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2020-07-09 12:37:35 +03:00
Message-ID: <25176898.1075855478054.JavaMail.evans@thyme>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 16:55:00 -0700 (PDT)
From: enron.announcements@enron.com
To: all.worldwide@enron.com
Subject: World Wide Announcement
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-From: Enron Announcements
X-To: All Enron Worldwide
X-Folder: \Frank_Ermis_Dec2000\Notes Folders\Discussion threads
X-Origin: Ermis-F
X-FileName: fermis.nsf
To respond to the needs of our customers the following management
appointments are effective immediately:
Alan Stringer, EHS Director based in London will be responsible for European
/ Asia / India Regions. Alan will continue to report to myself and Brian
Stanley (based in London). Bal Wong EHS Manager based in Guam will report
to Alan. Alan and Bal form a great team. Both have extensive experience
in undertaking and providing support for Environmental Due Diligence projects
throughout the world for the past ten years for various blue chips, lawyers,
banks and venture capital companies averaging several billion dollars worth
of assets reviewed each year for the past 5 years. Both can provide an
extensive depth of knowledge as internal consultants in assessing
environmental health and safety risk and supporting development of risk
mitigation measures that can be applied in the sale and purchase agreements
and contracts. Both have impressive experience in remediation technology.
Attached is a flow chart for environmental and social due diligence that
shows our organization and responsibilities.
Henry Van
General Manager, EH&S
Asset Operations