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MBOX-Line: From gds at chartertn.net Sat Feb 18 13:51:55 2017
To: imap-protocol@u.washington.edu
From: Gene Smith <gds@chartertn.net>
Date: Fri Jun 8 12:34:55 2018
Subject: [Imap-protocol] Is SELECT required before FETCH to detect new mail?
Message-ID: <bb8d0ae1-dda0-dbce-186a-2a668946ec7b@chartertn.net>
I have been seeing a problem with mozilla Thunderbird client when using
the charter.net imap server. When thunderbird checks for new messages it
just does a FETCH since the inbox was already SELECTed at startup. It
does not detect new messages unless another mailbox is SELECTed and
inbox is re-SELECTED and then FETCHed. I think thunderbird is following
the IMAP spec but charter.net server is not since it requires a
re-SELECT on and already selected mailbox to signal new email. Am I right?