{% include "header.html" %}
{{ heading(3, "Edit "~ list.id ~"","edit") }}
{{ list.name }} {{ list.address }}
{% if list.description %} {% if list.is_description_html_safe %} {{ list.description|safe}} {% else %}

{{ list.description }}

{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if list.archive_url %}

{{ list.archive_url }}

{% endif %}

{{ subs_count }} subscription{{ subs_count|pluralize }}.

{{ sub_requests_count }} subscription request{{ sub_requests_count|pluralize }}.

{{ post_count }} post{{ post_count|pluralize }}.

List Metadata
Post Policy {% if not post_policy %}
  • Info: No post policy set. Press Create to add one.
{% endif %}
Subscription Policy {% if not subscription_policy %}
  • Info: No subscription policy set. Press Create to add one.
{% endif %}
{% include "footer.html" %}