/* * meli - imap * * Copyright 2020 Manos Pitsidianakis * * This file is part of meli. * * meli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * meli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with meli. If not, see . */ use super::{ImapConnection, MailboxSelection, UID}; use crate::backends::imap::protocol_parser::{ generate_envelope_hash, FetchResponse, ImapLineSplit, RequiredResponses, UntaggedResponse, }; use crate::backends::BackendMailbox; use crate::backends::{ RefreshEvent, RefreshEventKind::{self, *}, }; use crate::error::*; use std::convert::TryInto; impl ImapConnection { pub async fn process_untagged(&mut self, line: &[u8]) -> Result { macro_rules! try_fail { ($mailbox_hash: expr, $($result:expr $(,)*)+) => { $(if let Err(err) = $result { self.uid_store.is_online.lock().unwrap().1 = Err(err.clone()); debug!("failure: {}", err.to_string()); self.add_refresh_event(RefreshEvent { account_hash: self.uid_store.account_hash, mailbox_hash: $mailbox_hash, kind: RefreshEventKind::Failure(err.clone()), }); Err(err) } else { Ok(()) }?;)+ }; } let mailbox_hash = match self.stream.as_ref()?.current_mailbox { MailboxSelection::Select(h) | MailboxSelection::Examine(h) => h, MailboxSelection::None => return Ok(false), }; let mailbox = std::clone::Clone::clone(&self.uid_store.mailboxes.lock().await[&mailbox_hash]); #[cfg(not(feature = "sqlite3"))] let mut cache_handle = super::cache::DefaultCache::get(self.uid_store.clone())?; #[cfg(feature = "sqlite3")] let mut cache_handle = super::cache::Sqlite3Cache::get(self.uid_store.clone())?; let mut response = Vec::with_capacity(8 * 1024); let untagged_response = match super::protocol_parser::untagged_responses(line).map(|(_, v, _)| v) { Ok(None) | Err(_) => { return Ok(false); } Ok(Some(r)) => r, }; match untagged_response { UntaggedResponse::Bye { reason } => { self.uid_store.is_online.lock().unwrap().1 = Err(reason.into()); } UntaggedResponse::Expunge(n) => { if self .uid_store .msn_index .lock() .unwrap() .get(&mailbox_hash) .map(|i| i.len() < TryInto::::try_into(n).unwrap()) .unwrap_or(true) { debug!( "Received expunge {} but mailbox msn index is {:?}", n, self.uid_store.msn_index.lock().unwrap().get(&mailbox_hash) ); self.send_command("UID SEARCH 1:*".as_bytes()).await?; self.read_response(&mut response, RequiredResponses::SEARCH) .await?; let results = super::protocol_parser::search_results(&response)? .1 .into_iter() .collect::>(); { let mut lck = self.uid_store.msn_index.lock().unwrap(); let msn_index = lck.entry(mailbox_hash).or_default(); msn_index.clear(); msn_index.extend( super::protocol_parser::search_results(&response)? .1 .into_iter(), ); } let mut events = vec![]; for (deleted_uid, deleted_hash) in self .uid_store .uid_index .lock() .unwrap() .iter() .filter(|((mailbox_hash_, u), _)| { *mailbox_hash_ == mailbox_hash && !results.contains(u) }) .map(|((_, uid), hash)| (*uid, *hash)) .collect::>() { mailbox.exists.lock().unwrap().remove(deleted_hash); mailbox.unseen.lock().unwrap().remove(deleted_hash); self.uid_store .uid_index .lock() .unwrap() .remove(&(mailbox_hash, deleted_uid)); self.uid_store .hash_index .lock() .unwrap() .remove(&deleted_hash); events.push(( deleted_uid, RefreshEvent { account_hash: self.uid_store.account_hash, mailbox_hash, kind: Remove(deleted_hash), }, )); } if self.uid_store.keep_offline_cache { cache_handle.update(mailbox_hash, &events)?; } for (_, event) in events { self.add_refresh_event(event); } return Ok(true); } let deleted_uid = self .uid_store .msn_index .lock() .unwrap() .entry(mailbox_hash) .or_default() .remove(TryInto::::try_into(n).unwrap().saturating_sub(1)); debug!("expunge {}, UID = {}", n, deleted_uid); let deleted_hash: crate::email::EnvelopeHash = match self .uid_store .uid_index .lock() .unwrap() .remove(&(mailbox_hash, deleted_uid)) { Some(v) => v, None => return Ok(true), }; mailbox.exists.lock().unwrap().remove(deleted_hash); mailbox.unseen.lock().unwrap().remove(deleted_hash); self.uid_store .hash_index .lock() .unwrap() .remove(&deleted_hash); let mut event: [(UID, RefreshEvent); 1] = [( deleted_uid, RefreshEvent { account_hash: self.uid_store.account_hash, mailbox_hash, kind: Remove(deleted_hash), }, )]; if self.uid_store.keep_offline_cache { cache_handle.update(mailbox_hash, &event)?; } self.add_refresh_event(std::mem::replace( &mut event[0].1, RefreshEvent { account_hash: self.uid_store.account_hash, mailbox_hash, kind: Rescan, }, )); } UntaggedResponse::Exists(n) => { debug!("exists {}", n); try_fail!( mailbox_hash, self.send_command(format!("FETCH {} (UID FLAGS ENVELOPE BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (REFERENCES)] BODYSTRUCTURE)", n).as_bytes()).await self.read_response(&mut response, RequiredResponses::FETCH_REQUIRED).await ); let mut v = match super::protocol_parser::fetch_responses(&response) { Ok((_, v, _)) => v, Err(err) => { debug!( "Error when parsing FETCH response after untagged exists {:?}", err ); return Ok(true); } }; debug!("responses len is {}", v.len()); for FetchResponse { ref uid, ref mut envelope, ref mut flags, ref references, .. } in &mut v { if uid.is_none() || flags.is_none() || envelope.is_none() { continue; } let uid = uid.unwrap(); let env = envelope.as_mut().unwrap(); env.set_hash(generate_envelope_hash(&mailbox.imap_path(), &uid)); if let Some(value) = references { env.set_references(value); } let mut tag_lck = self.uid_store.collection.tag_index.write().unwrap(); if let Some((flags, keywords)) = flags { env.set_flags(*flags); if !env.is_seen() { mailbox.unseen.lock().unwrap().insert_new(env.hash()); } for f in keywords { let hash = tag_hash!(f); if !tag_lck.contains_key(&hash) { tag_lck.insert(hash, f.to_string()); } env.labels_mut().push(hash); } } mailbox.exists.lock().unwrap().insert_new(env.hash()); if !self .uid_store .uid_index .lock() .unwrap() .contains_key(&(mailbox_hash, uid)) { self.uid_store .msn_index .lock() .unwrap() .entry(mailbox_hash) .or_default() .push(uid); } self.uid_store .hash_index .lock() .unwrap() .insert(env.hash(), (uid, mailbox_hash)); self.uid_store .uid_index .lock() .unwrap() .insert((mailbox_hash, uid), env.hash()); debug!( "Create event {} {} {}", env.hash(), env.subject(), mailbox.path(), ); } if self.uid_store.keep_offline_cache { if let Err(err) = cache_handle .insert_envelopes(mailbox_hash, &v) .chain_err_summary(|| { format!( "Could not save envelopes in cache for mailbox {}", &mailbox.imap_path() ) }) { crate::log(err.to_string(), crate::INFO); } } for response in v { if let FetchResponse { envelope: Some(envelope), .. } = response { self.add_refresh_event(RefreshEvent { account_hash: self.uid_store.account_hash, mailbox_hash, kind: Create(Box::new(envelope)), }); } } } UntaggedResponse::Recent(_) => { try_fail!( mailbox_hash, self.send_command(b"UID SEARCH RECENT").await self.read_response(&mut response, RequiredResponses::SEARCH).await ); match super::protocol_parser::search_results_raw(&response) .map(|(_, v)| v) .map_err(MeliError::from) { Ok(&[]) => { debug!("UID SEARCH RECENT returned no results"); } Ok(v) => { let command = { let mut iter = v.split(u8::is_ascii_whitespace); let first = iter.next().unwrap_or(v); let mut accum = format!("{}", to_str!(first).trim()); for ms in iter { accum = format!("{},{}", accum, to_str!(ms).trim()); } format!("UID FETCH {} (UID FLAGS ENVELOPE BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (REFERENCES)] BODYSTRUCTURE)", accum) }; try_fail!( mailbox_hash, self.send_command(command.as_bytes()).await self.read_response(&mut response, RequiredResponses::FETCH_REQUIRED).await ); let mut v = match super::protocol_parser::fetch_responses(&response) { Ok((_, v, _)) => v, Err(err) => { debug!( "Error when parsing FETCH response after untagged recent {:?}", err ); return Ok(true); } }; debug!("responses len is {}", v.len()); for FetchResponse { ref uid, ref mut envelope, ref mut flags, ref references, .. } in &mut v { if uid.is_none() || flags.is_none() || envelope.is_none() { continue; } let uid = uid.unwrap(); let env = envelope.as_mut().unwrap(); env.set_hash(generate_envelope_hash(&mailbox.imap_path(), &uid)); if let Some(value) = references { env.set_references(value); } let mut tag_lck = self.uid_store.collection.tag_index.write().unwrap(); if let Some((flags, keywords)) = flags { env.set_flags(*flags); if !env.is_seen() { mailbox.unseen.lock().unwrap().insert_new(env.hash()); } for f in keywords { let hash = tag_hash!(f); if !tag_lck.contains_key(&hash) { tag_lck.insert(hash, f.to_string()); } env.labels_mut().push(hash); } } mailbox.exists.lock().unwrap().insert_new(env.hash()); } if self.uid_store.keep_offline_cache { if let Err(err) = cache_handle .insert_envelopes(mailbox_hash, &v) .chain_err_summary(|| { format!( "Could not save envelopes in cache for mailbox {}", &mailbox.imap_path() ) }) { crate::log(err.to_string(), crate::INFO); } } for response in v { if let FetchResponse { envelope: Some(envelope), uid: Some(uid), .. } = response { if !self .uid_store .uid_index .lock() .unwrap() .contains_key(&(mailbox_hash, uid)) { self.uid_store .msn_index .lock() .unwrap() .entry(mailbox_hash) .or_default() .push(uid); } self.uid_store .hash_index .lock() .unwrap() .insert(envelope.hash(), (uid, mailbox_hash)); self.uid_store .uid_index .lock() .unwrap() .insert((mailbox_hash, uid), envelope.hash()); debug!( "Create event {} {} {}", envelope.hash(), envelope.subject(), mailbox.path(), ); self.add_refresh_event(RefreshEvent { account_hash: self.uid_store.account_hash, mailbox_hash, kind: Create(Box::new(envelope)), }); } } } Err(e) => { debug!( "UID SEARCH RECENT err: {}\nresp: {}", e.to_string(), to_str!(&response) ); } } } UntaggedResponse::Fetch(FetchResponse { uid, message_sequence_number: msg_seq, modseq, flags, body: _, references: _, envelope: _, raw_fetch_value: _, }) => { if let Some(flags) = flags { let uid = if let Some(uid) = uid { uid } else { try_fail!( mailbox_hash, self.send_command(format!("UID SEARCH {}", msg_seq).as_bytes()) .await, self.read_response(&mut response, RequiredResponses::SEARCH) .await, ); match super::protocol_parser::search_results( response.split_rn().next().unwrap_or(b""), ) .map(|(_, v)| v) { Ok(mut v) if v.len() == 1 => v.pop().unwrap(), Ok(_) => { return Ok(false); } Err(e) => { debug!("SEARCH error failed: {}", e); debug!(to_str!(&response)); return Ok(false); } } }; debug!("fetch uid {} {:?}", uid, flags); if let Some(env_hash) = { let temp = self .uid_store .uid_index .lock() .unwrap() .get(&(mailbox_hash, uid)) .copied(); temp } { if !flags.0.intersects(crate::email::Flag::SEEN) { mailbox.unseen.lock().unwrap().insert_new(env_hash); } else { mailbox.unseen.lock().unwrap().remove(env_hash); } mailbox.exists.lock().unwrap().insert_new(env_hash); if let Some(modseq) = modseq { self.uid_store .modseq .lock() .unwrap() .insert(env_hash, modseq); } let mut event: [(UID, RefreshEvent); 1] = [( uid, RefreshEvent { account_hash: self.uid_store.account_hash, mailbox_hash, kind: NewFlags(env_hash, flags), }, )]; if self.uid_store.keep_offline_cache { cache_handle.update(mailbox_hash, &event)?; } self.add_refresh_event(std::mem::replace( &mut event[0].1, RefreshEvent { account_hash: self.uid_store.account_hash, mailbox_hash, kind: Rescan, }, )); }; } } } Ok(true) } }