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Message-ID: <29330.1075855491320.JavaMail.evans@thyme>
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 05:41:00 -0700 (PDT)
From: sthompson@prosrm.com
To: fermis@ect.enron.com
Subject: PROS is moving to new headquarters
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X-From: "PROS Revenue Management" <sthompson@prosrm.com>
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PROS Revenue Management Moves into New Headquarters
Growing software company chooses ComTech Center in midtown Houston
April 24, 2001-Houston-PROS Revenue Management, the world=01,s leader in pr=
and revenue optimization science and software, and the pioneer and dominant=
provider of revenue management to the airline industry, today announced tha=
it is moving into its new Corporate Headquarters in the ComTech Center in=
midtown Houston. The move into the new headquarters will take place betwee=
April 26-30, 2001. All interested parties are encouraged to update their=
records to reflect PROS=01, new address:
PROS Revenue Management, Inc.
3100 Main Street, Suite 900
Houston, Texas 77002 USA
This address should be used for all correspondence, including billing and=
legal notices. Email addresses and telephone numbers are unchanged. PROS=
main switchboard can still be reached at 713-335-5151 and its Web site can =
accessed at www.prosRM.com.
"Our move into our newly renovated, larger headquarters has come because of=
PROS' incredible growth over the years," says Bert Winemiller, Chairman and=
CEO of PROS. "ComTech Center offers the latest in amenities and technology=
and we are proud to be its newest and largest tenant. The new offices are=
mere blocks from our original location and easy to find."
Winemiller encourages visitors to come visit the new facilities and be give=
a tour.
PROS Revenue Management is the world=01,s leader in pricing and revenue=20
optimization solutions and the pioneer and dominant provider of revenue=20
management to the airline industry. PROS provides system solutions to the=
airline, cargo, rail, energy, healthcare and broadcast industries, and has=
delivered over 180 systems to more than 80 clients in 37 countries. PROS=01=
clients include 17 of the top 25 carriers in the airline industry.
The PROS mission is to maximize the revenue of each client using PROS=01,=
world-leading revenue management science, systems solutions, and best=20
practices business consulting. PROS=01, clients report annual incremental=
revenue increases of 6-8% as a result of revenue management. PROS=01, solut=
forecast demand, optimize inventory, and provide dynamic pricing to maximiz=
Founded in 1985 in Houston, PROS Revenue Management has a six-year compound=
revenue growth of 40%, in large part due to the intellectual capital of its=
staff. Nearly half of PROS=01, professional staff has advanced degrees and =
staff speaks a cumulative total of 26 languages. The company is profitable=
with Year 2000 revenue of $29 million. For more information on PROS Revenue=
Management, please visit www.prosRM.com or call 713-335-5253.
Candy Haase - VP Marketing
713-335-5253 / 713-335-8144 fax
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