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Message-ID: <8235300.1075855483290.JavaMail.evans@thyme>
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 10:50:00 -0800 (PST)
From: enron.announcements@enron.com
To: all.states@enron.com
Subject: Improved Process for Engaging Temporary Workers
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X-From: Enron Announcements
X-To: All Enron Employees United States
X-Folder: \Frank_Ermis_Dec2000\Notes Folders\Discussion threads
X-Origin: Ermis-F
X-FileName: fermis.nsf
As you are aware, Enron utilizes temporary staffing services to satisfy=20
staffing requirements throughout the company. For the past several months,=
project team, representing Enron=01,s temporary staffing users, have resear=
and evaluated alternative Managed Services programs to determine which sour=
would best meet our current and future needs in terms of quality, performan=
and cost containment objectives. The Business Unit Implementation Project=
Team members are:=20
Laurie Koenig, Operations Management, EES
Carolyn Vigne, Administration, EE&CC
Linda Martin, Accounting & Accounts Payable, Corporate
Beverly Stephens, Administration, ENA
Norma Hasenjager, Human Resources, ET&S
Peggy McCurley, Administration, Networks
Jane Ellen Weaver, Enron Broadband Services
Paulette Obrecht, Legal, Corporate
George Weber, GSS
In addition, Eric Merten (EBS), Kathy Cook (EE&CC), Carolyn Gilley (ENA),=
Larry Dallman (Corp/AP), and Diane Eckels (GSS) were active members of the=
Selection Project Team.
As a result of the team=01,s efforts, we are pleased to announce the beginn=
of a strategic alliance with CORESTAFF=01,s Managed Services Group. This g=
will function as a vendor-neutral management entity overseeing all staffing=
vendors in the program scope. They will also provide a web based online=20
technology tool that will enhance the ordering and reporting capabilities. =
The goal of our alliance with CORESTAFF is to make obtaining a temporary=20
worker with the right skills and experience easier while protecting the bes=
interests of the organization.=20
We plan to implement Phase I of this improvement effective January 2, 2001.=
This Phase I of the implementation will encompass administrative/clerical=
temporary workers at the Houston locations only. If you currently have=20
administrative/clerical temporary workers in your department, the enhanceme=
will not affect their position. In an effort to preserve relationships, all=
current staffing vendors will be invited to participate in this enhanced=20
program. CORESTAFF shares our commitment to minimize any disruptions in=20
service during this transition.=20
We expect to incorporate the administrative/clerical workers in Omaha,=20
Seattle and Portland in Phase II, which is scheduled for February, 2001. T=
scope and timing of any additional phases will be determined after these tw=
phases have been completed.
Realizing the impact that the temporary workforce has in business today, we=
selected CORESTAFF=01,s Managed Services Group based on their exceptional=
management team, commitment to quality service, and creative solutions to o=
staffing needs. The relationship promises to offer Enron a cost effective=
and simple means for obtaining temporary employees.
In the coming weeks, Enron and CORESTAFF=01,s Managed Services Group will b=
communicating to Enron=01,s administrative/clerical temporary staffing vend=
about the new process. =20
There are many benefits to this new Managed Services program, which are=20
outlined on the attached page. More details on how to utilize CORESTAFF=01=
Managed Services program will be announced soon and meetings will be=20
scheduled to demonstrate the reporting system and to meet the Managed=20
Services team.
What is Managed Services?
CORESTAFF=01,s Managed Services program includes:
? Vendor-neutral management model
? Equal distribution of staffing orders to all staffing partners
? Web-based application with online ordering, data capture and customized=
? Benchmarking and performance measurement for continuous improvement
? Methodologies for accurate skill-matching and fulfillment efficiencies=20
Key Benefits
? More vendors working on each order from the outset =01) faster access to=
available talent pools
? Standardized mark-ups and fees to manage costs more effectively
? Online access to requisition status for users=20
? Robust databases offering managers enhanced tracking and reporting of=20
temporary usage and expenditures
? Standard and customized reporting capabilities -- online
? Tenured, experienced Managed Services team on-site to assist users in=20
accessing web site, identifying usage trends, preparing specialized reports=
etc. =20
Corestaff/Managed Services/Staffing
Joseph Marsh =01) Lead / Operations (josephm@corestaff.com; 713-438-1400)
Amy Binney, Sharon B. Sellers =01) Operations
Cherri Carbonara =01) Marketing / Communications
Cynthia Duhon =01)Staffing Partner management