terminal/embed: remove some allocations and unwraps

Manos Pitsidianakis 2020-10-18 15:02:18 +03:00
parent 89940dd606
commit 7919e95ddd
Signed by: Manos Pitsidianakis
GPG Key ID: 73627C2F690DF710
2 changed files with 178 additions and 169 deletions

View File

@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
use crate::terminal::position::*;
use melib::{log, ERROR, error::*};
use melib::{error::*, log, ERROR};
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use nix::fcntl::{open, OFlag};
@ -29,7 +30,10 @@ use nix::sys::stat;
use nix::unistd::{dup2, fork, ForkResult};
use nix::{ioctl_none_bad, ioctl_write_ptr_bad};
use std::ffi::{CString, OsStr};
use std::os::unix::{ffi::OsStrExt, io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, IntoRawFd}};
use std::os::unix::{
io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, IntoRawFd},
mod grid;
@ -51,11 +55,7 @@ ioctl_write_ptr_bad!(set_window_size, TIOCSWINSZ, Winsize);
ioctl_none_bad!(set_controlling_terminal, TIOCSCTTY);
pub fn create_pty(
width: usize,
height: usize,
command: String,
) -> Result<Arc<Mutex<EmbedGrid>>> {
pub fn create_pty(width: usize, height: usize, command: String) -> Result<Arc<Mutex<EmbedGrid>>> {
// Open a new PTY master
let master_fd = posix_openpt(OFlag::O_RDWR)?;
@ -77,11 +77,11 @@ pub fn create_pty(
let master_fd = master_fd.clone().into_raw_fd();
unsafe { set_window_size(master_fd, &winsize).unwrap() };
unsafe { set_window_size(master_fd, &winsize)? };
let child_pid = match fork() {
Ok(ForkResult::Child) => {
let child_pid = match fork()? {
ForkResult::Child => {
/* Open slave end for pseudoterminal */
let slave_fd = open(Path::new(&slave_name), OFlag::O_RDWR, stat::Mode::empty())?;
@ -115,16 +115,19 @@ pub fn create_pty(
/* Find posix sh location, because POSIX shell is not always at /bin/sh */
let path_var = std::process::Command::new("getconf").args(&["PATH"]).output()?.stdout;
let path_var = std::process::Command::new("getconf")
for mut p in std::env::split_paths(&OsStr::from_bytes(&path_var[..])) {
if p.exists() {
if let Err(e) = nix::unistd::execv(
) {
log(format!("Could not execute `{}`: {}", command, e,), ERROR);
@ -135,14 +138,14 @@ pub fn create_pty(
"Could not execute `{}`: did not find the standard POSIX sh shell in PATH = {}",
command, String::from_utf8_lossy(&path_var),
Ok(ForkResult::Parent { child }) => child,
Err(e) => panic!(e),
ForkResult::Parent { child } => child,
let stdin = unsafe { std::fs::File::from_raw_fd(master_fd.clone().into_raw_fd()) };
@ -163,9 +166,9 @@ pub fn create_pty(
fn forward_pty_translate_escape_codes(pty_fd: std::fs::File, grid: Arc<Mutex<EmbedGrid>>) {
let mut bytes_iter = pty_fd.bytes();
debug!("waiting for bytes");
//debug!("waiting for bytes");
while let Some(Ok(byte)) = bytes_iter.next() {
debug!("got a byte? {:?}", byte as char);
//debug!("got a byte? {:?}", byte as char);
/* Drink deep, and descend. */
@ -174,14 +177,14 @@ fn forward_pty_translate_escape_codes(pty_fd: std::fs::File, grid: Arc<Mutex<Emb
pub enum State {
G0, // Designate G0 Character Set
Osc1(Vec<u8>), //ESC ] Operating System Command (OSC is 0x9d).
Osc2(Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>),
G0, // Designate G0 Character Set
Osc1(SmallVec<[u8; 8]>), //ESC ] Operating System Command (OSC is 0x9d).
Osc2(SmallVec<[u8; 8]>, SmallVec<[u8; 8]>),
Csi, // ESC [ Control Sequence Introducer (CSI is 0x9b).
Csi2(Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>),
Csi3(Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>),
Csi1(SmallVec<[u8; 8]>),
Csi2(SmallVec<[u8; 8]>, SmallVec<[u8; 8]>),
Csi3(SmallVec<[u8; 8]>, SmallVec<[u8; 8]>, SmallVec<[u8; 8]>),
CsiQ(SmallVec<[u8; 8]>),
@ -264,7 +267,7 @@ impl std::fmt::Display for EscCode<'_> {
"ESC[{}n\t\tCSI Device Status Report (DSR)| Report Cursor Position",
EscCode(Csi1(ref buf), b't') if buf == b"18" => write!(
EscCode(Csi1(ref buf), b't') if buf.as_ref() == b"18" => write!(
"ESC[18t\t\tReport the size of the text area in characters",
@ -364,11 +367,11 @@ impl std::fmt::Display for EscCode<'_> {
"ESC[?{}r\t\tCSI Restore DEC Private Mode Values",
EscCode(CsiQ(ref buf), b'h') if buf == b"25" => write!(
EscCode(CsiQ(ref buf), b'h') if buf.as_ref() == b"25" => write!(
"ESC[?25h\t\tCSI DEC Private Mode Set (DECSET) show cursor",
EscCode(CsiQ(ref buf), b'h') if buf == b"12" => write!(
EscCode(CsiQ(ref buf), b'h') if buf.as_ref() == b"12" => write!(
"ESC[?12h\t\tCSI DEC Private Mode Set (DECSET) Start Blinking Cursor.",
@ -377,11 +380,11 @@ impl std::fmt::Display for EscCode<'_> {
"ESC[?{}h\t\tCSI DEC Private Mode Set (DECSET). [UNKNOWN]",
EscCode(CsiQ(ref buf), b'l') if buf == b"12" => write!(
EscCode(CsiQ(ref buf), b'l') if buf.as_ref() == b"12" => write!(
"ESC[?12l\t\tCSI DEC Private Mode Set (DECSET) Stop Blinking Cursor",
EscCode(CsiQ(ref buf), b'l') if buf == b"25" => write!(
EscCode(CsiQ(ref buf), b'l') if buf.as_ref() == b"25" => write!(
"ESC[?25l\t\tCSI DEC Private Mode Set (DECSET) hide cursor",

View File

@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ pub struct EmbedGrid {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum CodepointBuf {
ThreeCodepoints(u8, Option<u8>),
FourCodepoints(u8, Option<u8>, Option<u8>),
impl EmbedGrid {
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
if new_val == self.terminal_size {
debug!("resizing to {:?}", new_val);
//debug!("resizing to {:?}", new_val);
self.scroll_region.top = 0;
self.scroll_region.bottom = new_val.1.saturating_sub(1);
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
pub fn stop(&self) {
let _ = nix::sys::signal::kill(debug!(self.child_pid), nix::sys::signal::SIGSTOP);
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
*state = State::ExpectingControlChar;
(b']', State::ExpectingControlChar) => {
let buf1 = Vec::new();
let buf1 = SmallVec::new();
*state = State::Osc1(buf1);
(b'[', State::ExpectingControlChar) => {
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
(b'D', State::ExpectingControlChar) => {
// ESCD Linefeed
debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
//debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
if cursor.1 == scroll_region.bottom {
grid.scroll_up(scroll_region, scroll_region.top, 1);
} else {
@ -218,8 +218,8 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
(b'J', State::ExpectingControlChar) => {
// ESCJ Erase from the cursor to the end of the screen
debug!("sending {}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
debug!("erasing from {:?} to {:?}", cursor, terminal_size);
//debug!("sending {}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
//debug!("erasing from {:?} to {:?}", cursor, terminal_size);
for y in cursor.1..terminal_size.1 {
for x in cursor.0..terminal_size.0 {
grid[(x, y)] = Cell::default();
@ -229,21 +229,21 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
(b'K', State::ExpectingControlChar) => {
// ESCK Erase from the cursor to the end of the line
debug!("sending {}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
//debug!("sending {}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
for x in cursor.0..terminal_size.0 {
grid[(x, cursor.1)] = Cell::default();
*state = State::Normal;
(_, State::ExpectingControlChar) => {
"unrecognised: byte is {} and state is {:?}",
byte as char, state
// "unrecognised: byte is {} and state is {:?}",
// byte as char, state
*state = State::Normal;
(b'?', State::Csi) => {
let buf1 = Vec::new();
let buf1 = SmallVec::new();
*state = State::CsiQ(buf1);
/* OSC stuff */
@ -251,8 +251,8 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
(b';', State::Osc1(ref mut buf1_p)) => {
let buf1 = std::mem::replace(buf1_p, Vec::new());
let buf2 = Vec::new();
let buf1 = std::mem::replace(buf1_p, SmallVec::new());
let buf2 = SmallVec::new();
*state = State::Osc2(buf1, buf2);
(c, State::Osc2(_, ref mut buf)) if (c >= b'0' && c <= b'9') || c == b'?' => {
@ -260,14 +260,14 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
/* Normal */
(b'\r', State::Normal) => {
debug!("carriage return x-> 0, cursor was: {:?}", cursor);
//debug!("carriage return x-> 0, cursor was: {:?}", cursor);
cursor.0 = 0;
*wrap_next = false;
debug!("cursor became: {:?}", cursor);
//debug!("cursor became: {:?}", cursor);
(b'\n', State::Normal) => {
//debug!("setting cell {:?} char '{}'", cursor, c as char);
debug!("newline y-> y+1, cursor was: {:?}", cursor);
//debug!("newline y-> y+1, cursor was: {:?}", cursor);
if cursor.1 + 1 < terminal_size.1 {
if cursor.1 == scroll_region.bottom {
@ -277,18 +277,18 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
*wrap_next = false;
debug!("cursor became: {:?}", cursor);
//debug!("cursor became: {:?}", cursor);
(b'', State::Normal) => {
debug!("Visual bell ^G, ignoring {:?}", cursor);
//debug!("Visual bell ^G, ignoring {:?}", cursor);
(0x08, State::Normal) => {
/* Backspace */
debug!("backspace x-> x-1, cursor was: {:?}", cursor);
//debug!("backspace x-> x-1, cursor was: {:?}", cursor);
if cursor.0 > 0 {
cursor.0 -= 1;
debug!("cursor became: {:?}", cursor);
//debug!("cursor became: {:?}", cursor);
(c, State::Normal) => {
/* Character to be printed. */
@ -298,57 +298,61 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
} else {
match codepoints {
CodepointBuf::None if c & 0b1110_0000 == 0b1100_0000 => {
*codepoints = CodepointBuf::TwoCodepoints(vec![c]);
*codepoints = CodepointBuf::TwoCodepoints(c);
CodepointBuf::None if c & 0b1111_0000 == 0b1110_0000 => {
*codepoints = CodepointBuf::ThreeCodepoints(vec![c]);
*codepoints = CodepointBuf::ThreeCodepoints(c, None);
CodepointBuf::None if c & 0b1111_1000 == 0b1111_0000 => {
*codepoints = CodepointBuf::FourCodepoints(vec![c]);
*codepoints = CodepointBuf::FourCodepoints(c, None, None);
CodepointBuf::TwoCodepoints(buf) => {
debug!("two byte char = ");
unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&[buf[0], c]) }
CodepointBuf::TwoCodepoints(b) => {
//debug!("two byte char = ");
unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&[*b, c]) }
CodepointBuf::ThreeCodepoints(buf) if buf.len() == 2 => {
debug!("three byte char = ",);
unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&[buf[0], buf[1], c]) }
CodepointBuf::ThreeCodepoints(b, Some(b1)) => {
//debug!("three byte char = ",);
unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&[*b, *b1, c]) }
CodepointBuf::ThreeCodepoints(buf) => {
CodepointBuf::ThreeCodepoints(_, ref mut b @ None) => {
*b = Some(c);
CodepointBuf::FourCodepoints(buf) if buf.len() == 3 => {
debug!("four byte char = ",);
unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&[buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], c]) }
CodepointBuf::FourCodepoints(b, Some(b1), Some(b2)) => {
//debug!("four byte char = ",);
unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&[*b, *b1, *b2, c]) }
CodepointBuf::FourCodepoints(buf) => {
CodepointBuf::FourCodepoints(_, ref mut b1 @ None, None) => {
*b1 = Some(c);
CodepointBuf::FourCodepoints(_, _, ref mut b2 @ None) => {
*b2 = Some(c);
_ => {
"invalid utf8 sequence: codepoints = {:?} and c={}",
codepoints, c
// "invalid utf8 sequence: codepoints = {:?} and c={}",
// codepoints, c
*codepoints = CodepointBuf::None;
debug!("c = {:?}\tcursor={:?}", c, cursor);
//debug!("c = {:?}\tcursor={:?}", c, cursor);
*codepoints = CodepointBuf::None;
if *auto_wrap_mode && *wrap_next {
*wrap_next = false;
@ -360,9 +364,9 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
cursor.0 = 0;
if c == '↪' {
debug!("↪ cursor is {:?}", cursor_val!());
//if c == '↪' {
//debug!("↪ cursor is {:?}", cursor_val!());
@ -387,13 +391,13 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
(b'u', State::Csi) => {
/* restore cursor */
debug!("restore cursor {}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
//debug!("restore cursor {}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
*show_cursor = true;
*state = State::Normal;
(b'm', State::Csi) => {
/* Reset character Attributes (SGR). Ps = 0 -> Normal (default), VT100 */
debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
//debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
*fg_color = Color::Default;
*bg_color = Color::Default;
@ -402,10 +406,10 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
(b'C', State::Csi) => {
// ESC[C CSI Cursor Forward one Time
debug!("cursor forward one time, cursor was: {:?}", cursor);
//debug!("cursor forward one time, cursor was: {:?}", cursor);
cursor.0 = std::cmp::min(cursor.0 + 1, terminal_size.0.saturating_sub(1));
*wrap_next = false;
debug!("cursor became: {:?}", cursor);
//debug!("cursor became: {:?}", cursor);
*state = State::Normal;
/* CSI ? stuff */
@ -430,7 +434,7 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
_ => {}
debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
//debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
*state = State::Normal;
(b'l', State::CsiQ(ref mut buf)) => {
@ -456,12 +460,12 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
_ => {}
debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
//debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
*state = State::Normal;
/* END OF CSI ? stuff */
(c, State::Csi) if c >= b'0' && c <= b'9' => {
let mut buf1 = Vec::new();
let mut buf1 = SmallVec::new();
*state = State::Csi1(buf1);
@ -485,13 +489,13 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
//debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
*state = State::Normal;
(b'K', State::Csi) => {
/* Erase in Line (ED), VT100.*/
/* Erase to right (Default) */
debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
//debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
for x in cursor.0..terminal_size.0 {
grid[(x, cursor.1)] = Cell::default();
@ -509,7 +513,7 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
grid.scroll_down(scroll_region, cursor.1, n);
debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
//debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
*state = State::Normal;
(b'M', State::Csi) | (b'M', State::Csi1(_)) => {
@ -524,40 +528,40 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
grid.scroll_up(scroll_region, cursor.1, n);
debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
//debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
*state = State::Normal;
(b'A', State::Csi) => {
// Move cursor up 1 line
debug!("cursor up 1 times, cursor was: {:?}", cursor);
//debug!("cursor up 1 times, cursor was: {:?}", cursor);
if cursor.1 > 0 {
cursor.1 -= 1;
} else {
debug!("cursor.1 == 0");
//debug!("cursor.1 == 0");
*wrap_next = false;
debug!("cursor became: {:?}", cursor);
//debug!("cursor became: {:?}", cursor);
*state = State::Normal;
(b'K', State::Csi1(buf)) if buf == b"0" => {
(b'K', State::Csi1(buf)) if buf.as_ref() == b"0" => {
/* Erase in Line (ED), VT100.*/
/* Erase to right (Default) */
debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
//debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
for x in cursor.0..terminal_size.0 {
grid[(x, cursor.1)] = Cell::default();
*state = State::Normal;
(b'K', State::Csi1(buf)) if buf == b"1" => {
(b'K', State::Csi1(buf)) if buf.as_ref() == b"1" => {
/* Erase in Line (ED), VT100.*/
/* Erase to left (Default) */
for x in 0..=cursor.0 {
grid[(x, cursor.1)] = Cell::default();
debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
//debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
*state = State::Normal;
(b'K', State::Csi1(buf)) if buf == b"2" => {
(b'K', State::Csi1(buf)) if buf.as_ref() == b"2" => {
/* Erase in Line (ED), VT100.*/
/* Erase all */
for y in 0..terminal_size.1 {
@ -565,7 +569,7 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
grid[(x, y)] = Cell::default();
debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
//debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
((0, 0), pos_dec(*terminal_size, (1, 1))),
@ -573,7 +577,7 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
*state = State::Normal;
(b'J', State::Csi1(ref buf)) if buf == b"0" => {
(b'J', State::Csi1(ref buf)) if buf.as_ref() == b"0" => {
/* Erase in Display (ED), VT100.*/
/* Erase Below (default). */
@ -593,10 +597,10 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
//debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
*state = State::Normal;
(b'J', State::Csi1(ref buf)) if buf == b"1" => {
(b'J', State::Csi1(ref buf)) if buf.as_ref() == b"1" => {
/* Erase in Display (ED), VT100.*/
/* Erase Above */
@ -610,10 +614,10 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
//debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
*state = State::Normal;
(b'J', State::Csi1(ref buf)) if buf == b"2" => {
(b'J', State::Csi1(ref buf)) if buf.as_ref() == b"2" => {
/* Erase in Display (ED), VT100.*/
/* Erase All */
@ -621,7 +625,7 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
((0, 0), pos_dec(*terminal_size, (1, 1))),
debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
//debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
*state = State::Normal;
(b'X', State::Csi1(ref buf)) => {
@ -644,15 +648,15 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
cur_x += 1;
ctr += 1;
debug!("Erased {} Character(s)", ps);
//debug!("Erased {} Character(s)", ps);
*state = State::Normal;
(b't', State::Csi1(buf)) => {
/* Window manipulation */
if buf == b"18" || buf == b"19" {
if buf.as_ref() == b"18" || buf.as_ref() == b"19" {
// Ps = 18 → Report the size of the text area in characters as CSI 8 ; height ; width t
debug!("report size of the text area");
debug!("got {}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
//debug!("report size of the text area");
//debug!("got {}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
@ -664,15 +668,15 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
} else {
debug!("ignoring unknown code {}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
//debug!("ignoring unknown code {}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
*state = State::Normal;
(b'n', State::Csi1(_)) => {
// Ps = 6 ⇒ Report Cursor Position (CPR) [row;column].
// Result is CSI r ; c R
debug!("report cursor position");
debug!("got {}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
//debug!("report cursor position");
//debug!("got {}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
stdin.write_all(&[b'\x1b', b'[']).unwrap();
.write_all((cursor.1 + 1).to_string().as_bytes())
@ -690,13 +694,13 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
let offset = unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(buf) }
debug!("cursor up {} times, cursor was: {:?}", offset, cursor);
//debug!("cursor up {} times, cursor was: {:?}", offset, cursor);
if cursor.1 >= offset {
cursor.1 -= offset;
} else {
debug!("offset > cursor.1");
//debug!("offset > cursor.1");
debug!("cursor became: {:?}", cursor);
//debug!("cursor became: {:?}", cursor);
*state = State::Normal;
(b'B', State::Csi1(buf)) => {
@ -704,7 +708,7 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
let offset = unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(buf) }
debug!("cursor down {} times, cursor was: {:?}", offset, cursor);
//debug!("cursor down {} times, cursor was: {:?}", offset, cursor);
if cursor.1 == scroll_region.bottom {
/* scroll down */
for y in scroll_region.top..scroll_region.bottom {
@ -722,7 +726,7 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
cursor.1 = terminal_size.1.saturating_sub(1);
*wrap_next = false;
debug!("cursor became: {:?}", cursor);
//debug!("cursor became: {:?}", cursor);
*state = State::Normal;
(b'D', State::Csi1(buf)) => {
@ -733,10 +737,10 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
if cursor.0 >= offset {
cursor.0 -= offset;
"ESC[ {} D cursor backwards cursor became: {:?}",
offset, cursor
// "ESC[ {} D cursor backwards cursor became: {:?}",
// offset, cursor
// );
*state = State::Normal;
(b'E', State::Csi1(buf)) => {
@ -744,10 +748,10 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
let offset = unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(buf) }
"cursor next line {} times, cursor was: {:?}",
offset, cursor
// "cursor next line {} times, cursor was: {:?}",
// offset, cursor
if offset + cursor.1 < terminal_size.1 {
cursor.1 += offset;
@ -756,7 +760,7 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
cursor.0 = 0;
*wrap_next = false;
debug!("cursor became: {:?}", cursor);
//debug!("cursor became: {:?}", cursor);
*state = State::Normal;
(b'F', State::Csi1(buf)) => {
@ -764,14 +768,14 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
let offset = unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(buf) }
"cursor previous line {} times, cursor was: {:?}",
offset, cursor
// "cursor previous line {} times, cursor was: {:?}",
// offset, cursor
cursor.1 = cursor.1.saturating_sub(offset);
cursor.0 = 0;
*wrap_next = false;
debug!("cursor became: {:?}", cursor);
//debug!("cursor became: {:?}", cursor);
*state = State::Normal;
(b'G', State::Csi1(_)) | (b'G', State::Csi) => {
@ -783,17 +787,17 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
} else {
debug!("cursor absolute {}, cursor was: {:?}", new_col, cursor);
//debug!("cursor absolute {}, cursor was: {:?}", new_col, cursor);
if new_col < terminal_size.0 {
cursor.0 = new_col.saturating_sub(1);
} else {
"error: new_cal = {} > terminal.size.0 = {}\nterminal_size = {:?}",
new_col, terminal_size.0, terminal_size
// "error: new_cal = {} > terminal.size.0 = {}\nterminal_size = {:?}",
// new_col, terminal_size.0, terminal_size
*wrap_next = false;
debug!("cursor became: {:?}", cursor);
//debug!("cursor became: {:?}", cursor);
*state = State::Normal;
(b'C', State::Csi1(buf)) => {
@ -801,11 +805,11 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
let offset = unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(buf) }
debug!("cursor forward {} times, cursor was: {:?}", offset, cursor);
//debug!("cursor forward {} times, cursor was: {:?}", offset, cursor);
if cursor.0 + offset < terminal_size.0 {
cursor.0 += offset;
debug!("cursor became: {:?}", cursor);
//debug!("cursor became: {:?}", cursor);
*state = State::Normal;
(b'P', State::Csi1(_)) | (b'P', State::Csi) => {
@ -824,10 +828,10 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
for x in (terminal_size.0 - offset)..terminal_size.0 {
grid[(x, cursor.1)].set_ch(' ');
"Delete {} Character(s) with cursor at {:?} ",
offset, cursor
// "Delete {} Character(s) with cursor at {:?} ",
// offset, cursor
*state = State::Normal;
(b'd', State::Csi1(_)) | (b'd', State::Csi) => {
@ -839,21 +843,21 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
} else {
"Line position absolute row {} with cursor at {:?}",
row, cursor
// "Line position absolute row {} with cursor at {:?}",
// row, cursor
cursor.1 = row.saturating_sub(1);
if scroll_region.top + cursor.1 >= terminal_size.1 {
cursor.1 = terminal_size.1.saturating_sub(1);
*wrap_next = false;
debug!("cursor became: {:?}", cursor);
//debug!("cursor became: {:?}", cursor);
*state = State::Normal;
(b';', State::Csi1(ref mut buf1_p)) => {
let buf1 = std::mem::replace(buf1_p, Vec::new());
let buf2 = Vec::new();
let buf1 = std::mem::replace(buf1_p, SmallVec::new());
let buf2 = SmallVec::new();
*state = State::Csi2(buf1, buf2);
(b'm', State::Csi1(ref buf1)) => {
@ -989,13 +993,13 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
(b';', State::Csi2(ref mut buf1_p, ref mut buf2_p)) => {
let buf1 = std::mem::replace(buf1_p, Vec::new());
let buf2 = std::mem::replace(buf2_p, Vec::new());
let buf3 = Vec::new();
let buf1 = std::mem::replace(buf1_p, SmallVec::new());
let buf2 = std::mem::replace(buf2_p, SmallVec::new());
let buf3 = SmallVec::new();
*state = State::Csi3(buf1, buf2, buf3);
(b't', State::Csi2(_, _)) => {
debug!("ignoring {}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
//debug!("ignoring {}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
// Window manipulation, skip it
*state = State::Normal;
@ -1015,7 +1019,7 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
let (min_y, max_y) = if *origin_mode {
orig_y += scroll_region.top;
(scroll_region.top, scroll_region.bottom)
} else {
@ -1026,13 +1030,13 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
cursor.1 = std::cmp::max(min_y, std::cmp::min(max_y, orig_y - 1));
*wrap_next = false;
debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)),);
"cursor set to ({},{}), cursor was: {:?}",
orig_x, orig_y, cursor
//debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)),);
// "cursor set to ({},{}), cursor was: {:?}",
// orig_x, orig_y, cursor
debug!("cursor became: {:?}", cursor);
//debug!("cursor became: {:?}", cursor);
*state = State::Normal;
(c, State::Csi2(_, ref mut buf)) if c >= b'0' && c <= b'9' => {
@ -1059,11 +1063,11 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
*cursor = (0, 0);
*wrap_next = false;
debug!("set scrolling region to {:?}", scroll_region);
//debug!("set scrolling region to {:?}", scroll_region);
*state = State::Normal;
(b't', State::Csi3(_, _, _)) => {
debug!("ignoring {}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
//debug!("ignoring {}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
// Window manipulation, skip it
*state = State::Normal;
@ -1071,32 +1075,34 @@ impl EmbedGrid {
(c, State::Csi3(_, _, ref mut buf)) if c >= b'0' && c <= b'9' => {
(b'm', State::Csi3(ref buf1, ref buf2, ref buf3)) if buf1 == b"38" && buf2 == b"5" => {
(b'm', State::Csi3(ref buf1, ref buf2, ref buf3))
if buf1.as_ref() == b"38" && buf2.as_ref() == b"5" =>
/* Set character attributes | foreground color */
*fg_color = if let Ok(byte) =
u8::from_str_radix(unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(buf3) }, 10)
debug!("parsed buf as {}", byte);
//debug!("parsed buf as {}", byte);
} else {
debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
*state = State::Normal;
(b'm', State::Csi3(ref buf1, ref buf2, ref buf3)) if buf1 == b"48" && buf2 == b"5" => {
(b'm', State::Csi3(ref buf1, ref buf2, ref buf3))
if buf1.as_ref() == b"48" && buf2.as_ref() == b"5" =>
/* Set character attributes | background color */
*bg_color = if let Ok(byte) =
u8::from_str_radix(unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(buf3) }, 10)
debug!("parsed buf as {}", byte);
//debug!("parsed buf as {}", byte);
} else {
debug!("{}", EscCode::from((&(*state), byte)));
*state = State::Normal;
(_, State::Csi) => {