Makefile: add build-rustdoc target

Manos Pitsidianakis 2020-09-12 23:50:40 +03:00
parent 3ef60f2688
commit 281a6ee6ae
Signed by: Manos Pitsidianakis
GPG Key ID: 73627C2F690DF710
2 changed files with 10 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -31,8 +31,10 @@ CARGO_BIN ?= cargo
MANPAGES ?= meli.1 meli.conf.5 meli-themes.5
FEATURES ?= --features "${MELI_FEATURES}"
MANPATHS = `ACCUM="";for m in \`manpath 2> /dev/null | tr ':' ' '\`; do if [ -d "$${m}" ]; then REAL_PATH=\`cd $${m} && pwd\` ACCUM="$${ACCUM}:$${REAL_PATH}";fi;done;echo -n $${ACCUM} | sed 's/^://'`
VERSION ?= `sed -n "s/^version\s*=\s*\"\(.*\)\"/\1/p" Cargo.toml`
MANPATHS != ACCUM="";for m in `manpath 2> /dev/null | tr ':' ' '`; do if [ -d "$${m}" ]; then REAL_PATH=`cd $${m} && pwd` ACCUM="$${ACCUM}:$${REAL_PATH}";fi;done;echo -n $${ACCUM} | sed 's/^://'
VERSION != sed -n "s/^version\s*=\s*\"\(.*\)\"/\1/p" Cargo.toml
GIT_COMMIT != git show-ref -s --abbrev HEAD
DATE != date -I
# Output parameters
BOLD ?= `[ -z $${TERM} ] && echo "" || tput bold`
@ -63,6 +65,7 @@ help:
@echo " - ${BOLD}dist${ANSI_RESET} (creates release tarball named meli-"${VERSION}".tar.gz in this directory)"
@echo " - ${BOLD}deb-dist${ANSI_RESET} (builds debian package in the parent directory)"
@echo " - ${BOLD}distclean${ANSI_RESET} (cleans distribution build artifacts)"
@echo " - ${BOLD}build-rustdoc${ANSI_RESET} (builds rustdoc documentation for all packages in \$$CARGO_TARGET_DIR)"
@echo "\nENVIRONMENT variables of interest:"
@ -154,3 +157,7 @@ dist:
@dpkg-buildpackage -b -rfakeroot -us -uc
@echo ${BOLD}${GREEN}Generated${ANSI_RESET} ../meli_${VERSION}-1_amd64.deb
.PHONY: build-rustdoc
@RUSTDOCFLAGS="--crate-version ${VERSION}_${GIT_COMMIT}_${DATE}" ${CARGO_BIN} doc ${CARGO_COLOR}--target-dir="${CARGO_TARGET_DIR}" --all-features --no-deps --workspace --document-private-items --open

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@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Secondary subcommands:
- dist (creates release tarball named `meli-VERSION.tar.gz` in this directory)
- deb-dist (builds debian package in the parent directory)
- distclean (cleans distribution build artifacts)
- build-rustdoc (builds rustdoc documentation for all packages in `$CARGO_TARGET_DIR`)
The Makefile *should* be portable and not require a specific `make` version.