/* * This file is part of mailpot * * Copyright 2020 - Manos Pitsidianakis * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ use std::{borrow::Cow, process::Stdio}; use tempfile::NamedTempFile; use tokio::{fs::File, io::AsyncWriteExt, process::Command}; use super::*; const TOKEN_KEY: &str = "ssh_challenge"; const EXPIRY_IN_SECS: i64 = 6 * 60; #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd)] pub enum Role { User, Admin, } #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Debug, Clone)] pub struct User { /// SSH signature. pub ssh_signature: String, /// User role. pub role: Role, /// Database primary key. pub pk: i64, /// Accounts's display name, optional. pub name: Option, /// Account's e-mail address. pub address: String, /// GPG public key. pub public_key: Option, /// SSH public key. pub password: String, /// Whether this account is enabled. pub enabled: bool, } impl AuthUser for User { fn get_id(&self) -> i64 { self.pk } fn get_password_hash(&self) -> SecretVec { SecretVec::new(self.ssh_signature.clone().into()) } fn get_role(&self) -> Option { Some(self.role) } } #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Debug, Clone, Default)] pub struct AuthFormPayload { pub address: String, pub password: String, } pub async fn ssh_signin( _: LoginPath, mut session: WritableSession, Query(next): Query, auth: AuthContext, State(state): State>, ) -> impl IntoResponse { if auth.current_user.is_some() { if let Err(err) = session.add_message(Message { message: "You are already logged in.".into(), level: Level::Info, }) { return err.into_response(); } return next .or_else(|| format!("{}{}", state.root_url_prefix, SettingsPath.to_uri())) .into_response(); } if next.next.is_some() { if let Err(err) = session.add_message(Message { message: "You need to be logged in to access this page.".into(), level: Level::Info, }) { return err.into_response(); }; } let now: i64 = chrono::offset::Utc::now().timestamp(); let prev_token = if let Some(tok) = session.get::<(String, i64)>(TOKEN_KEY) { let timestamp: i64 = tok.1; if !(timestamp < now && now - timestamp < EXPIRY_IN_SECS) { session.remove(TOKEN_KEY); None } else { Some(tok) } } else { None }; let (token, timestamp): (String, i64) = prev_token.map_or_else( || { use rand::{distributions::Alphanumeric, thread_rng, Rng}; let mut rng = thread_rng(); let chars: String = (0..7).map(|_| rng.sample(Alphanumeric) as char).collect(); println!("Random chars: {}", chars); session.insert(TOKEN_KEY, (&chars, now)).unwrap(); (chars, now) }, |tok| tok, ); let timeout_left = ((timestamp + EXPIRY_IN_SECS) - now) as f64 / 60.0; let root_url_prefix = &state.root_url_prefix; let crumbs = vec![ Crumb { label: "Home".into(), url: "/".into(), }, Crumb { label: "Sign in".into(), url: LoginPath.to_crumb(), }, ]; let context = minijinja::context! { namespace => &state.public_url, site_title => state.site_title.as_ref(), site_subtitle => state.site_subtitle.as_ref(), page_title => "Log in", root_url_prefix => &root_url_prefix, ssh_challenge => token, timeout_left => timeout_left, current_user => auth.current_user, messages => session.drain_messages(), crumbs => crumbs, }; Html( TEMPLATES .get_template("auth.html") .unwrap() .render(context) .unwrap_or_else(|err| err.to_string()), ) .into_response() } pub async fn ssh_signin_post( _: LoginPath, mut session: WritableSession, Query(next): Query, mut auth: AuthContext, Form(payload): Form, state: Arc, ) -> Result { if auth.current_user.as_ref().is_some() { session.add_message(Message { message: "You are already logged in.".into(), level: Level::Info, })?; return Ok(next.or_else(|| format!("{}{}", state.root_url_prefix, SettingsPath.to_uri()))); } let now: i64 = chrono::offset::Utc::now().timestamp(); let (_prev_token, _) = if let Some(tok @ (_, timestamp)) = session.get::<(String, i64)>(TOKEN_KEY) { if !(timestamp < now && now - timestamp < EXPIRY_IN_SECS) { session.add_message(Message { message: "The token has expired. Please retry.".into(), level: Level::Error, })?; return Ok(Redirect::to(&format!( "{}{}?next={}", state.root_url_prefix, LoginPath.to_uri(), next.next.as_ref().map_or(Cow::Borrowed(""), |next| format!( "?next={}", percent_encoding::utf8_percent_encode( next.as_str(), percent_encoding::CONTROLS ) ) .into()) ))); } else { tok } } else { session.add_message(Message { message: "The token has expired. Please retry.".into(), level: Level::Error, })?; return Ok(Redirect::to(&format!( "{}{}{}", state.root_url_prefix, LoginPath.to_uri(), next.next.as_ref().map_or(Cow::Borrowed(""), |next| format!( "?next={}", percent_encoding::utf8_percent_encode(next.as_str(), percent_encoding::CONTROLS) ) .into()) ))); }; let db = Connection::open_db(state.conf.clone())?; let mut acc = match db .account_by_address(&payload.address) .with_status(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST)? { Some(v) => v, None => { session.add_message(Message { message: "Invalid account details, please retry.".into(), level: Level::Error, })?; return Ok(Redirect::to(&format!( "{}{}{}", state.root_url_prefix, LoginPath.to_uri(), next.next.as_ref().map_or(Cow::Borrowed(""), |next| format!( "?next={}", percent_encoding::utf8_percent_encode( next.as_str(), percent_encoding::CONTROLS ) ) .into()) ))); } }; #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] let sig = SshSignature { email: payload.address.clone(), ssh_public_key: acc.password.clone(), ssh_signature: payload.password.clone(), namespace: std::env::var("SSH_NAMESPACE") .unwrap_or_else(|_| "lists.mailpot.rs".to_string()) .into(), token: _prev_token, }; #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] if let Err(err) = ssh_keygen(sig).await { session.add_message(Message { message: format!("Could not verify signature: {err}").into(), level: Level::Error, })?; return Ok(Redirect::to(&format!( "{}{}{}", state.root_url_prefix, LoginPath.to_uri(), next.next.as_ref().map_or(Cow::Borrowed(""), |next| format!( "?next={}", percent_encoding::utf8_percent_encode(next.as_str(), percent_encoding::CONTROLS) ) .into()) ))); } let user = User { pk: acc.pk(), ssh_signature: payload.password, role: if db .conf() .administrators .iter() .any(|a| a.eq_ignore_ascii_case(&payload.address)) { Role::Admin } else { Role::User }, public_key: std::mem::take(&mut acc.public_key), password: std::mem::take(&mut acc.password), name: std::mem::take(&mut acc.name), address: payload.address, enabled: acc.enabled, }; state.insert_user(acc.pk(), user.clone()).await; drop(session); auth.login(&user) .await .map_err(|err| ResponseError::new(err.to_string(), StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST))?; Ok(next.or_else(|| format!("{}{}", state.root_url_prefix, SettingsPath.to_uri()))) } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)] pub struct SshSignature { pub email: String, pub ssh_public_key: String, pub ssh_signature: String, pub namespace: Cow<'static, str>, pub token: String, } /// Run ssh signature validation with `ssh-keygen` binary. /// /// ```no_run /// use mailpot_web::{ssh_keygen, SshSignature}; /// /// async fn key_gen( /// ssh_public_key: String, /// ssh_signature: String, /// ) -> std::result::Result<(), Box> { /// let mut sig = SshSignature { /// email: "user@example.com".to_string(), /// ssh_public_key, /// ssh_signature, /// namespace: "doc-test@example.com".into(), /// token: "d074a61990".to_string(), /// }; /// /// ssh_keygen(sig.clone()).await?; /// Ok(()) /// } /// ``` pub async fn ssh_keygen(sig: SshSignature) -> Result<(), Box> { let SshSignature { email, ssh_public_key, ssh_signature, namespace, token, } = sig; let dir = tempfile::tempdir()?; let mut allowed_signers_fp = NamedTempFile::new_in(dir.path())?; let mut signature_fp = NamedTempFile::new_in(dir.path())?; { let (tempfile, path) = allowed_signers_fp.into_parts(); let mut file = File::from(tempfile); file.write_all(format!("{email} {ssh_public_key}").as_bytes()) .await?; file.flush().await?; allowed_signers_fp = NamedTempFile::from_parts(file.into_std().await, path); } { let (tempfile, path) = signature_fp.into_parts(); let mut file = File::from(tempfile); file.write_all(ssh_signature.trim().replace("\r\n", "\n").as_bytes()) .await?; file.flush().await?; signature_fp = NamedTempFile::from_parts(file.into_std().await, path); } let mut cmd = Command::new("ssh-keygen"); cmd.stdout(Stdio::piped()); cmd.stderr(Stdio::piped()); cmd.stdin(Stdio::piped()); // Once you have your allowed signers file, verification works like this: // // ```shell // ssh-keygen -Y verify -f allowed_signers -I alice@example.com -n file -s file_to_verify.sig < file_to_verify // ``` // // Here are the arguments you may need to change: // // - `allowed_signers` is the path to the allowed signers file. // - `alice@example.com` is the email address of the person who allegedly signed // the file. This email address is looked up in the allowed signers file to // get possible public keys. // - `file` is the "namespace", which must match the namespace used for signing // as described above. // - `file_to_verify.sig` is the path to the signature file. // - `file_to_verify` is the path to the file to be verified. Note that this // file is read from standard in. In the above command, the < shell operator // is used to redirect standard in from this file. // // If the signature is valid, the command exits with status `0` and prints a // message like this: // // > Good "file" signature for alice@example.com with ED25519 key // > SHA256:ZGa8RztddW4kE2XKPPsP9ZYC7JnMObs6yZzyxg8xZSk // // Otherwise, the command exits with a non-zero status and prints an error // message. let mut child = cmd .arg("-Y") .arg("verify") .arg("-f") .arg(allowed_signers_fp.path()) .arg("-I") .arg(&email) .arg("-n") .arg(namespace.as_ref()) .arg("-s") .arg(signature_fp.path()) .spawn() .expect("failed to spawn command"); let mut stdin = child .stdin .take() .expect("child did not have a handle to stdin"); stdin .write_all(token.as_bytes()) .await .expect("could not write to stdin"); drop(stdin); let op = child.wait_with_output().await?; if !op.status.success() { return Err(format!( "ssh-keygen exited with {}:\nstdout: {}\n\nstderr: {}", op.status.code().unwrap_or(-1), String::from_utf8_lossy(&op.stdout), String::from_utf8_lossy(&op.stderr) ) .into()); } Ok(()) } pub async fn logout_handler( _: LogoutPath, mut auth: AuthContext, State(state): State>, ) -> Redirect { auth.logout().await; Redirect::to(&format!("{}/", state.root_url_prefix)) } pub mod auth_request { use std::{marker::PhantomData, ops::RangeBounds}; use axum::body::HttpBody; use dyn_clone::DynClone; use tower_http::auth::AuthorizeRequest; use super::*; trait RoleBounds: DynClone + Send + Sync { fn contains(&self, role: Option) -> bool; } impl RoleBounds for T where Role: PartialOrd + PartialEq, T: RangeBounds + Clone + Send + Sync, { fn contains(&self, role: Option) -> bool { role.as_ref() .map_or_else(|| role.is_none(), |role| RangeBounds::contains(self, role)) } } /// Type that performs login authorization. /// /// See [`RequireAuthorizationLayer::login`] for more details. pub struct Login { login_url: Option>>, redirect_field_name: Option>>, role_bounds: Box>, _user_id_type: PhantomData, _user_type: PhantomData, _body_type: PhantomData ResBody>, } impl Clone for Login { fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self { login_url: self.login_url.clone(), redirect_field_name: self.redirect_field_name.clone(), role_bounds: dyn_clone::clone_box(&*self.role_bounds), _user_id_type: PhantomData, _user_type: PhantomData, _body_type: PhantomData, } } } impl AuthorizeRequest for Login where Role: PartialOrd + PartialEq + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, User: AuthUser, ResBody: HttpBody + Default, { type ResponseBody = ResBody; fn authorize( &mut self, request: &mut Request, ) -> Result<(), Response> { let user = request .extensions() .get::>() .expect("Auth extension missing. Is the auth layer installed?"); match user { Some(user) if self.role_bounds.contains(user.get_role()) => { let user = user.clone(); request.extensions_mut().insert(user); Ok(()) } _ => { let unauthorized_response = if let Some(ref login_url) = self.login_url { let url: Cow<'static, str> = self.redirect_field_name.as_ref().map_or_else( || login_url.as_ref().clone(), |next| { format!( "{login_url}?{next}={}", percent_encoding::utf8_percent_encode( request.uri().path(), percent_encoding::CONTROLS ) ) .into() }, ); Response::builder() .status(http::StatusCode::TEMPORARY_REDIRECT) .header(http::header::LOCATION, url.as_ref()) .body(Default::default()) .unwrap() } else { Response::builder() .status(http::StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED) .body(Default::default()) .unwrap() }; Err(unauthorized_response) } } } } /// A wrapper around [`tower_http::auth::RequireAuthorizationLayer`] which /// provides login authorization. pub struct RequireAuthorizationLayer(UserId, User, Role); impl RequireAuthorizationLayer where Role: PartialOrd + PartialEq + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, User: AuthUser, { /// Authorizes requests by requiring a logged in user, otherwise it /// rejects with [`http::StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED`]. pub fn login( ) -> tower_http::auth::RequireAuthorizationLayer> where ResBody: HttpBody + Default, { tower_http::auth::RequireAuthorizationLayer::custom(Login::<_, _, _, _> { login_url: None, redirect_field_name: None, role_bounds: Box::new(..), _user_id_type: PhantomData, _user_type: PhantomData, _body_type: PhantomData, }) } /// Authorizes requests by requiring a logged in user to have a specific /// range of roles, otherwise it rejects with /// [`http::StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED`]. pub fn login_with_role( role_bounds: impl RangeBounds + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, ) -> tower_http::auth::RequireAuthorizationLayer> where ResBody: HttpBody + Default, { tower_http::auth::RequireAuthorizationLayer::custom(Login::<_, _, _, _> { login_url: None, redirect_field_name: None, role_bounds: Box::new(role_bounds), _user_id_type: PhantomData, _user_type: PhantomData, _body_type: PhantomData, }) } /// Authorizes requests by requiring a logged in user, otherwise it /// redirects to the provided login URL. /// /// If `redirect_field_name` is set to a value, the login page will /// receive the path it was redirected from in the URI query /// part. For example, attempting to visit a protected path /// `/protected` would redirect you to `/login?next=/protected` allowing /// you to know how to return the visitor to their requested /// page. pub fn login_or_redirect( login_url: Arc>, redirect_field_name: Option>>, ) -> tower_http::auth::RequireAuthorizationLayer> where ResBody: HttpBody + Default, { tower_http::auth::RequireAuthorizationLayer::custom(Login::<_, _, _, _> { login_url: Some(login_url), redirect_field_name, role_bounds: Box::new(..), _user_id_type: PhantomData, _user_type: PhantomData, _body_type: PhantomData, }) } /// Authorizes requests by requiring a logged in user to have a specific /// range of roles, otherwise it redirects to the /// provided login URL. /// /// If `redirect_field_name` is set to a value, the login page will /// receive the path it was redirected from in the URI query /// part. For example, attempting to visit a protected path /// `/protected` would redirect you to `/login?next=/protected` allowing /// you to know how to return the visitor to their requested /// page. pub fn login_with_role_or_redirect( role_bounds: impl RangeBounds + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, login_url: Arc>, redirect_field_name: Option>>, ) -> tower_http::auth::RequireAuthorizationLayer> where ResBody: HttpBody + Default, { tower_http::auth::RequireAuthorizationLayer::custom(Login::<_, _, _, _> { login_url: Some(login_url), redirect_field_name, role_bounds: Box::new(role_bounds), _user_id_type: PhantomData, _user_type: PhantomData, _body_type: PhantomData, }) } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[tokio::test] async fn test_ssh_keygen() { const PKEY: &str = concat!("ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAACAQCzXp8nLJL8GPNw7S+Dqt0m3Dw/", "xFOAdwKXcekTFI9cLDEUII2rNPf0uUZTpv57OgU+", "QOEEIvWMjz+5KSWBX8qdP8OtV0QNvynlZkEKZN0cUqGKaNXo5a+PUDyiJ2rHroPe1aMo6mUBL9kLR6J2U1CYD/dLfL8ywXsAGmOL0bsK0GRPVBJAjpUNRjpGU/", "2FFIlU6s6GawdbDXEHDox/UoOVAKIlhKabaTrFBA0ACFLRX2/GCBmHqqt5d4ZZjefYzReLs/beOjafYImoyhHC428wZDcUjvLrpSJbIOE/", "gSPCWlRbcsxg4JGcKOtALUurE+ok+avy9M7eFjGhLGSlTKLdshIVQr/3W667M7bYfOT6xP/", "lyjxeWIUYyj7rjlqKJ9tzygek7QNxCtuqH5xsZAZqzQCN8wfrPAlwDykvWityKOw+Bt2DWjimITqyKgsBsOaA+", "eVCllFvooJxoYvAjODASjAUoOdgVzyBDpFnOhLFYiIIyL3F6NROS9i7z086paX7mrzcQzvLr4ckF9qT7DrI88ikISCR9bFR4vPq3aH", "zJdjDDpWxACa5b11NG8KdCJPe/L0kDw82Q00U13CpW9FI9sZjvk+", "lyw8bTFvVsIl6A0ueboFvrNvznAqHrtfWu75fXRh5sKj2TGk8rhm3vyNgrBSr5zAfFVM8LgqBxbAAYw=="); const SIG: &str = concat!( "-----BEGIN SSH SIGNATURE-----\n", "U1NIU0lHAAAAAQAAAhcAAAAHc3NoLXJzYQAAAAMBAAEAAAIBALNenycskvwY83DtL4Oq3S\n", "bcPD/EU4B3Apdx6RMUj1wsMRQgjas09/S5RlOm/ns6BT5A4QQi9YyPP7kpJYFfyp0/w61X\n", "RA2/KeVmQQpk3RxSoYpo1ejlr49QPKInaseug97VoyjqZQEv2QtHonZTUJgP90t8vzLBew\n", "AaY4vRuwrQZE9UEkCOlQ1GOkZT/YUUiVTqzoZrB1sNcQcOjH9Sg5UAoiWEpptpOsUEDQAI\n", "UtFfb8YIGYeqq3l3hlmN59jNF4uz9t46Np9giajKEcLjbzBkNxSO8uulIlsg4T+BI8JaVF\n", "tyzGDgkZwo60AtS6sT6iT5q/L0zt4WMaEsZKVMot2yEhVCv/dbrrsztth85PrE/+XKPF5Y\n", "hRjKPuuOWoon23PKB6TtA3EK26ofnGxkBmrNAI3zB+s8CXAPKS9aK3Io7D4G3YNaOKYhOr\n", "IqCwGw5oD55UKWUW+ignGhi8CM4MBKMBSg52BXPIEOkWc6EsViIgjIvcXo1E5L2LvPTzql\n", "pfuavNxDO8uvhyQX2pPsOsjzyKQhIJH1sVHi8+rdofMl2MMOlbEAJrlvXU0bwp0Ik978vS\n", "QPDzZDTRTXcKlb0Uj2xmO+T6XLDxtMW9WwiXoDS55ugW+s2/OcCoeu19a7vl9dGHmwqPZM\n", "aTyuGbe/I2CsFKvnMB8VUzwuCoHFsABjAAAAFGRvYy10ZXN0QGV4YW1wbGUuY29tAAAAAA\n", "AAAAZzaGE1MTIAAAIUAAAADHJzYS1zaGEyLTUxMgAAAgBxaMqIfeapKTrhQzggDssD+76s\n", "jZxv3XxzgsuAjlIdtw+/nyxU6skTnrGoam2shpmQvx0HuqSQ7HyS2USBK7T4LZNoE53zR/\n", "ZmHLGoyQAoexiHSEW9Lk53kyRNPhpXQedTvm8REHPGM3zw6WO6mAXVVxvebvawf81LTbBb\n", "p9ubNRcHgktVeywMO/sD6zWSyShq1gjVv1PdRBOjUgqkwjImL8dFKi1QUeoffCxyk3JhTO\n", "siTy79HZSz/kOvkvL1vQuqaP2R8lE9P1uaD19dGOMTPRod3u+QmpYX47ri5KM3Fmkfxdwq\n", "p8JVmfAA9nme7bmNS1hWgmF2Nbh9qjh1zOZvCimIpuNtz5eEl9K+1DxG6w5tX86wSGvBMO\n", "znx0k1gGfkiAULqgrkdul7mqMPRvPN9J6QlNJ7SLFChRhzlJIJc6tOvCs7qkVD43Zcb+I5\n", "Z+K4NiFf5jf8kVX/pjjeW/ucbrctJIkGsZ58OkHKi1EDRcq7NtCF6SKlcv8g3fMLd9wW6K\n", "aaed0TBDC+s+f6naNIGvWqfWCwDuK5xGyDTTmJGcrsMwWuT9K6uLk8cGdv7t5mOFuWi5jl\n", "E+IKZKVABMuWqSj96ErMIiBjtsAZfNSezpsK49wQztoSPhdwLhD6fHrSAyPCqN2xRkcsIb\n", "6PxWKC/OELf3gyEBRPouxsF7xSZQ==\n", "-----END SSH SIGNATURE-----\n" ); let mut sig = SshSignature { email: "user@example.com".to_string(), ssh_public_key: PKEY.to_string(), ssh_signature: SIG.to_string(), namespace: "doc-test@example.com".into(), token: "d074a61990".to_string(), }; ssh_keygen(sig.clone()).await.unwrap(); sig.ssh_signature = sig.ssh_signature.replace('J', "0"); let err = ssh_keygen(sig).await.unwrap_err(); assert!( err.to_string().starts_with("ssh-keygen exited with"), "{}", err ); } }