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Message-ID: <5933950.1075855496734.JavaMail.evans@thyme>
Date: Sun, 13 May 2001 12:37:00 -0700 (PDT)
From: enron.announcements@enron.com
To: all.worldwide@enron.com
Subject: Espeak with Fitness Expert, Dr. Joel Bloom
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X-From: Enron Announcements
X-To: All Enron Worldwide
X-Folder: \Frank_Ermis_Jun2001\Notes Folders\Discussion threads
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Ever wonder . . . .
? Do those sports drink like Gatorade work?
? How much exercise is too much?
? If I want to bulk-up those muscles, is Creatine safe?
? Do weight gaining powders work?
? What about diet pills?
Then join Dr. Joel Bloom for an Enron eSpeak on Tuesday, March 15, 2001 at
10:00 AM when he will answer these questions and many more. Just go to
Dr. Bloom is an Associate Professor in the Department of Health and Human
Performance at the University of Houston. Joel specializes in Biomechanics,
Sports Medicine, and Aquatic Therapy. He is a strong advocate for bringing
back physical activity into public schools and is on the Texas Commission for
Bicycle Safety. He has also published several books and numerous articles on
sports performance, exercise, biomechanics, injury prevention, and training
Dr. Bloom will talk about:
? Sports Drinks vs. Water/ Truths and Myths
? Stretching/Truths and Myths
? Myths about Abdominal Exercises
? Supplements/ Risks and Benefits
? Food Label Reading/Fact or Fiction?
? To breakfast or not to Breakfast?
So join us on Tuesday, March 15 on eSpeak.