use melib::Envelope; use rusqlite::types::ToSql; use rusqlite::{Connection, NO_PARAMS}; use std::io::{stdin, Read}; use time::Timespec; use uuid::Uuid; mod error; use error::*; mod api; mod conf; use conf::*; mod cron; mod templates; type Password = Uuid; static PASSWORD_COMMANDS: &'static [&'static str] = &["reply", "unsubscribe", "subscribe", "close"]; use melib::{email::parser, Address}; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Issue { id: i64, submitter: Address, password: Password, time_created: Timespec, anonymous: bool, subscribed: bool, title: String, last_update: String, } fn new_address(s: &str) -> Address { parser::address(s.as_bytes()).to_full_result().unwrap() } pub fn send_mail(d: melib::email::Draft, conf: &Config) { use std::io::Write; use std::process::Stdio; let parts = conf.mailer.split_whitespace().collect::>(); let (cmd, args) = (parts[0], &parts[1..]); let mut mailer = std::process::Command::new(cmd) .args(args) .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .stdout(Stdio::inherit()) .spawn() .expect("Failed to start mailer command"); { let stdin = mailer.stdin.as_mut().expect("failed to open stdin"); let draft = d.finalise().unwrap(); stdin .write_all(draft.as_bytes()) .expect("Failed to write to stdin"); } let output = mailer.wait().expect("Failed to wait on mailer"); if !output.success() { // TODO: commit to database queue eprintln!("mailer fail"); std::process::exit(1); } } fn main() -> std::result::Result<(), std::io::Error> { let mut file = std::fs::File::open("./config.toml")?; let args = std::env::args().skip(1).collect::>(); let perform_cron: bool; if args.len() > 1 { eprintln!("Too many arguments."); std::process::exit(1); } else if args == &["cron"] { perform_cron = true; } else if args.is_empty() { perform_cron = false; } else { eprintln!("Usage: issue_bot [cron]"); std::process::exit(1); } let mut contents = String::new(); file.read_to_string(&mut contents)?; let conf: Config = toml::from_str(&contents).unwrap(); /* - read mail from stdin * - decide which case this mail falls to * a) error/junk * reply with error * b) new issue * - assign random id to issue * - reply to sender with id * - save id to sqlite3 * - post issue * c) reply * d) close * * */ let db_path = "./sqlite3.db"; let conn = Connection::open(db_path).unwrap(); conn.execute( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS issue ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, submitter TEXT NOT NULL, password BLOB, time_created TEXT NOT NULL, anonymous BOOLEAN, subscribed BOOLEAN, title TEXT NOT NULL, last_update TEXT )", NO_PARAMS, ) .unwrap(); if perform_cron { cron::check(conn, conf); return Ok(()); } let mut new_message_raw = String::new(); stdin().lock().read_to_string(&mut new_message_raw).unwrap(); let envelope = Envelope::from_bytes(new_message_raw.as_bytes(), None); if let Ok(envelope) = envelope { let mut reply = melib::Draft::new_reply(&envelope, &[]); reply.headers_mut().insert( "From".to_string(), format!( "{local_part}@{domain}", local_part = &conf.local_part, domain = &conf.domain ), ); let tags: Vec =[0].get_tags('+'); match tags.as_slice() { s if s.is_empty() || s == &["anonymous"] => { /* Assign new issue */ let subject = envelope.subject().to_string(); let body = envelope.body_bytes(new_message_raw.as_bytes()).text(); let from = envelope.from()[0].clone(); let mut reply = melib::Draft::new_reply(&envelope, &[]); let anonymous = !tags.is_empty(); reply.headers_mut().insert( "From".to_string(), format!( "{local_part}@{domain}", local_part = &conf.local_part, domain = &conf.domain ), ); match api::new_issue(&conn, subject.clone(), body, anonymous, from, &conf) { Ok((password, issue_id)) => { reply.headers_mut().insert( "Subject".to_string(), format!( "[{tag}] Issue `{}` successfully created", &subject, tag = &conf.tag ), ); reply.set_body(templates::new_issue_success( subject, password, issue_id, &conf, )); send_mail(reply, &conf); } Err(e) => { reply.headers_mut().insert( "Subject".to_string(), format!( "[{tag}] Issue `{}` could not be created", &subject, tag = &conf.tag ), ); reply.set_body(templates::new_issue_failure(e, &conf)); send_mail(reply, &conf); } } } &[ref p, ref cmd] if Password::parse_str(p).is_ok() && PASSWORD_COMMANDS.contains(&cmd.as_str()) => { let p = Password::parse_str(p).unwrap(); match cmd.as_str() { "reply" => { let body = envelope.body_bytes(new_message_raw.as_bytes()).text(); let from = envelope.from()[0].clone(); match api::new_reply(&conn, body, p, from, &conf) { Ok((title, issue_id, is_subscribed)) => { reply.headers_mut().insert( "Subject".to_string(), format!( "[{tag}] Your reply on issue `{}` has been posted", &title, tag = &conf.tag, ), ); reply.set_body(templates::new_reply_success( title, p, issue_id, is_subscribed, &conf, )); send_mail(reply, &conf); } Err(e) => { reply.headers_mut().insert( "Subject".to_string(), format!( "[{tag}] Your reply could not be created", tag = &conf.tag, ), ); reply.set_body(templates::new_reply_failure(e, &conf)); send_mail(reply, &conf); } } } "close" => match api::close(&conn, p, &conf) { Ok((title, issue_id, _)) => { reply.headers_mut().insert( "Subject".to_string(), format!( "[{tag}] issue `{}` has been closed", &title, tag = &conf.tag ), ); reply.set_body(templates::close_success(title, issue_id, &conf)); send_mail(reply, &conf); } Err(e) => { reply.headers_mut().insert( "Subject".to_string(), format!("[{tag}] issue could not be closed", tag = &conf.tag,), ); reply.set_body(templates::close_failure(e, &conf)); send_mail(reply, &conf); } }, "unsubscribe" => match api::change_subscription(&conn, p, false) { Ok((title, issue_id, _)) => { reply.headers_mut().insert( "Subject".to_string(), format!( "[{tag}] subscription removal to `{}` successful", &title, tag = &conf.tag ), ); reply.set_body(templates::change_subscription_success( title, p, issue_id, false, &conf, )); send_mail(reply, &conf); } Err(e) => { eprintln!("error: {}", e.to_string()); reply.headers_mut().insert( "Subject".to_string(), format!("[{tag}] could not unsubscribe", tag = &conf.tag,), ); reply.set_body(templates::change_subscription_failure(false, &conf)); send_mail(reply, &conf); } }, "subscribe" => match api::change_subscription(&conn, p, true) { Ok((title, issue_id, _)) => { reply.headers_mut().insert( "Subject".to_string(), format!( "[{tag}] subscription to `{}` successful", &title, tag = &conf.tag ), ); reply.set_body(templates::change_subscription_success( title, p, issue_id, true, &conf, )); send_mail(reply, &conf); } Err(e) => { eprintln!("error: {}", e.to_string()); reply.headers_mut().insert( "Subject".to_string(), format!("[{tag}] could not subscribe", tag = &conf.tag,), ); reply.set_body(templates::change_subscription_failure(true, &conf)); send_mail(reply, &conf); } }, other => { reply.headers_mut().insert( "Subject".to_string(), format!("[{tag}] invalid action: `{}`", &other, tag = &conf.tag), ); reply.set_body(templates::invalid_request(&conf)); send_mail(reply, &conf); } } } other => { reply.headers_mut().insert( "Subject".to_string(), format!("[{tag}] invalid request", tag = &conf.tag), ); reply.set_body(templates::invalid_request(&conf)); send_mail(reply, &conf); println!("error: {:?}", other); } } } Ok(()) }