melib/nntp: implement refresh

Manos Pitsidianakis 2021-09-05 12:09:29 +03:00
parent 90042379a6
commit c8da6d2049
Signed by: Manos Pitsidianakis
GPG Key ID: 73627C2F690DF710
2 changed files with 95 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -79,6 +79,14 @@ pub static SUPPORTED_CAPABILITIES: &[&str] = &[
#[cfg(feature = "deflate_compression")]
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
@ -102,6 +110,7 @@ pub struct UIDStore {
account_name: Arc<String>,
offline_cache: bool,
capabilities: Arc<Mutex<Capabilities>>,
message_id_index: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<String, EnvelopeHash>>>,
hash_index: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<EnvelopeHash, (UID, MailboxHash)>>>,
uid_index: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<(MailboxHash, UID), EnvelopeHash>>>,
@ -123,6 +132,7 @@ impl UIDStore {
offline_cache: false,
capabilities: Default::default(),
message_id_index: Default::default(),
hash_index: Default::default(),
uid_index: Default::default(),
mailboxes: Arc::new(FutureMutex::new(Default::default())),
@ -234,8 +244,77 @@ impl MailBackend for NntpType {
fn refresh(&mut self, _mailbox_hash: MailboxHash) -> ResultFuture<()> {
fn refresh(&mut self, mailbox_hash: MailboxHash) -> ResultFuture<()> {
let uid_store = self.uid_store.clone();
let connection = self.connection.clone();
Ok(Box::pin(async move {
/* To get updates, either issue NEWNEWS if it's supported by the server, and fallback
* to OVER otherwise */
let mbox: NntpMailbox = uid_store.mailboxes.lock().await.get(&mailbox_hash).map(std::clone::Clone::clone).ok_or_else(|| MeliError::new(format!("Mailbox with hash {} not found in NNTP connection, this could possibly be a bug or it was deleted.", mailbox_hash)))?;
let mut latest_article: Option<crate::UnixTimestamp> =
let (over_msgid_support, newnews_support): (bool, bool) = {
let caps = uid_store.capabilities.lock().unwrap();
caps.iter().any(|c| c.eq_ignore_ascii_case("OVER MSGID")),
caps.iter().any(|c| c.eq_ignore_ascii_case("NEWNEWS")),
let mut res = String::with_capacity(8 * 1024);
let mut conn = timeout(Some(Duration::from_secs(60 * 16)), connection.lock()).await?;
if let Some(ref mut latest_article) = latest_article {
let timestamp = *latest_article - 10 * 60;
let datetime_str =
crate::datetime::timestamp_to_string(timestamp, Some("%Y%m%d %H%M%S"), true);
if newnews_support {
format!("NEWNEWS {} {}", &mbox.nntp_path, datetime_str).as_bytes(),
conn.read_response(&mut res, true, &["230 "]).await?;
let message_ids = {
let message_id_lck = uid_store.message_id_index.lock().unwrap();
.map(|s| s.trim())
.filter(|msg_id| !message_id_lck.contains_key(*msg_id))
if message_ids.is_empty() || !over_msgid_support {
return Ok(());
for msg_id in message_ids {
conn.send_command(format!("OVER {}", msg_id).as_bytes())
conn.read_response(&mut res, true, &["224 "]).await?;
let mut message_id_lck = uid_store.message_id_index.lock().unwrap();
let mut hash_index_lck = uid_store.hash_index.lock().unwrap();
let mut uid_index_lck = uid_store.uid_index.lock().unwrap();
for l in res.split_rn().skip(1) {
let (_, (num, env)) = protocol_parser::over_article(&l)?;
message_id_lck.insert(env.message_id_display().to_string(), env.hash());
hash_index_lck.insert(env.hash(), (num, mailbox_hash));
uid_index_lck.insert((mailbox_hash, num), env.hash());
*latest_article = std::cmp::max(*latest_article, env.timestamp);
crate::backends::BackendEvent::Refresh(RefreshEvent {
account_hash: uid_store.account_hash,
kind: RefreshEventKind::Create(Box::new(env)),
return Ok(());
//conn.select_group(mailbox_hash, false, &mut res).await?;
fn mailboxes(&self) -> ResultFuture<HashMap<MailboxHash, Mailbox>> {
@ -496,6 +575,7 @@ impl NntpType {
nntp_path: k.to_string(),
high_watermark: Arc::new(Mutex::new(0)),
low_watermark: Arc::new(Mutex::new(0)),
latest_article: Arc::new(Mutex::new(None)),
exists: Default::default(),
unseen: Default::default(),
@ -705,6 +785,7 @@ impl FetchState {
let new_low = std::cmp::max(low, high.saturating_sub(CHUNK_SIZE));
high_low_total.as_mut().unwrap().0 = new_low;
// FIXME: server might not implement OVER capability
conn.send_command(format!("OVER {}-{}", new_low, high).as_bytes())
conn.read_response(&mut res, true, command_to_replycodes("OVER"))
@ -718,19 +799,28 @@ impl FetchState {
let mut ret = Vec::with_capacity(high - new_low);
//hash_index: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<EnvelopeHash, (UID, MailboxHash)>>>,
//uid_index: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<(MailboxHash, UID), EnvelopeHash>>>,
let mut latest_article: Option<crate::UnixTimestamp> = None;
let mut message_id_lck = uid_store.message_id_index.lock().unwrap();
let mut hash_index_lck = uid_store.hash_index.lock().unwrap();
let mut uid_index_lck = uid_store.uid_index.lock().unwrap();
for l in res.split_rn().skip(1) {
let (_, (num, env)) = protocol_parser::over_article(&l)?;
message_id_lck.insert(env.message_id_display().to_string(), env.hash());
hash_index_lck.insert(env.hash(), (num, mailbox_hash));
uid_index_lck.insert((mailbox_hash, num), env.hash());
if let Some(ref mut v) = latest_article {
*v = std::cmp::max(*v, env.timestamp);
} else {
latest_article = Some(env.timestamp);
let hash_set: BTreeSet<EnvelopeHash> = ret.iter().map(|env| env.hash()).collect();
let f = &uid_store.mailboxes.lock().await[&mailbox_hash];
*f.latest_article.lock().unwrap() = latest_article;

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@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ use crate::backends::{
BackendMailbox, LazyCountSet, Mailbox, MailboxHash, MailboxPermissions, SpecialUsageMailbox,
use crate::error::*;
use crate::UnixTimestamp;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
@ -34,6 +35,8 @@ pub struct NntpMailbox {
pub exists: Arc<Mutex<LazyCountSet>>,
pub unseen: Arc<Mutex<LazyCountSet>>,
pub latest_article: Arc<Mutex<Option<UnixTimestamp>>>,
impl NntpMailbox {