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Message-ID: <18411695.1075855481375.JavaMail.evans@thyme>
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 05:02:00 -0800 (PST)
From: enron.announcements@enron.com
To: all.downtown@enron.com
Subject: Holiday Safety Reminder
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
X-From: Enron Announcements
X-To: All Enron Downtown
X-Folder: \Frank_Ermis_Dec2000\Notes Folders\Discussion threads
X-Origin: Ermis-F
X-FileName: fermis.nsf
The holiday season can mean an increased risk of fires and a higher potenti=
for criminal activity due to people taking advantage of convenient downtown=
shopping and because of the increased number of special events and office=
parties. We would like to pass along a few safety and security tips from t=
City of Houston Fire Department and the Houston Police Department.
? Please do not prop open stairwell doors or doors to the freight elevators=
. =20
This defeats security.=20
? Use only artificial trees and greenery in decorating your office space. D=
not place cut trees or greenery within the building. Cut trees become major=
fire hazards when they dry out.
? Office parties or the holiday mood may distract you. Be alert for thieve=
who try to take advantage of the holiday season. Sometimes just having fewe=
people at work during the holidays creates an opening for thieves. If you s=
someone that does not appear to belong in your work area, immediately call=
the Enron Security Console at 713-853-5360.
? Keep your purse or wallet with you at all times or locked away in a drawe=
or closet.
? If you go shopping, invite a friend to go along. Try not to overload=20
yourself with packages. When you return, lock your gifts away in a safe=20
? Always be aware of your surroundings while in a public area. If things do=
t look right, follow your instincts and avoid going into the area.
? When waiting for a ride home after hours, remain inside the building near=
card-reader door until you see your ride arrive.=20
? If office parties are on company premises and involve alcoholic beverages=
or public invitees, call security at 713-853-5360. Security will advise yo=
as to company guidelines.