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Message-ID: <220804.1075855491220.JavaMail.evans@thyme>
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 10:02:00 -0700 (PDT)
From: enron.announcements@enron.com
To: all.houston@enron.com
Subject: "Laser-Focused Business" with Mind's Eye Madness
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X-From: Enron Announcements
X-To: All Enron Houston
X-Folder: \Frank_Ermis_Jun2001\Notes Folders\All documents
X-Origin: Ermis-F
X-FileName: fermis.nsf
"You cannot be dependent upon your eyes when your imagination is out of=20
focus.=018 - Mark Twain=20
Watch the Enron Building lobby on Wednesday, April 25th, from 11:30am to=20
1:00pm for information on some of=20
Enron's new innovative businesses. You'll have the opportunity to meet=20
various business representatives and discuss=20
their products and services from the creative minds of our employees. Watc=
for Vince Kaminski=20
who will be present during this exciting exchange of information.
Featuring: =20
Deal Bench, enron.credit.com, Weather Risk Management, Enron Trading Game a=
Word of the Day
cerebration \ser-uh-BRAY-shun\, noun: =20
The act or product of thinking; the use of the power of reason; mental=20
activity; thought. =20