/* * This file is part of mailpot * * Copyright 2020 - Manos Pitsidianakis * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ use log::{trace, warn}; use mailpot::{melib, models::*, queue::Queue, Configuration, Connection, SendMail}; use mailpot_tests::*; use melib::smol; use tempfile::TempDir; #[test] fn test_smtp() { init_stderr_logging(); let tmp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let smtp_handler = TestSmtpHandler::builder().address("").build(); let db_path = tmp_dir.path().join("mpot.db"); let config = Configuration { send_mail: SendMail::Smtp(smtp_handler.smtp_conf()), db_path, data_path: tmp_dir.path().to_path_buf(), administrators: vec![], }; let db = Connection::open_or_create_db(config).unwrap().trusted(); assert!(db.lists().unwrap().is_empty()); let foo_chat = db .create_list(MailingList { pk: 0, name: "foobar chat".into(), id: "foo-chat".into(), address: "foo-chat@example.com".into(), description: None, topics: vec![], archive_url: None, }) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(foo_chat.pk(), 1); let post_policy = db .set_list_post_policy(PostPolicy { pk: 0, list: foo_chat.pk(), announce_only: false, subscription_only: true, approval_needed: false, open: false, custom: false, }) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(post_policy.pk(), 1); let input_bytes = include_bytes!("./test_sample_longmessage.eml"); match melib::Envelope::from_bytes(input_bytes, None) { Ok(envelope) => { // eprintln!("envelope {:?}", &envelope); db.post(&envelope, input_bytes, /* dry_run */ false) .expect("Got unexpected error"); { let out = db.queue(Queue::Out).unwrap(); assert_eq!(out.len(), 1); const COMMENT_PREFIX: &str = "PostAction::Reject { reason: Only subscriptions"; assert_eq!( out[0] .comment .as_ref() .and_then(|c| c.get(..COMMENT_PREFIX.len())), Some(COMMENT_PREFIX) ); } db.add_subscription( foo_chat.pk(), ListSubscription { pk: 0, list: foo_chat.pk(), address: "paaoejunp@example.com".into(), name: Some("Cardholder Name".into()), account: None, digest: false, verified: true, hide_address: false, receive_duplicates: true, receive_own_posts: true, receive_confirmation: true, enabled: true, }, ) .unwrap(); db.add_subscription( foo_chat.pk(), ListSubscription { pk: 0, list: foo_chat.pk(), address: "manos@example.com".into(), name: Some("Manos Hands".into()), account: None, digest: false, verified: true, hide_address: false, receive_duplicates: true, receive_own_posts: true, receive_confirmation: true, enabled: true, }, ) .unwrap(); db.post(&envelope, input_bytes, /* dry_run */ false) .unwrap(); } Err(err) => { panic!("Could not parse message: {}", err); } } let messages = db.delete_from_queue(Queue::Out, vec![]).unwrap(); eprintln!("Queue out has {} messages.", messages.len()); let conn_future = db.new_smtp_connection().unwrap(); smol::future::block_on(smol::spawn(async move { let mut conn = conn_future.await.unwrap(); for msg in messages { Connection::submit(&mut conn, &msg, /* dry_run */ false) .await .unwrap(); } })); let stored = smtp_handler.stored.lock().unwrap(); assert_eq!(stored.len(), 3); assert_eq!(&stored[0].0, "paaoejunp@example.com"); assert_eq!( &stored[0].1.subject(), "Your post to foo-chat was rejected." ); assert_eq!( &stored[1].1.subject(), "[foo-chat] thankful that I had the chance to written report, that I could learn and let \ alone the chance $4454.32" ); assert_eq!( &stored[2].1.subject(), "[foo-chat] thankful that I had the chance to written report, that I could learn and let \ alone the chance $4454.32" ); } #[test] fn test_smtp_mailcrab() { use std::env; init_stderr_logging(); fn get_smtp_conf() -> melib::smtp::SmtpServerConf { use melib::smtp::*; SmtpServerConf { hostname: "".into(), port: 1025, envelope_from: "foo-chat@example.com".into(), auth: SmtpAuth::None, security: SmtpSecurity::None, extensions: Default::default(), } } let Ok(mailcrab_ip) = env::var("MAILCRAB_IP") else { warn!("MAILCRAB_IP env var not set, is mailcrab server running?"); return; }; let mailcrab_port = env::var("MAILCRAB_PORT").unwrap_or("1080".to_string()); let api_uri = format!("http://{mailcrab_ip}:{mailcrab_port}/api/messages"); let tmp_dir = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let db_path = tmp_dir.path().join("mpot.db"); let config = Configuration { send_mail: SendMail::Smtp(get_smtp_conf()), db_path, data_path: tmp_dir.path().to_path_buf(), administrators: vec![], }; let db = Connection::open_or_create_db(config).unwrap().trusted(); assert!(db.lists().unwrap().is_empty()); let foo_chat = db .create_list(MailingList { pk: 0, name: "foobar chat".into(), id: "foo-chat".into(), address: "foo-chat@example.com".into(), description: None, topics: vec![], archive_url: None, }) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(foo_chat.pk(), 1); let post_policy = db .set_list_post_policy(PostPolicy { pk: 0, list: foo_chat.pk(), announce_only: false, subscription_only: true, approval_needed: false, open: false, custom: false, }) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(post_policy.pk(), 1); let input_bytes = include_bytes!("./test_sample_longmessage.eml"); match melib::Envelope::from_bytes(input_bytes, None) { Ok(envelope) => { match db .post(&envelope, input_bytes, /* dry_run */ false) .unwrap_err() .kind() { mailpot::ErrorKind::PostRejected(reason) => { trace!("Non-subscription post succesfully rejected: '{reason}'"); } other => panic!("Got unexpected error: {}", other), } db.add_subscription( foo_chat.pk(), ListSubscription { pk: 0, list: foo_chat.pk(), address: "paaoejunp@example.com".into(), name: Some("Cardholder Name".into()), account: None, digest: false, verified: true, hide_address: false, receive_duplicates: true, receive_own_posts: true, receive_confirmation: true, enabled: true, }, ) .unwrap(); db.add_subscription( foo_chat.pk(), ListSubscription { pk: 0, list: foo_chat.pk(), address: "manos@example.com".into(), name: Some("Manos Hands".into()), account: None, digest: false, verified: true, hide_address: false, receive_duplicates: true, receive_own_posts: true, receive_confirmation: true, enabled: true, }, ) .unwrap(); db.post(&envelope, input_bytes, /* dry_run */ false) .unwrap(); } Err(err) => { panic!("Could not parse message: {}", err); } } let mails: String = reqwest::blocking::get(api_uri).unwrap().text().unwrap(); trace!("mails: {}", mails); }