/* * melib - IMAP * * Copyright 2020 Manos Pitsidianakis * * This file is part of meli. * * meli is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * meli is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with meli. If not, see . */ use super::*; impl ImapConnection { pub async fn resync(&mut self, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash) -> Result>> { debug!("resync mailbox_hash {}", mailbox_hash); debug!(&self.sync_policy); if let SyncPolicy::None = self.sync_policy { return Ok(None); } #[cfg(not(feature = "sqlite3"))] let mut cache_handle = DefaultCache::get(self.uid_store.clone())?; #[cfg(feature = "sqlite3")] let mut cache_handle = Sqlite3Cache::get(self.uid_store.clone())?; if cache_handle.mailbox_state(mailbox_hash)?.is_none() { return Ok(None); } match self.sync_policy { SyncPolicy::None => Ok(None), SyncPolicy::Basic => self.resync_basic(cache_handle, mailbox_hash).await, SyncPolicy::Condstore => self.resync_condstore(cache_handle, mailbox_hash).await, SyncPolicy::CondstoreQresync => { self.resync_condstoreqresync(cache_handle, mailbox_hash) .await } } } pub async fn load_cache( &mut self, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, ) -> Option>> { debug!("load_cache {}", mailbox_hash); #[cfg(not(feature = "sqlite3"))] let mut cache_handle = match DefaultCache::get(self.uid_store.clone()) { Ok(v) => v, Err(err) => return Some(Err(err)), }; #[cfg(feature = "sqlite3")] let mut cache_handle = match Sqlite3Cache::get(self.uid_store.clone()) { Ok(v) => v, Err(err) => return Some(Err(err)), }; match debug!(cache_handle.mailbox_state(mailbox_hash)) { Err(err) => return Some(Err(err)), Ok(Some(())) => {} Ok(None) => { return None; } }; match debug!(cache_handle.envelopes(mailbox_hash)) { Ok(Some(envs)) => Some(Ok(envs)), Ok(None) => None, Err(err) => Some(Err(err)), } } pub async fn build_cache( &mut self, cache_handle: &mut Box, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, ) -> Result<()> { debug!("build_cache {}", mailbox_hash); let mut response = Vec::with_capacity(8 * 1024); // 1 get uidvalidity, highestmodseq let select_response = self .select_mailbox(mailbox_hash, &mut response, true) .await? .unwrap(); self.uid_store .uidvalidity .lock() .unwrap() .insert(mailbox_hash, select_response.uidvalidity); if let Some(v) = select_response.highestmodseq { self.uid_store .highestmodseqs .lock() .unwrap() .insert(mailbox_hash, v); } cache_handle.clear(mailbox_hash, &select_response)?; self.send_command(b"UID FETCH 1:* (UID FLAGS ENVELOPE BODYSTRUCTURE)") .await?; self.read_response(&mut response, RequiredResponses::FETCH_REQUIRED) .await?; let fetches = protocol_parser::fetch_responses(&response)?.1; cache_handle.insert_envelopes(mailbox_hash, &fetches)?; Ok(()) } //rfc4549_Synchronization_Operations_for_Disconnected_IMAP4_Clients pub async fn resync_basic( &mut self, mut cache_handle: Box, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, ) -> Result>> { let mut payload = vec![]; debug!("resync_basic"); let mut response = Vec::with_capacity(8 * 1024); let cached_uidvalidity = self .uid_store .uidvalidity .lock() .unwrap() .get(&mailbox_hash) .cloned(); let cached_max_uid = self .uid_store .max_uids .lock() .unwrap() .get(&mailbox_hash) .cloned(); // 3. tag2 UID FETCH 1: FLAGS if cached_uidvalidity.is_none() || cached_max_uid.is_none() { return Ok(None); } let current_uidvalidity: UID = cached_uidvalidity.unwrap(); let max_uid: UID = cached_max_uid.unwrap(); let (mailbox_path, mailbox_exists, unseen) = { let f = &self.uid_store.mailboxes.lock().await[&mailbox_hash]; ( f.imap_path().to_string(), f.exists.clone(), f.unseen.clone(), ) }; let mut new_unseen = BTreeSet::default(); debug!("current_uidvalidity is {}", current_uidvalidity); debug!("max_uid is {}", max_uid); let select_response = self .select_mailbox(mailbox_hash, &mut response, true) .await? .unwrap(); debug!( "select_response.uidvalidity is {}", select_response.uidvalidity ); // 1. check UIDVALIDITY. If fail, discard cache and rebuild if select_response.uidvalidity != current_uidvalidity { cache_handle.clear(mailbox_hash, &select_response)?; return Ok(None); } cache_handle.update_mailbox(mailbox_hash, &select_response)?; // 2. tag1 UID FETCH :* self.send_command( format!( "UID FETCH {}:* (UID FLAGS ENVELOPE BODYSTRUCTURE)", max_uid + 1 ) .as_bytes(), ) .await?; self.read_response(&mut response, RequiredResponses::FETCH_REQUIRED) .await?; debug!( "fetch response is {} bytes and {} lines", response.len(), String::from_utf8_lossy(&response).lines().count() ); let (_, mut v, _) = protocol_parser::fetch_responses(&response)?; debug!("responses len is {}", v.len()); for FetchResponse { ref uid, ref mut envelope, ref mut flags, .. } in v.iter_mut() { let uid = uid.unwrap(); let env = envelope.as_mut().unwrap(); env.set_hash(generate_envelope_hash(&mailbox_path, &uid)); let mut tag_lck = self.uid_store.tag_index.write().unwrap(); if let Some((flags, keywords)) = flags { if !flags.intersects(Flag::SEEN) { new_unseen.insert(env.hash()); } env.set_flags(*flags); for f in keywords { let hash = tag_hash!(f); if !tag_lck.contains_key(&hash) { tag_lck.insert(hash, f.to_string()); } env.labels_mut().push(hash); } } } { debug!(cache_handle .insert_envelopes(mailbox_hash, &v) .chain_err_summary(|| { format!( "Could not save envelopes in cache for mailbox {}", mailbox_path ) }))?; } for FetchResponse { uid, message_sequence_number: _, envelope, .. } in v { let uid = uid.unwrap(); let env = envelope.unwrap(); /* debug!( "env hash {} {} UID = {} MSN = {}", env.hash(), env.subject(), uid, message_sequence_number ); */ self.uid_store .hash_index .lock() .unwrap() .insert(env.hash(), (uid, mailbox_hash)); self.uid_store .uid_index .lock() .unwrap() .insert((mailbox_hash, uid), env.hash()); payload.push((uid, env)); } debug!("sending payload for {}", mailbox_hash); unseen .lock() .unwrap() .insert_existing_set(new_unseen.iter().cloned().collect()); mailbox_exists .lock() .unwrap() .insert_existing_set(payload.iter().map(|(_, env)| env.hash()).collect::<_>()); // 3. tag2 UID FETCH 1: FLAGS self.send_command(format!("UID FETCH 1:{} FLAGS", max_uid).as_bytes()) .await?; self.read_response(&mut response, RequiredResponses::FETCH_REQUIRED) .await?; //1) update cached flags for old messages; //2) find out which old messages got expunged; and //3) build a mapping between message numbers and UIDs (for old messages). let mut valid_envs = BTreeSet::default(); let mut env_lck = self.uid_store.envelopes.lock().unwrap(); let (_, v, _) = protocol_parser::fetch_responses(&response)?; let mut refresh_events = vec![]; for FetchResponse { uid, flags, .. } in v { let uid = uid.unwrap(); let env_hash = generate_envelope_hash(&mailbox_path, &uid); valid_envs.insert(env_hash); if !env_lck.contains_key(&env_hash) { return Ok(None); } let (flags, tags) = flags.unwrap(); if env_lck[&env_hash].inner.flags() != flags || env_lck[&env_hash].inner.labels() != &tags .iter() .map(|t| tag_hash!(t)) .collect::>() { env_lck.entry(env_hash).and_modify(|entry| { entry.inner.set_flags(flags); entry.inner.labels_mut().clear(); entry .inner .labels_mut() .extend(tags.iter().map(|t| tag_hash!(t))); }); refresh_events.push(( uid, RefreshEvent { mailbox_hash, account_hash: self.uid_store.account_hash, kind: RefreshEventKind::NewFlags(env_hash, (flags, tags)), }, )); } } for env_hash in env_lck .iter() .filter_map(|(h, cenv)| { if cenv.mailbox_hash == mailbox_hash { Some(*h) } else { None } }) .collect::>() .difference(&valid_envs) { refresh_events.push(( env_lck[env_hash].uid, RefreshEvent { mailbox_hash, account_hash: self.uid_store.account_hash, kind: RefreshEventKind::Remove(*env_hash), }, )); env_lck.remove(env_hash); } drop(env_lck); cache_handle.update(mailbox_hash, &refresh_events)?; for (_uid, ev) in refresh_events { self.add_refresh_event(ev); } Ok(Some(payload.into_iter().map(|(_, env)| env).collect())) } //rfc4549_Synchronization_Operations_for_Disconnected_IMAP4_Clients //Section 6.1 pub async fn resync_condstore( &mut self, mut cache_handle: Box, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, ) -> Result>> { let mut payload = vec![]; debug!("resync_condstore"); let mut response = Vec::with_capacity(8 * 1024); let cached_uidvalidity = self .uid_store .uidvalidity .lock() .unwrap() .get(&mailbox_hash) .cloned(); let cached_max_uid = self .uid_store .max_uids .lock() .unwrap() .get(&mailbox_hash) .cloned(); let cached_highestmodseq = self .uid_store .highestmodseqs .lock() .unwrap() .get(&mailbox_hash) .cloned(); debug!(&cached_uidvalidity); debug!(&cached_max_uid); debug!(&cached_highestmodseq); if cached_uidvalidity.is_none() || cached_max_uid.is_none() || cached_highestmodseq.is_none() { // This means the mailbox is not cached. return Ok(None); } let cached_uidvalidity: UID = cached_uidvalidity.unwrap(); let cached_max_uid: UID = cached_max_uid.unwrap(); let cached_highestmodseq: std::result::Result = cached_highestmodseq.unwrap(); if cached_highestmodseq.is_err() { // No MODSEQ is available for __this__ mailbox, fallback to basic sync return self.resync_basic(cache_handle, mailbox_hash).await; } let cached_highestmodseq: ModSequence = cached_highestmodseq.unwrap(); let (mailbox_path, mailbox_exists, unseen) = { let f = &self.uid_store.mailboxes.lock().await[&mailbox_hash]; ( f.imap_path().to_string(), f.exists.clone(), f.unseen.clone(), ) }; let mut new_unseen = BTreeSet::default(); debug!("current_uidvalidity is {}", cached_uidvalidity); debug!("max_uid is {}", cached_max_uid); // 1. check UIDVALIDITY. If fail, discard cache and rebuild let select_response = self .select_mailbox(mailbox_hash, &mut response, true) .await? .unwrap(); debug!( "select_response.uidvalidity is {}", select_response.uidvalidity ); if select_response.uidvalidity != cached_uidvalidity { // 1a) Check the mailbox UIDVALIDITY (see section 4.1 for more //details) with SELECT/EXAMINE/STATUS. // If the UIDVALIDITY value returned by the server differs, the // client MUST // * empty the local cache of that mailbox; // * "forget" the cached HIGHESTMODSEQ value for the mailbox; // * remove any pending "actions" that refer to UIDs in that // mailbox (note that this doesn't affect actions performed on // client-generated fake UIDs; see Section 5); and // * skip steps 1b and 2-II; cache_handle.clear(mailbox_hash, &select_response)?; return Ok(None); } if select_response.highestmodseq.is_none() || select_response.highestmodseq.as_ref().unwrap().is_err() { if select_response.highestmodseq.as_ref().unwrap().is_err() { self.uid_store .highestmodseqs .lock() .unwrap() .insert(mailbox_hash, Err(())); } return self.resync_basic(cache_handle, mailbox_hash).await; } cache_handle.update_mailbox(mailbox_hash, &select_response)?; let new_highestmodseq = select_response.highestmodseq.unwrap().unwrap(); let mut refresh_events = vec![]; // 1b) Check the mailbox HIGHESTMODSEQ. // If the cached value is the same as the one returned by the server, skip fetching // message flags on step 2-II, i.e., the client only has to find out which messages got // expunged. if cached_highestmodseq != new_highestmodseq { /* Cache is synced, only figure out which messages got expunged */ // 2) Fetch the current "descriptors". // I) Discover new messages. // II) Discover changes to old messages and flags for new messages // using // "FETCH 1:* (FLAGS) (CHANGEDSINCE )" or // "SEARCH MODSEQ ". // 2. tag1 UID FETCH :* self.send_command( format!( "UID FETCH {}:* (UID FLAGS ENVELOPE BODYSTRUCTURE) (CHANGEDSINCE {})", cached_max_uid + 1, cached_highestmodseq, ) .as_bytes(), ) .await?; self.read_response(&mut response, RequiredResponses::FETCH_REQUIRED) .await?; debug!( "fetch response is {} bytes and {} lines", response.len(), String::from_utf8_lossy(&response).lines().count() ); let (_, mut v, _) = protocol_parser::fetch_responses(&response)?; debug!("responses len is {}", v.len()); for FetchResponse { ref uid, ref mut envelope, ref mut flags, .. } in v.iter_mut() { let uid = uid.unwrap(); let env = envelope.as_mut().unwrap(); env.set_hash(generate_envelope_hash(&mailbox_path, &uid)); let mut tag_lck = self.uid_store.tag_index.write().unwrap(); if let Some((flags, keywords)) = flags { if !flags.intersects(Flag::SEEN) { new_unseen.insert(env.hash()); } env.set_flags(*flags); for f in keywords { let hash = tag_hash!(f); if !tag_lck.contains_key(&hash) { tag_lck.insert(hash, f.to_string()); } env.labels_mut().push(hash); } } } { debug!(cache_handle .insert_envelopes(mailbox_hash, &v) .chain_err_summary(|| { format!( "Could not save envelopes in cache for mailbox {}", mailbox_path ) }))?; } for FetchResponse { uid, envelope, .. } in v { let uid = uid.unwrap(); let env = envelope.unwrap(); /* debug!( "env hash {} {} UID = {} MSN = {}", env.hash(), env.subject(), uid, message_sequence_number ); */ self.uid_store .hash_index .lock() .unwrap() .insert(env.hash(), (uid, mailbox_hash)); self.uid_store .uid_index .lock() .unwrap() .insert((mailbox_hash, uid), env.hash()); payload.push((uid, env)); } debug!("sending payload for {}", mailbox_hash); unseen .lock() .unwrap() .insert_existing_set(new_unseen.iter().cloned().collect()); mailbox_exists .lock() .unwrap() .insert_existing_set(payload.iter().map(|(_, env)| env.hash()).collect::<_>()); // 3. tag2 UID FETCH 1: FLAGS self.send_command( format!( "UID FETCH 1:{} FLAGS (CHANGEDSINCE {})", cached_max_uid, cached_highestmodseq ) .as_bytes(), ) .await?; self.read_response(&mut response, RequiredResponses::FETCH_REQUIRED) .await?; //1) update cached flags for old messages; let mut env_lck = self.uid_store.envelopes.lock().unwrap(); let (_, v, _) = protocol_parser::fetch_responses(&response)?; for FetchResponse { uid, flags, .. } in v { let uid = uid.unwrap(); let env_hash = generate_envelope_hash(&mailbox_path, &uid); if !env_lck.contains_key(&env_hash) { return Ok(None); } let (flags, tags) = flags.unwrap(); if env_lck[&env_hash].inner.flags() != flags || env_lck[&env_hash].inner.labels() != &tags .iter() .map(|t| tag_hash!(t)) .collect::>() { env_lck.entry(env_hash).and_modify(|entry| { entry.inner.set_flags(flags); entry.inner.labels_mut().clear(); entry .inner .labels_mut() .extend(tags.iter().map(|t| tag_hash!(t))); }); refresh_events.push(( uid, RefreshEvent { mailbox_hash, account_hash: self.uid_store.account_hash, kind: RefreshEventKind::NewFlags(env_hash, (flags, tags)), }, )); } } self.uid_store .highestmodseqs .lock() .unwrap() .insert(mailbox_hash, Ok(new_highestmodseq)); } let mut valid_envs = BTreeSet::default(); // This should be UID SEARCH 1: but it's difficult to compare to cached UIDs at the // point of calling this function self.send_command(b"UID SEARCH ALL").await?; self.read_response(&mut response, RequiredResponses::SEARCH) .await?; //1) update cached flags for old messages; let (_, v) = protocol_parser::search_results(response.as_slice())?; for uid in v { valid_envs.insert(generate_envelope_hash(&mailbox_path, &uid)); } { let mut env_lck = self.uid_store.envelopes.lock().unwrap(); for env_hash in env_lck .iter() .filter_map(|(h, cenv)| { if cenv.mailbox_hash == mailbox_hash { Some(*h) } else { None } }) .collect::>() .difference(&valid_envs) { refresh_events.push(( env_lck[env_hash].uid, RefreshEvent { mailbox_hash, account_hash: self.uid_store.account_hash, kind: RefreshEventKind::Remove(*env_hash), }, )); env_lck.remove(env_hash); } drop(env_lck); } cache_handle.update(mailbox_hash, &refresh_events)?; for (_uid, ev) in refresh_events { self.add_refresh_event(ev); } Ok(Some(payload.into_iter().map(|(_, env)| env).collect())) } //rfc7162_Quick Flag Changes Resynchronization (CONDSTORE)_and Quick Mailbox Resynchronization (QRESYNC) pub async fn resync_condstoreqresync( &mut self, _cache_handle: Box, _mailbox_hash: MailboxHash, ) -> Result>> { Ok(None) } pub async fn init_mailbox(&mut self, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash) -> Result { let mut response = Vec::with_capacity(8 * 1024); let (mailbox_path, mailbox_exists, unseen, permissions) = { let f = &self.uid_store.mailboxes.lock().await[&mailbox_hash]; ( f.imap_path().to_string(), f.exists.clone(), f.unseen.clone(), f.permissions.clone(), ) }; /* first SELECT the mailbox to get READ/WRITE permissions (because EXAMINE only * returns READ-ONLY for both cases) */ let mut select_response = self .select_mailbox(mailbox_hash, &mut response, true) .await? .unwrap(); debug!( "mailbox: {} select_response: {:?}", mailbox_path, select_response ); { { let mut uidvalidities = self.uid_store.uidvalidity.lock().unwrap(); let v = uidvalidities .entry(mailbox_hash) .or_insert(select_response.uidvalidity); *v = select_response.uidvalidity; } { if let Some(highestmodseq) = select_response.highestmodseq { let mut highestmodseqs = self.uid_store.highestmodseqs.lock().unwrap(); let v = highestmodseqs.entry(mailbox_hash).or_insert(highestmodseq); *v = highestmodseq; } } let mut permissions = permissions.lock().unwrap(); permissions.create_messages = !select_response.read_only; permissions.remove_messages = !select_response.read_only; permissions.set_flags = !select_response.read_only; permissions.rename_messages = !select_response.read_only; permissions.delete_messages = !select_response.read_only; mailbox_exists .lock() .unwrap() .set_not_yet_seen(select_response.exists); unseen .lock() .unwrap() .set_not_yet_seen(select_response.unseen); } if select_response.exists == 0 { return Ok(select_response); } /* reselecting the same mailbox with EXAMINE prevents expunging it */ self.examine_mailbox(mailbox_hash, &mut response, true) .await?; if select_response.uidnext == 0 { /* UIDNEXT shouldn't be 0, since exists != 0 at this point */ self.send_command(format!("STATUS \"{}\" (UIDNEXT)", mailbox_path).as_bytes()) .await?; self.read_response(&mut response, RequiredResponses::STATUS) .await?; let (_, status) = protocol_parser::status_response(response.as_slice())?; if let Some(uidnext) = status.uidnext { if uidnext == 0 { return Err(MeliError::new( "IMAP server error: zero UIDNEXT with nonzero exists.", )); } select_response.uidnext = uidnext; } else { return Err(MeliError::new("IMAP server did not reply with UIDNEXT")); } } Ok(select_response) } }