
205 lines
7.8 KiB

* This file is part of mailpot
* Copyright 2020 - Manos Pitsidianakis
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
use super::*;
///Filter that modifies and/or verifies a post candidate. On rejection, return a string
///describing the error and optionally set `post.action` to `Reject` or `Defer`
pub trait PostFilter {
fn feed<'p, 'list>(
self: Box<Self>,
post: &'p mut Post,
ctx: &'p mut ListContext<'list>,
) -> std::result::Result<(&'p mut Post, &'p mut ListContext<'list>), ()>;
///Check that submitter can post to list, for now it accepts everything.
pub struct PostRightsCheck;
impl PostFilter for PostRightsCheck {
fn feed<'p, 'list>(
self: Box<Self>,
post: &'p mut Post,
ctx: &'p mut ListContext<'list>,
) -> std::result::Result<(&'p mut Post, &'p mut ListContext<'list>), ()> {
trace!("Running PostRightsCheck filter");
if let Some(ref policy) = ctx.policy {
if policy.announce_only {
trace!("post policy is announce_only");
let owner_addresses = ctx
.map(|lo| lo.into_address())
trace!("Owner addresses are: {:#?}", &owner_addresses);
trace!("Envelope from is: {:?}", &post.from);
if !owner_addresses.iter().any(|addr| *addr == post.from) {
trace!("Envelope From does not include any owner");
post.action = PostAction::Reject {
reason: "You are not allowed to post on this list.".to_string(),
return Err(());
} else if policy.subscriber_only {
trace!("post policy is subscriber_only");
let email_from = post.from.get_email();
trace!("post from is {:?}", &email_from);
trace!("post memberships are {:#?}", &ctx.memberships);
if !ctx.memberships.iter().any(|lm| lm.address == email_from) {
trace!("Envelope from is not subscribed to this list");
post.action = PostAction::Reject {
reason: "Only subscribers can post to this list.".to_string(),
return Err(());
} else if policy.approval_needed {
trace!("post policy says approval_needed");
post.action = PostAction::Defer {
reason: "Your posting has been deferred. Approval from the list's moderators is required before it is submitted.".to_string(),
Ok((post, ctx))
///Ensure message contains only `\r\n` line terminators, required by SMTP.
pub struct FixCRLF;
impl PostFilter for FixCRLF {
fn feed<'p, 'list>(
self: Box<Self>,
post: &'p mut Post,
ctx: &'p mut ListContext<'list>,
) -> std::result::Result<(&'p mut Post, &'p mut ListContext<'list>), ()> {
trace!("Running FixCRLF filter");
use std::io::prelude::*;
let mut new_vec = Vec::with_capacity(post.bytes.len());
for line in post.bytes.lines() {
post.bytes = new_vec;
Ok((post, ctx))
///Add `List-*` headers
pub struct AddListHeaders;
impl PostFilter for AddListHeaders {
fn feed<'p, 'list>(
self: Box<Self>,
post: &'p mut Post,
ctx: &'p mut ListContext<'list>,
) -> std::result::Result<(&'p mut Post, &'p mut ListContext<'list>), ()> {
trace!("Running AddListHeaders filter");
let (mut headers, body) = melib::email::parser::mail(&post.bytes).unwrap();
let list_id = ctx.list.list_id();
let sender = format!("<{}>", ctx.list.address);
headers.push((&b"List-ID"[..], list_id.as_bytes()));
headers.push((&b"Sender"[..], sender.as_bytes()));
let list_post = ctx.list.list_post();
let list_unsubscribe = ctx.list.list_unsubscribe();
let list_archive = ctx.list.list_archive();
if let Some(post) = list_post.as_ref() {
headers.push((&b"List-Post"[..], post.as_bytes()));
if let Some(unsubscribe) = list_unsubscribe.as_ref() {
headers.push((&b"List-Unsubscribe"[..], unsubscribe.as_bytes()));
if let Some(archive) = list_archive.as_ref() {
headers.push((&b"List-Archive"[..], archive.as_bytes()));
let mut new_vec = Vec::with_capacity(
.map(|(h, v)| h.len() + v.len() + ": \r\n".len())
+ "\r\n\r\n".len()
+ body.len(),
for (h, v) in headers {
new_vec.extend_from_slice(b": ");
post.bytes = new_vec;
Ok((post, ctx))
///Adds `Archived-At` field, if configured.
pub struct ArchivedAtLink;
impl PostFilter for ArchivedAtLink {
fn feed<'p, 'list>(
self: Box<Self>,
post: &'p mut Post,
ctx: &'p mut ListContext<'list>,
) -> std::result::Result<(&'p mut Post, &'p mut ListContext<'list>), ()> {
trace!("Running ArchivedAtLink filter");
Ok((post, ctx))
///Assuming there are no more changes to be done on the post, it finalizes which list members
///will receive the post in `post.action` field.
pub struct FinalizeRecipients;
impl PostFilter for FinalizeRecipients {
fn feed<'p, 'list>(
self: Box<Self>,
post: &'p mut Post,
ctx: &'p mut ListContext<'list>,
) -> std::result::Result<(&'p mut Post, &'p mut ListContext<'list>), ()> {
trace!("Running FinalizeRecipients filter");
let mut recipients = vec![];
let mut digests = vec![];
let email_from = post.from.get_email();
for member in ctx.memberships {
trace!("examining member {:?}", &member);
if member.address != email_from {
trace!("member is submitter");
if member.digest {
if member.address != email_from || member.receive_own_posts {
trace!("Member gets digest");
if member.address != email_from || member.receive_own_posts {
trace!("Member gets copy");
// TODO:
// - check for duplicates (To,Cc,Bcc)
// - send confirmation to submitter
ctx.scheduled_jobs.push(MailJob::Send { recipients });
if !digests.is_empty() {
ctx.scheduled_jobs.push(MailJob::StoreDigest {
recipients: digests,
post.action = PostAction::Accept;
Ok((post, ctx))