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From: geek+ at cmu.edu (geek+ at cmu.edu)
Date: 5 Apr 1999 11:42:04 -0400
Subject: Subattributes of classes
Message-ID: <emacs-smtp-4003-14088-55756-878173@export.andrew.cmu.edu>
Content-Length: 1225
X-UID: 763
Then <aa8vb at vislab.epa.gov> spoke up and said:
> class A:
> def __init__( self ):
> self.attr = 123
> self.attr.subattr = 456 # <--------- Error!
> a = A()
> This generates an error as I would have expected.
> However, I see the same syntax in:
> demos/tkinter/matt/canvas-with-scrollbars.py
because in the demo you pointed to, they are setting sub-attributes of
an integer. The object 123 is immutable. Do it this way:
class foo: pass
f = foo()
f.bar = foo()
f.bar.baz = 123
| JAVA must have been developed in the wilds of West Virginia. |
| After all, why else would it support only single inheritance?? |
| Finger geek at cmu.edu for my public key. |
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