use ui::components::*; use ui::cells::*; ///A simple box with borders and no content. pub struct BoxPanel { } impl Component for BoxPanel { fn draw(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, upper_left: Pos, bottom_right: Pos) { grid[upper_left].set_ch('u'); grid[bottom_right].set_ch('b'); let width = get_x(bottom_right) - get_x(upper_left); let height = get_y(bottom_right) - get_y(upper_left); grid[upper_left].set_ch('┌'); grid[(get_x(upper_left), get_y(bottom_right))].set_ch(BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER); grid[(get_x(bottom_right), get_y(upper_left))].set_ch('┐'); grid[bottom_right].set_ch('┘'); for i in get_y(upper_left) + 1..get_y(bottom_right) { grid[(get_x(upper_left), i)].set_ch('│'); grid[(get_x(upper_left) + width, i)].set_ch('│'); } for i in get_x(upper_left)+1..get_x(bottom_right) { grid[(i, get_y(upper_left))].set_ch('─'); grid[(i, get_y(upper_left) + height)].set_ch('─'); } } fn process_event(&mut self, _event: &UIEvent, _queue: &mut VecDeque) { return; } } /// A horizontally split in half container. pub struct HSplit { top: Entity, bottom: Entity, ratio: usize, // bottom/whole height * 100 } impl HSplit { pub fn new(top: Entity, bottom: Entity, ratio: usize) -> Self { HSplit { top: top, bottom: bottom, ratio: ratio, } } } impl Component for HSplit { fn draw(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, upper_left: Pos, bottom_right: Pos) { let total_rows = get_y(bottom_right) - get_y(upper_left); let bottom_entity_height = (self.ratio*total_rows )/100; let mid = get_y(upper_left) + total_rows - bottom_entity_height; for i in get_x(upper_left)..=get_x(bottom_right) { grid[(i, mid)].set_ch('─'); } let _ =, upper_left, (get_x(bottom_right), get_y(upper_left) + mid-1)); let _ = self.bottom.component.draw(grid, (get_x(upper_left), get_y(upper_left) + mid), bottom_right); grid[bottom_right].set_ch('b'); } fn process_event(&mut self, event: &UIEvent, queue: &mut VecDeque) {, queue); self.bottom.rcv_event(event, queue); } } /// A vertically split in half container. pub struct VSplit { left: Entity, right: Entity, /// This is the width of the right container to the entire width. ratio: usize, // right/(container width) * 100 } impl VSplit { pub fn new(left: Entity, right: Entity, ratio: usize) -> Self { VSplit { left: left, right: right, ratio: ratio, } } } impl Component for VSplit { fn draw(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, upper_left: Pos, bottom_right: Pos) { let total_cols = get_x(bottom_right) - get_x(upper_left); let right_entity_width = (self.ratio*total_cols )/100; let mid = get_x(bottom_right) - right_entity_width; if get_y(upper_left)> 1 { let c = grid.get(mid, get_y(upper_left)-1).map(|a||| ' '); match c { HORZ_BOUNDARY => { grid[(mid, get_y(upper_left)-1)].set_ch(LIGHT_DOWN_AND_HORIZONTAL); }, _ => {}, } } for i in get_y(upper_left)..get_y(bottom_right) { grid[(mid, i)].set_ch(VERT_BOUNDARY); } if get_y(bottom_right)> 1 { let c = grid.get(mid, get_y(bottom_right)-1).map(|a||| ' '); match c { HORZ_BOUNDARY => { grid[(mid, get_y(bottom_right)+1)].set_ch(LIGHT_UP_AND_HORIZONTAL); }, _ => {}, } } let _ = self.left.component.draw(grid, upper_left, (mid-1, get_y(bottom_right))); let _ = self.right.component.draw(grid, (mid+1, get_y(upper_left)), bottom_right); } fn process_event(&mut self, event: &UIEvent, queue: &mut VecDeque) { self.left.rcv_event(event, queue); self.right.rcv_event(event, queue); } } /// A box with a text content. pub struct TextBox { content: String, } impl TextBox { pub fn new(s: String) -> Self { TextBox { content: s, } } } impl Component for TextBox { fn draw(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, upper_left: Pos, bottom_right: Pos) { let mut x = get_x(upper_left); let y = get_y(upper_left); for c in self.content.chars() { grid[(x,y)].set_ch(c); x += 1; if x == get_x(bottom_right) + 1 { x = get_x(upper_left); } if y == get_y(bottom_right) { break; } } } fn process_event(&mut self, _event: &UIEvent, _queue: &mut VecDeque) { return; } } /// A pager for text. /// `Pager` holds its own content in its own `CellBuffer` and when `draw` is called, it draws the /// current view of the text. It is responsible for scrolling etc. pub struct Pager { cursor_pos: usize, rows: usize, cols: usize, height: usize, pub dirty: bool, content: CellBuffer, } impl Pager { pub fn new(mail: &Envelope, height: usize, width: usize) -> Self { let text = mail.get_body().get_text(); let lines: Vec<&str> = text.trim().split('\n').collect(); let rows = lines.len(); let mut content = CellBuffer::new(width, rows, Cell::with_char(' ')); for (i, l) in lines.iter().enumerate() { write_string_to_grid(l, &mut content, Color::Default, Color::Default, (0,i), (width-1, rows-1)); } Pager { cursor_pos: 0, rows: rows, height: height, cols: width, dirty: true, content: content, } } } impl Component for Pager { fn draw(&mut self, grid: &mut CellBuffer, upper_left: Pos, bottom_right: Pos) { if !self.dirty { return; } clear_area(grid, (get_x(upper_left), get_y(upper_left)-1), bottom_right); self.dirty = false; let mut inner_x = 0; let mut inner_y = self.cursor_pos; //if self.cursor_pos < self.rows && self.rows - self.cursor_pos > self.height { for y in get_y(upper_left)..get_y(bottom_right) { 'for_x: for x in get_x(upper_left)..get_x(bottom_right) { if inner_x == self.cols { break 'for_x; } grid[(x,y)] = self.content[(inner_x, inner_y)]; inner_x += 1; } inner_y += 1; inner_x = 0; if inner_y == self.rows { break; } } } fn process_event(&mut self, event: &UIEvent, _queue: &mut VecDeque) { match event.event_type { UIEventType::Input(Key::Char('k')) => { if self.cursor_pos > 0 { self.cursor_pos -= 1; self.dirty = true; } }, UIEventType::Input(Key::Char('j')) => { if self.rows > 0 && self.cursor_pos < self.rows - 1 { self.cursor_pos += 1; self.dirty = true; } }, _ => { }, } } }