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2020-01-30 00:25:51 +02:00
* meli - text_processing crate.
* Copyright 2017-2020 Manos Pitsidianakis
* This file is part of meli.
* meli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* meli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with meli. If not, see <>.
2019-03-12 20:35:23 +02:00
* This is an implementation of wcwidth() and wcswidth() as defined in
* "The Single UNIX Specification, Version 2, The Open Group, 1997"
* <>
* Markus Kuhn -- 2001-09-08 -- public domain
// TODO: Spacing widths
// Update to Unicode 12
2019-03-12 20:35:23 +02:00
macro_rules! big_if_true {
($a:expr) => {
if $a {
} else {
type WChar = u32;
type Interval = (WChar, WChar);
pub struct CodePointsIterator<'a> {
rest: &'a [u8],
* UTF-8 uses a system of binary prefixes, in which the high bits of each byte mark whether its a single byte, the beginning of a multi-byte sequence, or a continuation byte; the remaining bits, concatenated, give the code point index. This table shows how it works:
* UTF-8 (binary) Code point (binary) Range
* 0xxxxxxx xxxxxxx U+0000U+007F
* 110xxxxx 10yyyyyy xxxxxyyyyyy U+0080U+07FF
* 1110xxxx 10yyyyyy 10zzzzzz xxxxyyyyyyzzzzzz U+0800U+FFFF
* 11110xxx 10yyyyyy 10zzzzzz 10wwwwww xxxyyyyyyzzzzzzwwwwww U+10000U+10FFFF
impl<'a> Iterator for CodePointsIterator<'a> {
type Item = WChar;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<WChar> {
if {
return None;
/* Input is UTF-8 valid strings, guaranteed by Rust's std */
if[0] & 0b1000_0000 == 0x0 {
2019-04-04 15:06:48 +03:00
let ret: WChar = WChar::from([0]); = &[1..];
return Some(ret);
if[0] & 0b1110_0000 == 0b1100_0000 {
2019-04-04 15:06:48 +03:00
let ret: WChar = (WChar::from([0]) & 0b0001_1111).rotate_left(6)
+ (WChar::from([1]) & 0b0111_1111); = &[2..];
return Some(ret);
if[0] & 0b1111_0000 == 0b1110_0000 {
2019-04-04 15:06:48 +03:00
let ret: WChar = (WChar::from([0]) & 0b0000_0111).rotate_left(12)
+ (WChar::from([1]) & 0b0011_1111).rotate_left(6)
+ (WChar::from([2]) & 0b0011_1111); = &[3..];
return Some(ret);
2019-04-04 15:06:48 +03:00
let ret: WChar = (WChar::from([0]) & 0b0000_0111).rotate_left(18)
+ (WChar::from([1]) & 0b0011_1111).rotate_left(12)
+ (WChar::from([2]) & 0b0011_1111).rotate_left(6)
+ (WChar::from([3]) & 0b0011_1111); = &[4..];
pub trait CodePointsIter {
fn code_points(&self) -> CodePointsIterator;
impl CodePointsIter for str {
fn code_points(&self) -> CodePointsIterator {
CodePointsIterator {
rest: self.as_bytes(),
impl CodePointsIter for &str {
fn code_points(&self) -> CodePointsIterator {
CodePointsIterator {
rest: self.as_bytes(),
2019-03-12 20:35:23 +02:00
/* auxiliary function for binary search in Interval table */
fn bisearch(ucs: WChar, table: &'static [Interval]) -> bool {
let mut min = 0;
let mut mid;
let mut max = table.len() - 1;
if ucs < table[0].0 || ucs > table[max].1 {
2019-06-10 15:50:28 +03:00
return false;
2019-03-12 20:35:23 +02:00
while max >= min {
mid = (min + max) / 2;
if ucs > table[mid].1 {
min = mid + 1;
} else if ucs < table[mid].0 {
max = mid - 1;
} else {
return true;
2019-04-04 15:06:48 +03:00
2019-03-12 20:35:23 +02:00
/* The following functions define the column width of an ISO 10646
* character as follows:
* - The null character (U+0000) has a column width of 0.
* - Other C0/C1 control characters and DEL will lead to a return
* value of -1.
* - Non-spacing and enclosing combining characters (general
* category code Mn or Me in the Unicode database) have a
* column width of 0.
* - Other format characters (general category code Cf in the Unicode
* database) and ZERO WIDTH SPACE (U+200B) have a column width of 0.
* - Hangul Jamo medial vowels and final consonants (U+1160-U+11FF)
* have a column width of 0.
* - Spacing characters in the East Asian Wide (W) or East Asian
* FullWidth (F) category as defined in Unicode Technical
* Report #11 have a column width of 2.
* - All remaining characters (including all printable
* ISO 8859-1 and WGL4 characters, Unicode control characters,
* etc.) have a column width of 1.
* This implementation assumes that wchar_t characters are encoded
* in ISO 10646.
pub fn wcwidth(ucs: WChar) -> Option<usize> {
2019-03-12 20:35:23 +02:00
/* sorted list of non-overlapping intervals of non-spacing characters */
let combining: &'static [Interval] = &[
(0x0300, 0x034E),
(0x0360, 0x0362),
(0x0483, 0x0486),
(0x0488, 0x0489),
(0x0591, 0x05A1),
(0x05A3, 0x05B9),
(0x05BB, 0x05BD),
(0x05BF, 0x05BF),
(0x05C1, 0x05C2),
(0x05C4, 0x05C4),
(0x064B, 0x0655),
(0x0670, 0x0670),
(0x06D6, 0x06E4),
(0x06E7, 0x06E8),
(0x06EA, 0x06ED),
(0x070F, 0x070F),
(0x0711, 0x0711),
(0x0730, 0x074A),
(0x07A6, 0x07B0),
(0x0901, 0x0902),
(0x093C, 0x093C),
(0x0941, 0x0948),
(0x094D, 0x094D),
(0x0951, 0x0954),
(0x0962, 0x0963),
(0x0981, 0x0981),
(0x09BC, 0x09BC),
(0x09C1, 0x09C4),
(0x09CD, 0x09CD),
(0x09E2, 0x09E3),
(0x0A02, 0x0A02),
(0x0A3C, 0x0A3C),
(0x0A41, 0x0A42),
(0x0A47, 0x0A48),
(0x0A4B, 0x0A4D),
(0x0A70, 0x0A71),
(0x0A81, 0x0A82),
(0x0ABC, 0x0ABC),
(0x0AC1, 0x0AC5),
(0x0AC7, 0x0AC8),
(0x0ACD, 0x0ACD),
(0x0B01, 0x0B01),
(0x0B3C, 0x0B3C),
(0x0B3F, 0x0B3F),
(0x0B41, 0x0B43),
(0x0B4D, 0x0B4D),
(0x0B56, 0x0B56),
(0x0B82, 0x0B82),
(0x0BC0, 0x0BC0),
(0x0BCD, 0x0BCD),
(0x0C3E, 0x0C40),
(0x0C46, 0x0C48),
(0x0C4A, 0x0C4D),
(0x0C55, 0x0C56),
(0x0CBF, 0x0CBF),
(0x0CC6, 0x0CC6),
(0x0CCC, 0x0CCD),
(0x0D41, 0x0D43),
(0x0D4D, 0x0D4D),
(0x0DCA, 0x0DCA),
(0x0DD2, 0x0DD4),
(0x0DD6, 0x0DD6),
(0x0E31, 0x0E31),
(0x0E34, 0x0E3A),
(0x0E47, 0x0E4E),
(0x0EB1, 0x0EB1),
(0x0EB4, 0x0EB9),
(0x0EBB, 0x0EBC),
(0x0EC8, 0x0ECD),
(0x0F18, 0x0F19),
(0x0F35, 0x0F35),
(0x0F37, 0x0F37),
(0x0F39, 0x0F39),
(0x0F71, 0x0F7E),
(0x0F80, 0x0F84),
(0x0F86, 0x0F87),
(0x0F90, 0x0F97),
(0x0F99, 0x0FBC),
(0x0FC6, 0x0FC6),
(0x102D, 0x1030),
(0x1032, 0x1032),
(0x1036, 0x1037),
(0x1039, 0x1039),
(0x1058, 0x1059),
(0x1160, 0x11FF),
(0x17B7, 0x17BD),
(0x17C6, 0x17C6),
(0x17C9, 0x17D3),
(0x180B, 0x180E),
(0x18A9, 0x18A9),
(0x200B, 0x200F),
(0x202A, 0x202E),
(0x206A, 0x206F),
(0x20D0, 0x20E3),
(0x302A, 0x302F),
(0x3099, 0x309A),
(0xFB1E, 0xFB1E),
(0xFE20, 0xFE23),
(0xFEFF, 0xFEFF),
(0xFFF9, 0xFFFB),
/* test for 8-bit control characters */
if ucs == 0 {
return Some(0);
if ucs < 32 || (ucs >= 0x7f && ucs < 0xa0) {
return None;
2019-06-10 15:50:28 +03:00
/* binary search in table of emojis */
if bisearch(ucs, EMOJI_RANGES) {
return Some(2);
2019-03-12 20:35:23 +02:00
/* binary search in table of non-spacing characters */
if bisearch(ucs, combining) {
return Some(1);
/* if we arrive here, ucs is not a combining or C0/C1 control character */
2019-04-04 15:06:48 +03:00
2019-03-12 20:35:23 +02:00
1 + big_if_true!(
ucs >= 0x1100
&& (ucs <= 0x115f || /* Hangul Jamo init. consonants */
(ucs >= 0x2e80 && ucs <= 0xa4cf && (ucs & !0x0011) != 0x300a &&
ucs != 0x303f) || /* CJK ... Yi */
(ucs >= 0xac00 && ucs <= 0xd7a3) || /* Hangul Syllables */
(ucs >= 0xf900 && ucs <= 0xfaff) || /* CJK Compatibility Ideographs */
(ucs >= 0xfe30 && ucs <= 0xfe6f) || /* CJK Compatibility Forms */
(ucs >= 0xff00 && ucs <= 0xff5f) || /* Fullwidth Forms */
(ucs >= 0xffe0 && ucs <= 0xffe6) ||
(ucs >= 0x20000 && ucs <= 0x2ffff))
2019-03-14 12:19:25 +02:00
2019-04-04 15:06:48 +03:00
2019-03-12 20:35:23 +02:00
pub fn wcswidth(mut pwcs: WChar, mut n: usize) -> Option<usize> {
2019-03-12 20:35:23 +02:00
let mut width = 0;
while pwcs > 0 && n > 0 {
if let Some(w) = wcwidth(pwcs) {
width += w;
} else {
return None;
pwcs += 1;
n -= 1;
2019-04-04 15:06:48 +03:00
2019-03-12 20:35:23 +02:00
2019-06-10 15:50:28 +03:00
const EMOJI_RANGES: &'static [Interval] = &[
(0x231A, 0x231B), // ; Basic_Emoji ; watch # 1.1 [2] (⌚..⌛)
(0x23E9, 0x23EC), // ; Basic_Emoji ; fast-forward button # 6.0 [4] (⏩..⏬)
(0x23F0, 0x23F0), // ; Basic_Emoji ; alarm clock # 6.0 [1] (⏰)
(0x23F3, 0x23F3), // ; Basic_Emoji ; hourglass not done # 6.0 [1] (⏳)
(0x25FD, 0x25FE), // ; Basic_Emoji ; white medium-small square # 3.2 [2] (◽..◾)
(0x2614, 0x2615), // ; Basic_Emoji ; umbrella with rain drops # 4.0 [2] (☔..☕)
(0x2648, 0x2653), // ; Basic_Emoji ; Aries # 1.1 [12] (♈..♓)
(0x267F, 0x267F), // ; Basic_Emoji ; wheelchair symbol # 4.1 [1] (♿)
(0x2693, 0x2693), // ; Basic_Emoji ; anchor # 4.1 [1] (⚓)
(0x26A1, 0x26A1), // ; Basic_Emoji ; high voltage # 4.0 [1] (⚡)
(0x26AA, 0x26AB), // ; Basic_Emoji ; white circle # 4.1 [2] (⚪..⚫)
(0x26BD, 0x26BE), // ; Basic_Emoji ; soccer ball # 5.2 [2] (⚽..⚾)
(0x26C4, 0x26C5), // ; Basic_Emoji ; snowman without snow # 5.2 [2] (⛄..⛅)
(0x26CE, 0x26CE), // ; Basic_Emoji ; Ophiuchus # 6.0 [1] (⛎)
(0x26D4, 0x26D4), // ; Basic_Emoji ; no entry # 5.2 [1] (⛔)
(0x26EA, 0x26EA), // ; Basic_Emoji ; church # 5.2 [1] (⛪)
(0x26F2, 0x26F3), // ; Basic_Emoji ; fountain # 5.2 [2] (⛲..⛳)
(0x26F5, 0x26F5), // ; Basic_Emoji ; sailboat # 5.2 [1] (⛵)
(0x26FA, 0x26FA), // ; Basic_Emoji ; tent # 5.2 [1] (⛺)
(0x26FD, 0x26FD), // ; Basic_Emoji ; fuel pump # 5.2 [1] (⛽)
(0x2705, 0x2705), // ; Basic_Emoji ; check mark button # 6.0 [1] (✅)
(0x270A, 0x270B), // ; Basic_Emoji ; raised fist # 6.0 [2] (✊..✋)
(0x2728, 0x2728), // ; Basic_Emoji ; sparkles # 6.0 [1] (✨)
(0x274C, 0x274C), // ; Basic_Emoji ; cross mark # 6.0 [1] (❌)
(0x274E, 0x274E), // ; Basic_Emoji ; cross mark button # 6.0 [1] (❎)
(0x2753, 0x2755), // ; Basic_Emoji ; question mark # 6.0 [3] (❓..❕)
(0x2757, 0x2757), // ; Basic_Emoji ; exclamation mark # 5.2 [1] (❗)
(0x2795, 0x2797), // ; Basic_Emoji ; plus sign # 6.0 [3] (..➗)
(0x27B0, 0x27B0), // ; Basic_Emoji ; curly loop # 6.0 [1] (➰)
(0x27BF, 0x27BF), // ; Basic_Emoji ; double curly loop # 6.0 [1] (➿)
(0x2B1B, 0x2B1C), // ; Basic_Emoji ; black large square # 5.1 [2] (⬛..⬜)
(0x2B50, 0x2B50), // ; Basic_Emoji ; star # 5.1 [1] (⭐)
(0x2B55, 0x2B55), // ; Basic_Emoji ; hollow red circle # 5.2 [1] (⭕)
(0x1F004, 0x1F004), // ; Basic_Emoji ; mahjong red dragon # 5.1 [1] (🀄)
(0x1F0CF, 0x1F0CF), // ; Basic_Emoji ; joker # 6.0 [1] (🃏)
(0x1F18E, 0x1F18E), // ; Basic_Emoji ; AB button (blood type) # 6.0 [1] (🆎)
(0x1F191, 0x1F19A), // ; Basic_Emoji ; CL button # 6.0 [10] (🆑..🆚)
(0x1F201, 0x1F201), // ; Basic_Emoji ; Japanese “here” button # 6.0 [1] (🈁)
(0x1F21A, 0x1F21A), // ; Basic_Emoji ; Japanese “free of charge” button # 5.2 [1] (🈚)
(0x1F22F, 0x1F22F), // ; Basic_Emoji ; Japanese “reserved” button # 5.2 [1] (🈯)
(0x1F232, 0x1F236), // ; Basic_Emoji ; Japanese “prohibited” button # 6.0 [5] (🈲..🈶)
(0x1F238, 0x1F23A), // ; Basic_Emoji ; Japanese “application” button # 6.0 [3] (🈸..🈺)
(0x1F250, 0x1F251), // ; Basic_Emoji ; Japanese “bargain” button # 6.0 [2] (🉐..🉑)
(0x1F300, 0x1F320), // ; Basic_Emoji ; cyclone # 6.0 [33] (🌀..🌠)
(0x1F32D, 0x1F32F), // ; Basic_Emoji ; hot dog # 8.0 [3] (🌭..🌯)
(0x1F330, 0x1F335), // ; Basic_Emoji ; chestnut # 6.0 [6] (🌰..🌵)
(0x1F337, 0x1F37C), // ; Basic_Emoji ; tulip # 6.0 [70] (🌷..🍼)
(0x1F37E, 0x1F37F), // ; Basic_Emoji ; bottle with popping cork # 8.0 [2] (🍾..🍿)
(0x1F380, 0x1F393), // ; Basic_Emoji ; ribbon # 6.0 [20] (🎀..🎓)
(0x1F3A0, 0x1F3C4), // ; Basic_Emoji ; carousel horse # 6.0 [37] (🎠..🏄)
(0x1F3C5, 0x1F3C5), // ; Basic_Emoji ; sports medal # 7.0 [1] (🏅)
(0x1F3C6, 0x1F3CA), // ; Basic_Emoji ; trophy # 6.0 [5] (🏆..🏊)
(0x1F3CF, 0x1F3D3), // ; Basic_Emoji ; cricket game # 8.0 [5] (🏏..🏓)
(0x1F3E0, 0x1F3F0), // ; Basic_Emoji ; house # 6.0 [17] (🏠..🏰)
(0x1F3F4, 0x1F3F4), // ; Basic_Emoji ; black flag # 7.0 [1] (🏴)
(0x1F3F8, 0x1F3FF), // ; Basic_Emoji ; badminton # 8.0 [8] (🏸..🏿)
(0x1F400, 0x1F43E), // ; Basic_Emoji ; rat # 6.0 [63] (🐀..🐾)
(0x1F440, 0x1F440), // ; Basic_Emoji ; eyes # 6.0 [1] (👀)
(0x1F442, 0x1F4F7), // ; Basic_Emoji ; ear # 6.0[182] (👂..📷)
(0x1F4F8, 0x1F4F8), // ; Basic_Emoji ; camera with flash # 7.0 [1] (📸)
(0x1F4F9, 0x1F4FC), // ; Basic_Emoji ; video camera # 6.0 [4] (📹..📼)
(0x1F4FF, 0x1F4FF), // ; Basic_Emoji ; prayer beads # 8.0 [1] (📿)
(0x1F500, 0x1F53D), // ; Basic_Emoji ; shuffle tracks button # 6.0 [62] (🔀..🔽)
(0x1F54B, 0x1F54E), // ; Basic_Emoji ; kaaba # 8.0 [4] (🕋..🕎)
(0x1F550, 0x1F567), // ; Basic_Emoji ; one oclock # 6.0 [24] (🕐..🕧)
(0x1F57A, 0x1F57A), // ; Basic_Emoji ; man dancing # 9.0 [1] (🕺)
(0x1F595, 0x1F596), // ; Basic_Emoji ; middle finger # 7.0 [2] (🖕..🖖)
(0x1F5A4, 0x1F5A4), // ; Basic_Emoji ; black heart # 9.0 [1] (🖤)
(0x1F5FB, 0x1F5FF), // ; Basic_Emoji ; mount fuji # 6.0 [5] (🗻..🗿)
(0x1F600, 0x1F600), // ; Basic_Emoji ; grinning face # 6.1 [1] (😀)
(0x1F601, 0x1F610), // ; Basic_Emoji ; beaming face with smiling eyes # 6.0 [16] (😁..😐)
(0x1F611, 0x1F611), // ; Basic_Emoji ; expressionless face # 6.1 [1] (😑)
(0x1F612, 0x1F614), // ; Basic_Emoji ; unamused face # 6.0 [3] (😒..😔)
(0x1F615, 0x1F615), // ; Basic_Emoji ; confused face # 6.1 [1] (😕)
(0x1F616, 0x1F616), // ; Basic_Emoji ; confounded face # 6.0 [1] (😖)
(0x1F617, 0x1F617), // ; Basic_Emoji ; kissing face # 6.1 [1] (😗)
(0x1F618, 0x1F618), // ; Basic_Emoji ; face blowing a kiss # 6.0 [1] (😘)
(0x1F619, 0x1F619), // ; Basic_Emoji ; kissing face with smiling eyes # 6.1 [1] (😙)
(0x1F61A, 0x1F61A), // ; Basic_Emoji ; kissing face with closed eyes # 6.0 [1] (😚)
(0x1F61B, 0x1F61B), // ; Basic_Emoji ; face with tongue # 6.1 [1] (😛)
(0x1F61C, 0x1F61E), // ; Basic_Emoji ; winking face with tongue # 6.0 [3] (😜..😞)
(0x1F61F, 0x1F61F), // ; Basic_Emoji ; worried face # 6.1 [1] (😟)
(0x1F620, 0x1F625), // ; Basic_Emoji ; angry face # 6.0 [6] (😠..😥)
(0x1F626, 0x1F627), // ; Basic_Emoji ; frowning face with open mouth # 6.1 [2] (😦..😧)
(0x1F628, 0x1F62B), // ; Basic_Emoji ; fearful face # 6.0 [4] (😨..😫)
(0x1F62C, 0x1F62C), // ; Basic_Emoji ; grimacing face # 6.1 [1] (😬)
(0x1F62D, 0x1F62D), // ; Basic_Emoji ; loudly crying face # 6.0 [1] (😭)
(0x1F62E, 0x1F62F), // ; Basic_Emoji ; face with open mouth # 6.1 [2] (😮..😯)
(0x1F630, 0x1F633), // ; Basic_Emoji ; anxious face with sweat # 6.0 [4] (😰..😳)
(0x1F634, 0x1F634), // ; Basic_Emoji ; sleeping face # 6.1 [1] (😴)
(0x1F635, 0x1F640), // ; Basic_Emoji ; dizzy face # 6.0 [12] (😵..🙀)
(0x1F641, 0x1F642), // ; Basic_Emoji ; slightly frowning face # 7.0 [2] (🙁..🙂)
(0x1F643, 0x1F644), // ; Basic_Emoji ; upside-down face # 8.0 [2] (🙃..🙄)
(0x1F645, 0x1F64F), // ; Basic_Emoji ; person gesturing NO # 6.0 [11] (🙅..🙏)
(0x1F680, 0x1F6C5), // ; Basic_Emoji ; rocket # 6.0 [70] (🚀..🛅)
(0x1F6CC, 0x1F6CC), // ; Basic_Emoji ; person in bed # 7.0 [1] (🛌)
(0x1F6D0, 0x1F6D0), // ; Basic_Emoji ; place of worship # 8.0 [1] (🛐)
(0x1F6D1, 0x1F6D2), // ; Basic_Emoji ; stop sign # 9.0 [2] (🛑..🛒)
(0x1F6D5, 0x1F6D5), // ; Basic_Emoji ; hindu temple # 12.0 [1] (🛕)
(0x1F6EB, 0x1F6EC), // ; Basic_Emoji ; airplane departure # 7.0 [2] (🛫..🛬)
(0x1F6F4, 0x1F6F6), // ; Basic_Emoji ; kick scooter # 9.0 [3] (🛴..🛶)
(0x1F6F7, 0x1F6F8), // ; Basic_Emoji ; sled # 10.0 [2] (🛷..🛸)
(0x1F6F9, 0x1F6F9), // ; Basic_Emoji ; skateboard # 11.0 [1] (🛹)
(0x1F6FA, 0x1F6FA), // ; Basic_Emoji ; auto rickshaw # 12.0 [1] (🛺)
(0x1F7E0, 0x1F7EB), // ; Basic_Emoji ; orange circle # 12.0 [12] (🟠..🟫)
(0x1F90D, 0x1F90F), // ; Basic_Emoji ; white heart # 12.0 [3] (🤍..🤏)
(0x1F910, 0x1F918), // ; Basic_Emoji ; zipper-mouth face # 8.0 [9] (🤐..🤘)
(0x1F919, 0x1F91E), // ; Basic_Emoji ; call me hand # 9.0 [6] (🤙..🤞)
(0x1F91F, 0x1F91F), // ; Basic_Emoji ; love-you gesture # 10.0 [1] (🤟)
(0x1F920, 0x1F927), // ; Basic_Emoji ; cowboy hat face # 9.0 [8] (🤠..🤧)
(0x1F928, 0x1F92F), // ; Basic_Emoji ; face with raised eyebrow # 10.0 [8] (🤨..🤯)
(0x1F930, 0x1F930), // ; Basic_Emoji ; pregnant woman # 9.0 [1] (🤰)
(0x1F931, 0x1F932), // ; Basic_Emoji ; breast-feeding # 10.0 [2] (🤱..🤲)
(0x1F933, 0x1F93A), // ; Basic_Emoji ; selfie # 9.0 [8] (🤳..🤺)
(0x1F93C, 0x1F93E), // ; Basic_Emoji ; people wrestling # 9.0 [3] (🤼..🤾)
(0x1F93F, 0x1F93F), // ; Basic_Emoji ; diving mask # 12.0 [1] (🤿)
(0x1F940, 0x1F945), // ; Basic_Emoji ; wilted flower # 9.0 [6] (🥀..🥅)
(0x1F947, 0x1F94B), // ; Basic_Emoji ; 1st place medal # 9.0 [5] (🥇..🥋)
(0x1F94C, 0x1F94C), // ; Basic_Emoji ; curling stone # 10.0 [1] (🥌)
(0x1F94D, 0x1F94F), // ; Basic_Emoji ; lacrosse # 11.0 [3] (🥍..🥏)
(0x1F950, 0x1F95E), // ; Basic_Emoji ; croissant # 9.0 [15] (🥐..🥞)
(0x1F95F, 0x1F96B), // ; Basic_Emoji ; dumpling # 10.0 [13] (🥟..🥫)
(0x1F96C, 0x1F970), // ; Basic_Emoji ; leafy green # 11.0 [5] (🥬..🥰)
(0x1F971, 0x1F971), // ; Basic_Emoji ; yawning face # 12.0 [1] (🥱)
(0x1F973, 0x1F976), // ; Basic_Emoji ; partying face # 11.0 [4] (🥳..🥶)
(0x1F97A, 0x1F97A), // ; Basic_Emoji ; pleading face # 11.0 [1] (🥺)
(0x1F97B, 0x1F97B), // ; Basic_Emoji ; sari # 12.0 [1] (🥻)
(0x1F97C, 0x1F97F), // ; Basic_Emoji ; lab coat # 11.0 [4] (🥼..🥿)
(0x1F980, 0x1F984), // ; Basic_Emoji ; crab # 8.0 [5] (🦀..🦄)
(0x1F985, 0x1F991), // ; Basic_Emoji ; eagle # 9.0 [13] (🦅..🦑)
(0x1F992, 0x1F997), // ; Basic_Emoji ; giraffe # 10.0 [6] (🦒..🦗)
(0x1F998, 0x1F9A2), // ; Basic_Emoji ; kangaroo # 11.0 [11] (🦘..🦢)
(0x1F9A5, 0x1F9AA), // ; Basic_Emoji ; sloth # 12.0 [6] (🦥..🦪)
(0x1F9AE, 0x1F9AF), // ; Basic_Emoji ; guide dog # 12.0 [2] (🦮..🦯)
(0x1F9B0, 0x1F9B9), // ; Basic_Emoji ; red hair # 11.0 [10] (🦰..🦹)
(0x1F9BA, 0x1F9BF), // ; Basic_Emoji ; safety vest # 12.0 [6] (🦺..🦿)
(0x1F9C0, 0x1F9C0), // ; Basic_Emoji ; cheese wedge # 8.0 [1] (🧀)
(0x1F9C1, 0x1F9C2), // ; Basic_Emoji ; cupcake # 11.0 [2] (🧁..🧂)
(0x1F9C3, 0x1F9CA), // ; Basic_Emoji ; beverage box # 12.0 [8] (🧃..🧊)
(0x1F9CD, 0x1F9CF), // ; Basic_Emoji ; person standing # 12.0 [3] (🧍..🧏)
(0x1F9D0, 0x1F9E6), // ; Basic_Emoji ; face with monocle # 10.0 [23] (🧐..🧦)
(0x1F9E7, 0x1F9FF), // ; Basic_Emoji ; red envelope # 11.0 [25] (🧧..🧿)
(0x1FA70, 0x1FA73), // ; Basic_Emoji ; ballet shoes # 12.0 [4] (🩰..🩳)
(0x1FA78, 0x1FA7A), // ; Basic_Emoji ; drop of blood # 12.0 [3] (🩸..🩺)
(0x1FA80, 0x1FA82), // ; Basic_Emoji ; yo-yo # 12.0 [3] (🪀..🪂)
(0x1FA90, 0x1FA95), // ; Basic_Emoji ; ringed planet # 12.0 [6] (🪐..🪕)
2019-03-12 20:35:23 +02:00
2019-06-10 15:50:28 +03:00
00A9 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; copyright # 3.2 [1] (©)
00AE FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; registered # 3.2 [1] (®)
203C FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; double exclamation mark # 3.2 [1] ()
2049 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; exclamation question mark # 3.2 [1] ()
2122 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; trade mark # 3.2 [1] ()
2139 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; information # 3.2 [1] ()
2194 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; left-right arrow # 3.2 [1] ()
2195 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; up-down arrow # 3.2 [1] ()
2196 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; up-left arrow # 3.2 [1] ()
2197 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; up-right arrow # 3.2 [1] ()
2198 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; down-right arrow # 3.2 [1] ()
2199 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; down-left arrow # 3.2 [1] ()
21A9 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; right arrow curving left # 3.2 [1] ()
21AA FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; left arrow curving right # 3.2 [1] ()
2328 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; keyboard # 3.2 [1] ()
23CF FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; eject button # 4.0 [1] ()
23ED FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; next track button # 6.0 [1] ()
23EE FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; last track button # 6.0 [1] ()
23EF FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; play or pause button # 6.0 [1] ()
23F1 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; stopwatch # 6.0 [1] ()
23F2 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; timer clock # 6.0 [1] ()
23F8 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; pause button # 7.0 [1] ()
23F9 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; stop button # 7.0 [1] ()
23FA FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; record button # 7.0 [1] ()
24C2 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; circled M # 3.2 [1] ()
25AA FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; black small square # 3.2 [1] ()
25AB FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; white small square # 3.2 [1] ()
25B6 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; play button # 3.2 [1] ()
25C0 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; reverse button # 3.2 [1] ()
25FB FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; white medium square # 3.2 [1] ()
25FC FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; black medium square # 3.2 [1] ()
2600 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; sun # 3.2 [1] ()
2601 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; cloud # 3.2 [1] ()
2602 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; umbrella # 3.2 [1] ()
2603 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; snowman # 3.2 [1] ()
2604 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; comet # 3.2 [1] ()
260E FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; telephone # 3.2 [1] ()
2611 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; check box with check # 3.2 [1] ()
2618 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; shamrock # 4.1 [1] ()
261D FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; index pointing up # 3.2 [1] ()
2620 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; skull and crossbones # 3.2 [1] ()
2622 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; radioactive # 3.2 [1] ()
2623 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; biohazard # 3.2 [1] ()
2626 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; orthodox cross # 3.2 [1] ()
262A FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; star and crescent # 3.2 [1] ()
262E FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; peace symbol # 3.2 [1] ()
262F FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; yin yang # 3.2 [1] ()
2638 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; wheel of dharma # 3.2 [1] ()
2639 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; frowning face # 3.2 [1] ()
263A FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; smiling face # 3.2 [1] ()
2640 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; female sign # 3.2 [1] ()
2642 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; male sign # 3.2 [1] ()
265F FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; chess pawn # 3.2 [1] ()
2660 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; spade suit # 3.2 [1] ()
2663 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; club suit # 3.2 [1] ()
2665 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; heart suit # 3.2 [1] ()
2666 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; diamond suit # 3.2 [1] ()
2668 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; hot springs # 3.2 [1] ()
267B FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; recycling symbol # 3.2 [1] ()
267E FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; infinity # 4.1 [1] ()
2692 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; hammer and pick # 4.1 [1] ()
2694 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; crossed swords # 4.1 [1] ()
2695 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; medical symbol # 4.1 [1] ()
2696 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; balance scale # 4.1 [1] ()
2697 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; alembic # 4.1 [1] ()
2699 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; gear # 4.1 [1] ()
269B FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; atom symbol # 4.1 [1] ()
269C FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; fleur-de-lis # 4.1 [1] ()
26A0 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; warning # 4.0 [1] ()
26B0 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; coffin # 4.1 [1] ()
26B1 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; funeral urn # 4.1 [1] ()
26C8 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; cloud with lightning and rain # 5.2 [1] ()
26CF FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; pick # 5.2 [1] ()
26D1 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; rescue workers helmet # 5.2 [1] ()
26D3 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; chains # 5.2 [1] ()
26E9 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; shinto shrine # 5.2 [1] ()
26F0 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; mountain # 5.2 [1] ()
26F1 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; umbrella on ground # 5.2 [1] ()
26F4 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; ferry # 5.2 [1] ()
26F7 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; skier # 5.2 [1] ()
26F8 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; ice skate # 5.2 [1] ()
26F9 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; person bouncing ball # 5.2 [1] ()
2702 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; scissors # 3.2 [1] ()
2708 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; airplane # 3.2 [1] ()
2709 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; envelope # 3.2 [1] ()
270C FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; victory hand # 3.2 [1] ()
270D FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; writing hand # 3.2 [1] ()
270F FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; pencil # 3.2 [1] ()
2712 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; black nib # 3.2 [1] ()
2714 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; check mark # 3.2 [1] ()
2716 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; multiplication sign # 3.2 [1] ()
271D FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; latin cross # 3.2 [1] ()
2721 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; star of David # 3.2 [1] ()
2733 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; eight-spoked asterisk # 3.2 [1] ()
2734 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; eight-pointed star # 3.2 [1] ()
2744 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; snowflake # 3.2 [1] ()
2747 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; sparkle # 3.2 [1] ()
2763 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; heart exclamation # 3.2 [1] ()
2764 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; red heart # 3.2 [1] ()
27A1 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; right arrow # 3.2 [1] ()
2934 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; right arrow curving up # 3.2 [1] ()
2935 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; right arrow curving down # 3.2 [1] ()
2B05 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; left arrow # 4.0 [1] ()
2B06 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; up arrow # 4.0 [1] ()
2B07 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; down arrow # 4.0 [1] ()
3030 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; wavy dash # 3.2 [1] ()
303D FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; part alternation mark # 3.2 [1] ()
3297 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; Japanese congratulations button # 3.2 [1] ()
3299 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; Japanese secret button # 3.2 [1] ()
1F170 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; A button (blood type) # 6.0 [1] (🅰)
1F171 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; B button (blood type) # 6.0 [1] (🅱)
1F17E FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; O button (blood type) # 6.0 [1] (🅾)
1F17F FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; P button # 5.2 [1] (🅿)
1F202 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; Japanese service charge button # 6.0 [1] (🈂)
1F237 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; Japanese monthly amount button # 6.0 [1] (🈷)
1F321 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; thermometer # 7.0 [1] (🌡)
1F324 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; sun behind small cloud # 7.0 [1] (🌤)
1F325 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; sun behind large cloud # 7.0 [1] (🌥)
1F326 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; sun behind rain cloud # 7.0 [1] (🌦)
1F327 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; cloud with rain # 7.0 [1] (🌧)
1F328 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; cloud with snow # 7.0 [1] (🌨)
1F329 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; cloud with lightning # 7.0 [1] (🌩)
1F32A FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; tornado # 7.0 [1] (🌪)
1F32B FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; fog # 7.0 [1] (🌫)
1F32C FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; wind face # 7.0 [1] (🌬)
1F336 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; hot pepper # 7.0 [1] (🌶)
1F37D FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; fork and knife with plate # 7.0 [1] (🍽)
1F396 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; military medal # 7.0 [1] (🎖)
1F397 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; reminder ribbon # 7.0 [1] (🎗)
1F399 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; studio microphone # 7.0 [1] (🎙)
1F39A FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; level slider # 7.0 [1] (🎚)
1F39B FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; control knobs # 7.0 [1] (🎛)
1F39E FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; film frames # 7.0 [1] (🎞)
1F39F FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; admission tickets # 7.0 [1] (🎟)
1F3CB FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; person lifting weights # 7.0 [1] (🏋)
1F3CC FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; person golfing # 7.0 [1] (🏌)
1F3CD FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; motorcycle # 7.0 [1] (🏍)
1F3CE FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; racing car # 7.0 [1] (🏎)
1F3D4 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; snow-capped mountain # 7.0 [1] (🏔)
1F3D5 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; camping # 7.0 [1] (🏕)
1F3D6 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; beach with umbrella # 7.0 [1] (🏖)
1F3D7 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; building construction # 7.0 [1] (🏗)
1F3D8 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; houses # 7.0 [1] (🏘)
1F3D9 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; cityscape # 7.0 [1] (🏙)
1F3DA FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; derelict house # 7.0 [1] (🏚)
1F3DB FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; classical building # 7.0 [1] (🏛)
1F3DC FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; desert # 7.0 [1] (🏜)
1F3DD FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; desert island # 7.0 [1] (🏝)
1F3DE FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; national park # 7.0 [1] (🏞)
1F3DF FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; stadium # 7.0 [1] (🏟)
1F3F3 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; white flag # 7.0 [1] (🏳)
1F3F5 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; rosette # 7.0 [1] (🏵)
1F3F7 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; label # 7.0 [1] (🏷)
1F43F FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; chipmunk # 7.0 [1] (🐿)
1F441 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; eye # 7.0 [1] (👁)
1F4FD FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; film projector # 7.0 [1] (📽)
1F549 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; om # 7.0 [1] (🕉)
1F54A FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; dove # 7.0 [1] (🕊)
1F56F FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; candle # 7.0 [1] (🕯)
1F570 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; mantelpiece clock # 7.0 [1] (🕰)
1F573 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; hole # 7.0 [1] (🕳)
1F574 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; man in suit levitating # 7.0 [1] (🕴)
1F575 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; detective # 7.0 [1] (🕵)
1F576 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; sunglasses # 7.0 [1] (🕶)
1F577 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; spider # 7.0 [1] (🕷)
1F578 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; spider web # 7.0 [1] (🕸)
1F579 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; joystick # 7.0 [1] (🕹)
1F587 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; linked paperclips # 7.0 [1] (🖇)
1F58A FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; pen # 7.0 [1] (🖊)
1F58B FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; fountain pen # 7.0 [1] (🖋)
1F58C FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; paintbrush # 7.0 [1] (🖌)
1F58D FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; crayon # 7.0 [1] (🖍)
1F590 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; hand with fingers splayed # 7.0 [1] (🖐)
1F5A5 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; desktop computer # 7.0 [1] (🖥)
1F5A8 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; printer # 7.0 [1] (🖨)
1F5B1 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; computer mouse # 7.0 [1] (🖱)
1F5B2 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; trackball # 7.0 [1] (🖲)
1F5BC FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; framed picture # 7.0 [1] (🖼)
1F5C2 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; card index dividers # 7.0 [1] (🗂)
1F5C3 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; card file box # 7.0 [1] (🗃)
1F5C4 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; file cabinet # 7.0 [1] (🗄)
1F5D1 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; wastebasket # 7.0 [1] (🗑)
1F5D2 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; spiral notepad # 7.0 [1] (🗒)
1F5D3 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; spiral calendar # 7.0 [1] (🗓)
1F5DC FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; clamp # 7.0 [1] (🗜)
1F5DD FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; old key # 7.0 [1] (🗝)
1F5DE FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; rolled-up newspaper # 7.0 [1] (🗞)
1F5E1 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; dagger # 7.0 [1] (🗡)
1F5E3 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; speaking head # 7.0 [1] (🗣)
1F5E8 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; left speech bubble # 7.0 [1] (🗨)
1F5EF FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; right anger bubble # 7.0 [1] (🗯)
1F5F3 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; ballot box with ballot # 7.0 [1] (🗳)
1F5FA FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; world map # 7.0 [1] (🗺)
1F6CB FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; couch and lamp # 7.0 [1] (🛋)
1F6CD FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; shopping bags # 7.0 [1] (🛍)
1F6CE FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; bellhop bell # 7.0 [1] (🛎)
1F6CF FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; bed # 7.0 [1] (🛏)
1F6E0 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; hammer and wrench # 7.0 [1] (🛠)
1F6E1 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; shield # 7.0 [1] (🛡)
1F6E2 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; oil drum # 7.0 [1] (🛢)
1F6E3 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; motorway # 7.0 [1] (🛣)
1F6E4 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; railway track # 7.0 [1] (🛤)
1F6E5 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; motor boat # 7.0 [1] (🛥)
1F6E9 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; small airplane # 7.0 [1] (🛩)
1F6F0 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; satellite # 7.0 [1] (🛰)
1F6F3 FE0F ; Basic_Emoji ; passenger ship # 7.0 [1] (🛳)