me here at work.
The only feature I immediately saw lacking (but maybe I missed it--I just downloaded it this AM) is the ability to record macros. For my Excel problem, I really need the ability to batch process the HTML files because there are 14 of them.
Anyway, this is a great reference. Thank you again.
>>> "Mark Nottingham" <mnot at pobox.com> 04/28 6:17 PM >>>
There's a better (albeit non-Python) way.
Check out http://www.w3.org/People/Raggett/tidy/
Tidy will do wonderful things in terms of making HTML compliant with the
spec (closing tags, cleaning up the crud that Word makes, etc.) As a big
bonus, it will remove all <FONT> tags, etc, and replace them with CSS1 style
sheets. Wow.
It's C, and is also available with a windows GUI (HTML-Kit) that makes a
pretty good HTML editor as well. On Unix, it's a command line utility, so
you can use it (clumsily) from a Python program.
I suppose an extension could also be written; will look into this (or if
anyone does it, please tell me!)
| Scott M. Stirling |
| Visit the HOLNAM Year 2000 Web Site: http://web/y2k |
| Keane - Holnam Year 2000 Project |
| Office: 734/529-2411 ext. 2327 fax: 734/529-5066 email: sstirlin at holnam.com |