melib/jmap: add {flag,tag} set support

Closes #61
Manos Pitsidianakis 2020-08-09 09:47:01 +03:00
parent d413be02cd
commit b2c14abd6e
Signed by: Manos Pitsidianakis
GPG Key ID: 73627C2F690DF710
5 changed files with 504 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ use crate::error::{MeliError, Result};
use futures::lock::Mutex as FutureMutex;
use isahc::prelude::HttpClient;
use isahc::ResponseExt;
use serde_json::Value;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::str::FromStr;
@ -183,6 +184,7 @@ pub struct Store {
pub struct JmapType {
account_name: String,
account_hash: AccountHash,
online: Arc<FutureMutex<(Instant, Result<()>)>>,
is_subscribed: Arc<IsSubscribedFn>,
server_conf: JmapServerConf,
@ -240,8 +242,12 @@ impl MailBackend for JmapType {
fn watch_async(&self, _sender: RefreshEventConsumer) -> ResultFuture<()> {
Err(MeliError::from("JMAP watch for updates is unimplemented"))
fn watch_async(&self, sender: RefreshEventConsumer) -> ResultFuture<()> {
let conn = self.connection.clone();
Ok(Box::pin(async move {
*conn.lock().await.sender.lock().unwrap() = Some(sender);
Err(MeliError::from("JMAP watch for updates is unimplemented"))
fn mailboxes_async(&self) -> ResultFuture<HashMap<MailboxHash, Mailbox>> {
@ -364,6 +370,164 @@ impl MailBackend for JmapType {
fn mailboxes(&self) -> Result<HashMap<MailboxHash, Mailbox>> {
fn rename_mailbox(
&mut self,
_mailbox_hash: MailboxHash,
_new_path: String,
) -> ResultFuture<Mailbox> {
fn create_mailbox(
&mut self,
_path: String,
) -> ResultFuture<(MailboxHash, HashMap<MailboxHash, Mailbox>)> {
fn copy_messages(
&mut self,
_env_hashes: EnvelopeHashBatch,
_source_mailbox_hash: MailboxHash,
_destination_mailbox_hash: MailboxHash,
_move_: bool,
_destination_flags: Option<Flag>,
) -> ResultFuture<()> {
fn set_flags(
&mut self,
env_hashes: EnvelopeHashBatch,
mailbox_hash: MailboxHash,
flags: SmallVec<[(std::result::Result<Flag, String>, bool); 8]>,
) -> ResultFuture<()> {
let mailboxes = self.mailboxes.clone();
let store =;
let account_hash = self.account_hash;
let tag_index = self.tag_index.clone();
let connection = self.connection.clone();
Ok(Box::pin(async move {
let mailbox_id =[&mailbox_hash].id.clone();
let mut update_map: HashMap<String, Value> = HashMap::default();
let mut ids: Vec<Id> = Vec::with_capacity( + 1);
let mut id_map: HashMap<Id, EnvelopeHash> = HashMap::default();
let mut update_keywords: HashMap<String, Value> = HashMap::default();
for (flag, value) in flags.iter() {
match flag {
Ok(f) => {
match *f {
Flag::DRAFT => "$draft",
Flag::FLAGGED => "$flagged",
Flag::SEEN => "$seen",
Flag::REPLIED => "$answered",
Flag::TRASHED => "$junk",
Flag::PASSED => "$passed",
_ => continue, //FIXME
if *value {
} else {
Err(t) => {
format!("keywords/{}", t),
if *value {
} else {
let store_lck =;
for hash in env_hashes.iter() {
if let Some(id) = store_lck.id_store.get(&hash) {
id_map.insert(id.clone(), hash);
update_map.insert(id.clone(), serde_json::json!(update_keywords.clone()));
let conn = connection.lock().await;
let email_set_call: EmailSet = EmailSet::new(
let mut req = Request::new(conn.request_no.clone());
let prev_seq = req.add_call(&email_set_call);
let email_call: EmailGet = EmailGet::new(
let mut res = conn
.post_async(&conn.session.api_url, serde_json::to_string(&req)?)
let res_text = res.text_async().await?;
//debug!("res_text = {}", &res_text);
let mut v: MethodResponse = serde_json::from_str(&res_text).unwrap();
*conn.online_status.lock().await = (std::time::Instant::now(), Ok(()));
let m = SetResponse::<EmailObject>::try_from(v.method_responses.remove(0))?;
if let Some(ids) = m.not_updated {
return Err(MeliError::new(
.map(|err| err.to_string())
let mut tag_index_lck = tag_index.write().unwrap();
for (flag, value) in flags.iter() {
match flag {
Ok(f) => {}
Err(t) => {
if *value {
tag_index_lck.insert(tag_hash!(t), t.clone());
let e = GetResponse::<EmailObject>::try_from(v.method_responses.pop().unwrap())?;
let GetResponse::<EmailObject> { list, state, .. } = e;
for envobj in list {
let env_hash = id_map[&];
conn.add_refresh_event(RefreshEvent {
kind: RefreshEventKind::NewFlags(
impl JmapType {
@ -377,6 +541,14 @@ impl JmapType {
let server_conf = JmapServerConf::new(s)?;
let account_hash = {
use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher;
use std::hash::Hasher;
let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
Ok(Box::new(JmapType {
connection: Arc::new(FutureMutex::new(JmapConnection::new(
@ -386,6 +558,7 @@ impl JmapType {
tag_index: Arc::new(RwLock::new(Default::default())),
mailboxes: Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::default())),
is_subscribed: Arc::new(IsSubscribedFn(is_subscribed)),

View File

@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ pub struct JmapConnection {
pub server_conf: JmapServerConf,
pub account_id: Arc<Mutex<String>>,
pub method_call_states: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<&'static str, String>>>,
pub refresh_events: Arc<Mutex<Vec<RefreshEvent>>>,
pub sender: Arc<Mutex<Option<RefreshEventConsumer>>>,
impl JmapConnection {
@ -55,6 +57,8 @@ impl JmapConnection {
account_id: Arc::new(Mutex::new(String::new())),
method_call_states: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Default::default())),
refresh_events: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Default::default())),
sender: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Default::default())),
@ -110,4 +114,15 @@ impl JmapConnection {
pub fn mail_account_id(&self) -> &Id {
pub fn add_refresh_event(&self, event: RefreshEvent) {
if let Some(ref sender) = self.sender.lock().unwrap().as_ref() {
for event in self.refresh_events.lock().unwrap().drain(..) {
} else {

View File

@ -752,3 +752,20 @@ fn test_jmap_query() {
assert_eq!(*request_no.lock().unwrap(), 1);
#[derive(Serialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct EmailSet {
pub set_call: Set<EmailObject>,
impl Method<EmailObject> for EmailSet {
const NAME: &'static str = "Email/set";
impl EmailSet {
pub fn new(set_call: Set<EmailObject>) -> Self {
EmailSet { set_call }

View File

@ -338,3 +338,27 @@ pub async fn fetch(
pub fn keywords_to_flags(keywords: Vec<String>) -> (Flag, Vec<String>) {
let mut f = Flag::default();
let mut tags = vec![];
for k in keywords {
match k.as_str() {
"$draft" => {
f |= Flag::DRAFT;
"$seen" => {
f |= Flag::SEEN;
"$flagged" => {
f |= Flag::FLAGGED;
"$answered" => {
f |= Flag::REPLIED;
"$junk" | "$notjunk" => { /* ignore */ }
_ => tags.push(k),
(f, tags)

View File

@ -357,6 +357,15 @@ pub struct ResultField<M: Method<OBJ>, OBJ: Object> {
pub _ph: PhantomData<fn() -> (OBJ, M)>,
impl<M: Method<OBJ>, OBJ: Object> ResultField<M, OBJ> {
pub fn new(field: &'static str) -> Self {
ResultField {
_ph: PhantomData,
// error[E0723]: trait bounds other than `Sized` on const fn parameters are unstable
// --> melib/src/backends/jmap/
// |
@ -485,6 +494,270 @@ impl<OBJ: Object> ChangesResponse<OBJ> {
_impl!(get_mut destroyed_mut, destroyed: Vec<String>);
///Modifying the state of Foo objects on the server is done via the
///"Foo/set" method. This encompasses creating, updating, and
///destroying Foo records. This allows the server to sort out ordering
///and dependencies that may exist if doing multiple operations at once
///(for example, to ensure there is always a minimum number of a certain
///record type).
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct Set<OBJ: Object>
OBJ: std::fmt::Debug + Serialize,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "String::is_empty")]
///o accountId: "Id"
/// The id of the account to use.
pub account_id: String,
///o ifInState: "String|null"
/// This is a state string as returned by the "Foo/get" method
/// (representing the state of all objects of this type in the
/// account). If supplied, the string must match the current state;
/// otherwise, the method will be aborted and a "stateMismatch" error
/// returned. If null, any changes will be applied to the current
/// state.
pub if_in_state: Option<String>,
///o create: "Id[Foo]|null"
/// A map of a *creation id* (a temporary id set by the client) to Foo
/// objects, or null if no objects are to be created.
/// The Foo object type definition may define default values for
/// properties. Any such property may be omitted by the client.
/// The client MUST omit any properties that may only be set by the
/// server (for example, the "id" property on most object types).
pub create: Option<HashMap<Id, OBJ>>,
///o update: "Id[PatchObject]|null"
/// A map of an id to a Patch object to apply to the current Foo
/// object with that id, or null if no objects are to be updated.
/// A *PatchObject* is of type "String[*]" and represents an unordered
/// set of patches. The keys are a path in JSON Pointer format
/// [RFC6901], with an implicit leading "/" (i.e., prefix each key
/// with "/" before applying the JSON Pointer evaluation algorithm).
/// All paths MUST also conform to the following restrictions; if
/// there is any violation, the update MUST be rejected with an
/// "invalidPatch" error:
/// * The pointer MUST NOT reference inside an array (i.e., you MUST
/// NOT insert/delete from an array; the array MUST be replaced in
/// its entirety instead).
/// * All parts prior to the last (i.e., the value after the final
/// slash) MUST already exist on the object being patched.
/// * There MUST NOT be two patches in the PatchObject where the
/// pointer of one is the prefix of the pointer of the other, e.g.,
/// "alerts/1/offset" and "alerts".
/// The value associated with each pointer determines how to apply
/// that patch:
/// * If null, set to the default value if specified for this
/// property; otherwise, remove the property from the patched
/// object. If the key is not present in the parent, this a no-op.
/// * Anything else: The value to set for this property (this may be
/// a replacement or addition to the object being patched).
/// Any server-set properties MAY be included in the patch if their
/// value is identical to the current server value (before applying
/// the patches to the object). Otherwise, the update MUST be
/// rejected with an "invalidProperties" SetError.
/// This patch definition is designed such that an entire Foo object
/// is also a valid PatchObject. The client may choose to optimise
/// network usage by just sending the diff or may send the whole
/// object; the server processes it the same either way.
pub update: Option<HashMap<Id, Value>>,
///o destroy: "Id[]|null"
/// A list of ids for Foo objects to permanently delete, or null if no
/// objects are to be destroyed.
pub destroy: Option<Vec<Id>>,
impl<OBJ: Object> Set<OBJ>
OBJ: std::fmt::Debug + Serialize,
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
account_id: String::new(),
if_in_state: None,
create: None,
update: None,
destroy: None,
_impl!(account_id: String);
///o ifInState: "String|null"
/// This is a state string as returned by the "Foo/get" method
/// (representing the state of all objects of this type in the
/// account). If supplied, the string must match the current state;
/// otherwise, the method will be aborted and a "stateMismatch" error
/// returned. If null, any changes will be applied to the current
/// state.
if_in_state: Option<String>
_impl!(update: Option<HashMap<Id, Value>>);
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct SetResponse<OBJ: Object> {
///o accountId: "Id"
/// The id of the account used for the call.
pub account_id: String,
///o oldState: "String|null"
/// The state string that would have been returned by "Foo/get" before
/// making the requested changes, or null if the server doesn't know
/// what the previous state string was.
pub old_state: String,
///o newState: "String"
/// The state string that will now be returned by "Foo/get".
pub new_state: String,
///o created: "Id[Foo]|null"
/// A map of the creation id to an object containing any properties of
/// the created Foo object that were not sent by the client. This
/// includes all server-set properties (such as the "id" in most
/// object types) and any properties that were omitted by the client
/// and thus set to a default by the server.
/// This argument is null if no Foo objects were successfully created.
pub created: Option<HashMap<Id, OBJ>>,
///o updated: "Id[Foo|null]|null"
/// The keys in this map are the ids of all Foos that were
/// successfully updated.
/// The value for each id is a Foo object containing any property that
/// changed in a way *not* explicitly requested by the PatchObject
/// sent to the server, or null if none. This lets the client know of
/// any changes to server-set or computed properties.
/// This argument is null if no Foo objects were successfully updated.
pub updated: Option<HashMap<Id, Option<OBJ>>>,
///o destroyed: "Id[]|null"
/// A list of Foo ids for records that were successfully destroyed, or
/// null if none.
pub destroyed: Option<Vec<Id>>,
///o notCreated: "Id[SetError]|null"
/// A map of the creation id to a SetError object for each record that
/// failed to be created, or null if all successful.
pub not_created: Option<Vec<SetError>>,
///o notUpdated: "Id[SetError]|null"
/// A map of the Foo id to a SetError object for each record that
/// failed to be updated, or null if all successful.
pub not_updated: Option<Vec<SetError>>,
///o notDestroyed: "Id[SetError]|null"
/// A map of the Foo id to a SetError object for each record that
/// failed to be destroyed, or null if all successful.//
pub not_destroyed: Option<Vec<SetError>>,
impl<OBJ: Object + DeserializeOwned> std::convert::TryFrom<&RawValue> for SetResponse<OBJ> {
type Error = crate::error::MeliError;
fn try_from(t: &RawValue) -> Result<SetResponse<OBJ>, crate::error::MeliError> {
let res: (String, SetResponse<OBJ>, String) = serde_json::from_str(t.get())?;
assert_eq!(&res.0, &format!("{}/set", OBJ::NAME));
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
#[serde(tag = "type", content = "description")]
pub enum SetError {
///(create; update; destroy). The create/update/destroy would violate an ACL or other permissions policy.
///(create; update). The create would exceed a server- defined limit on the number or total size of objects of this type.
///(create; update). The create/update would result in an object that exceeds a server-defined limit for the maximum size of a single object of this type.
///(create). Too many objects of this type have been created recently, and a server-defined rate limit has been reached. It may work if tried again later.
///(update; destroy). The id given to update/destroy cannot be found.
///(update). The PatchObject given to update the record was not a valid patch (see the patch description).
///(update). The client requested that an object be both updated and destroyed in the same /set request, and the server has decided to therefore ignore the update.
///(create; update). The record given is invalid in some way.
InvalidProperties {
description: Option<String>,
properties: Vec<String>,
///(create; destroy). This is a singleton type, so you cannot create another one or destroy the existing one.
impl core::fmt::Display for SetError {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
use SetError::*;
match self {
Forbidden(Some(description)) => write!(fmt, "Forbidden: {}", description),
Forbidden(None) => write!(fmt, "Forbidden"),
OverQuota(Some(description)) => write!(fmt, "OverQuota: {}", description),
OverQuota(None) => write!(fmt, "OverQuota"),
TooLarge(Some(description)) => write!(fmt, "TooLarge: {}", description),
TooLarge(None) => write!(fmt, "TooLarge"),
RateLimit(Some(description)) => write!(fmt, "RateLimit: {}", description),
RateLimit(None) => write!(fmt, "RateLimit"),
NotFound(Some(description)) => write!(fmt, "NotFound: {}", description),
NotFound(None) => write!(fmt, "NotFound"),
InvalidPatch(Some(description)) => write!(fmt, "InvalidPatch: {}", description),
InvalidPatch(None) => write!(fmt, "InvalidPatch"),
WillDestroy(Some(description)) => write!(fmt, "WillDestroy: {}", description),
WillDestroy(None) => write!(fmt, "WillDestroy"),
InvalidProperties {
description: Some(description),
} => write!(
"InvalidProperties: {}, {}",
InvalidProperties {
description: None,
} => write!(fmt, "InvalidProperties: {}", properties.join(",")),
Singleton(Some(description)) => write!(fmt, "Singleton: {}", description),
Singleton(None) => write!(fmt, "Singleton"),
RequestTooLarge(Some(description)) => write!(fmt, "RequestTooLarge: {}", description),
RequestTooLarge(None) => write!(fmt, "RequestTooLarge"),
StateMismatch(Some(description)) => write!(fmt, "StateMismatch: {}", description),
StateMismatch(None) => write!(fmt, "StateMismatch"),
pub fn download_request_format(
session: &JmapSession,
account_id: &Id,