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Message-ID: <24188041.1075855478581.JavaMail.evans@thyme>
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 22:45:00 -0800 (PST)
From: jim.schoene@gt.pge.com
To: acarter@westerngas.com, colliw@texaco.com, bblanar@coral-energy.com,
cchao@cook-inlet.com, cschenderlein@brr.com, cwhite@brr.com,
dsuter@sempratrading.com, dkohler@br-inc.com, houtendp@bp.com,
djohnson@coral-energy.com, bdahncke@pcenergy.com, fermis@enron.com,
hankd@calpine.com, taylorja2@bp.com, jwpowell@duke-energy.com,
jkho@dynegy.com, jmmcarthur@duke-energy.com,
judi.vogel@engageenergy.com, klegg@utilicorp.com,
kevin.f.otoole@usa.conoco.com, kolinge@ect.enron.com,
mitchellm2@epenergy.com, igsinc@ix.netcom.com, mike_bucher@oxy.com,
pwri@dynegy.com, rmccluer@southernenergy.com,
rick.wadle@southernenergy.com, srmo@dynegy.com,
skatz@sempratrading.com, scheffsp@bp.com, ssouth@ect.enron.com,
millertr@bp.com, tgary@pcenergy.com, tbrother@utilicorp.com,
robbinkr@bp.com, thomas_j_toerner@reliantenergy.com,
skip_s_thevenot@reliantenergy.com, schang@cook-inlet.com,
kevin.coyle@engageenergy.com, doug.jacques@neg.pge.com,
Subject: GTN Quaterly Meeting Reminder
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X-From: "Schoene, Jim" <jim.schoene@gt.pge.com>
X-To: "Andrew Carter (E-mail)" <Acarter@westerngas.com>, "Bill Collier (E-mail)" <colliw@texaco.com>, "Brent Blanar (E-mail)" <bblanar@coral-energy.com>, "Cindy Chao (E-mail)" <cchao@cook-inlet.com>, "Connie Schenderlein (E-mail)" <cschenderlein@brr.com>, "Cindy White (E-mail)" <cwhite@brr.com>, "Damon Suter (E-mail)" <dsuter@sempratrading.com>, "Dave Kohler (E-mail)" <dkohler@br-inc.com>, "David P. Houten (E-mail)" <houtendp@bp.com>, "Denette Johnson (E-mail)" <djohnson@coral-energy.com>, "Elizabeth Dahncke (E-mail)" <bdahncke@pcenergy.com>, "Frank Ermis (E-mail)" <fermis@enron.com>, "Henry Delony (E-mail)" <hankd@calpine.com>, "James Taylor (E-mail)" <taylorja2@bp.com>, "Jay W. Powell (E-mail)" <jwpowell@duke-energy.com>, "Jeff Hornback (E-mail)" <JKHO@dynegy.com>, "Jim McArthur (E-mail)" <jmmcarthur@duke-energy.com>, "Judi Vogel (E-mail)" <judi.vogel@engageenergy.com>, "Kevin Legg (E-mail)" <klegg@utilicorp.com>, "Kevin O'Toole (E-mail)" <kevin.f.otoole@usa.conoco.com>, "Kim Olinger (E-mail)" <kolinge@ect.enron.com>, "Mark T. Mitchell (E-mail)" <mitchellm2@epenergy.com>, "Mark Baldwin (E-mail)" <igsinc@ix.netcom.com>, "Mike Bucher (E-mail)" <mike_bucher@oxy.com>, "Phil Richardson (E-mail)" <pwri@dynegy.com>, "Ray McCluer (E-mail)" <RMcCluer@SouthernEnergy.com>, "Rick Wadle (E-mail)" <rick.wadle@southernenergy.com>, "srmo@dynegy. com (E-mail)" <srmo@dynegy.com>, "Stephanie Katz (E-mail)" <SKatz@sempratrading.com>, "Steve Scheffler (E-mail)" <scheffsp@bp.com>, "Steve South (E-mail)" <ssouth@ect.enron.com>, "Tim Miller (E-mail)" <millertr@bp.com>, "Tom Gary (E-mail)" <tgary@pcenergy.com>, "Troy Brothers (E-mail)" <tbrother@utilicorp.com>, "Kevin Robbins (E-mail)" <robbinkr@bp.com>, "Tom Toerner (E-mail)" <thomas_j_toerner@reliantenergy.com>, "Skip Thevenot (E-mail)" <skip_s_thevenot@reliantenergy.com>, "Stacy Chang (E-mail)" <schang@cook-inlet.com>, "Kevin Coyle (E-mail)" <kevin.coyle@engageenergy.com>, "Jacques, Doug" <Doug.Jacques@neg.pge.com>, "Skip Simmons (E-mail)" <skip.simmons@southernenergy.com>
X-Folder: \Frank_Ermis_Dec2000\Notes Folders\Discussion threads
X-Origin: Ermis-F
X-FileName: fermis.nsf
Thursday, November 2 is our next, less than quarterly, meeting to up date you
on events that willl affect your business in the Western U.S.
The meeting is at the Hyatt downtown, 1200 Louisiana, starting at 11:30AM.? A
casual lunch will be served.? The meeting will start at 12:30PM.? If we can
make it last with lots of good questions and a healthy exchange of views,
cocktails will be on me in the lobby bar after the meeting--meeting
attendance is manditory.? The agenda looks like this:
The ever popular Parking Service--An overview with discussion of Pipeline
Inventory issues and the go forward plan to help fix the problem.
A rundown on the elimination of the IT Queue and our filing for re-hearing
An overview of West Region demand and expansion plans--everyone will want to
sign up for this
Implementation of IT blanket based discounting--maybe, only if you're good
Nomination dynamics and pro rata ranking plan implementation
E-Trans implementation
AND FINALLY--TCPL will present their gas supply views for the Alberta
systems--an added bonus!
This is also an opportunity for you to share changes in your organizations
that others would apppreciate knowing about--name changes, mergers, spin
offs, divestitures, etc.
Feel free to nominate others in your organization that would benefit.
PGONational Energy Group and any other company referenced
herein which uses the PGOname or logo are not the same company
as Pacific Gas and Electric Company, the California utility. These
companies are not regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission,
and customers do not have to buy products from these companies in
order to continue to receive quality regulated services from the utility.